
  • 网络zhejiang cuisine
  1. 糖醋里脊在广东菜里最著名,但在浙江菜、四川菜和山东菜中也占有一席之地。

    Sweet and Sour Pork is a Chinese dish that is particularly popular in Cantonese cuisine and can also be found in Zhejiang cuisine , Sichuan cuisine , and Shandong cuisine .

  2. 浙江菜很可口和甜蜜闻,软的和滑,干净的和不是油腻。

    Chekiang dishes are both delicious and sweet smelling , both soft and slide , clean and not greasy .

  3. 余华在我们匆匆穿过一群群大学生,去往一家经营浙江菜的餐厅途中说,这部小说有时候显得怪诞而粗俗,但社会上真实发生的事情比我笔下所有的故事更为荒诞不经。

    At times the novel is grotesque and crude , but there 's nothing I write about that is more absurd than what goes on in society , ' he says as we rush past crowds of university students en route to a restaurant that serves the cuisine of Mr. Yu 's native Zhejiang province .

  4. 浙江省菜用春大豆的适宜生态型研究

    Review on Suitable Ecotype of Spring Vegetable Soybean in Zhejiang Province

  5. 本文通过对菜用春大豆品种、播种期、密度、施肥以及适宜生态型的研究,提出了浙江省菜用春大豆高产栽培技术和适应浙江省自然生态环境与耕作制度的莱用春大豆生态类型。

    Spring vegetable soybean cultivating techniques for high yield and ecotypes which fits the natural ecological condition and farming system in this region have been put forward by investigating soybean variety , sowing date , plant density , fertilizer applying method in this paper .

  6. 适宜浙江省的菜用春大豆生态类型,生育期(播种至采收)要求早熟品种80d以内,中熟品种在80~85d,迟熟品种在85~95d,不应超过95d。

    The suitable spring vegetable soybean varieties for Zhejiang province planting should be have proper growth period , less than 80 days for early growing variety , 80 to 85 days for medium and 85 to 95 days for late ripening variety respectively .