
  • 网络Vanity Fair
  1. 我要“浮华世界”杂志,MTV的卡森达利,“人物杂志”,超级男孩。

    I want " Vanity Fair , " Carson Daly , " People , " " Teen People , " NSYNC ...

  2. 现在罗伯特已经可以出现在电影《浮华世界》以及《避暑小屋》中了。

    But Pattinson can also be seen in Vanity Fair and The Summer House .

  3. 某些人认为伦敦西区完全是一个灯红酒绿的浮华世界。

    Some people think that the west end is all froth and glitter .

  4. 在喧嚣的浮华的世界,保持灵魂的安宁。

    In the noisy confusion of life , keep peace with your soul .

  5. 我愿意和你离开这个浮华的世界。

    I would like with you to leave the vanity of the world .

  6. 这种追寻的思维使心灵脱去束缚的外壳,得以在更高的领域内驰骋,俯视浮华的世界。

    This kind of thinking mode enables their mind to cast off the bondages , to stand at a higher position , over viewing the buckish world .

  7. 然而,在一个远离巴黎、米兰和纽约浮华的世界中,奥尔特加的时装帝国已经将触角伸向了80多个国家。

    And yet , a world away from the glitz of Paris , Milan , and New York , Ortega has built a fashion empire that reaches into more than 80 countries .

  8. 生活在冰冷的海水里,渴望着水面上浮华奢靡的世界,总以为在那个世界里有让人迷醉的真爱。

    Living in cold waters , eager to flashy extravagance of the world on the water , always think in that world there are people fascinated by true love .