
  • Jeju Island;Cheju;Jeju-do;Jejudo
  1. 爱茉莉太平洋在华销售额受到兰芝(Laneige)和悦诗风吟(Innisfree)等品牌的中档价位化妆水和面霜的推动,这些产品强调天然成分,例如来自景色美丽的济州岛的绿茶。

    Chinese sales are driven by mid-priced lotions and face creams under brand names such as Laneige and Innisfree , which highlight natural ingredients such as green tea from the scenic Jeju island .

  2. 我已到过济州岛很多次了。

    I 've been in Jeju Island many times .

  3. 船上多数乘客是首尔附近檀园高中(DanwonHighSchool)的学生,他们当时正乘船前往济州岛度假。

    Most of the passengers were students from Danwon High School near Seoul , traveling to Jeju for a brief vacation .

  4. 韩国空军护送大韩航空(koreanair)的747飞机将奥运火种从希腊运往济州岛;再由韩国海军派遣驱逐舰护送渡轮将火种运往韩国本土。

    The South Korean Air Force escorted the Korean Air 747 flying the flame to Cheju Island from Greece ; the Navy dispatched destroyers to escort the ferry that carried it to the mainland .

  5. 自2006年加入该公司以来,这位姓Lee的船长驾驶仁川和济州岛之间的渡船已经有八年时间。

    Identified only by his family name , Lee , the captain has been on the Incheon-Jeju ferry service for eight years since joining the company in 2006 .

  6. 东海黑潮水与陆架水是两种不同性质的水团,以台湾岛以北到济州岛的120m等深线为界来从研究黑潮和陆架水的交换和混合特征。

    With the boundary at isobath of 120 meter from the north of the Taiwan island to the Cheju island , the exchange and mixture of the Kuroshio water and the shelf water is discussed .

  7. 2)济州岛以南在125°30′E与127°E之间在断面C与D存在一个冷的、高密水(HDW),HDW环流是气旋式的。

    2 ) The high dense water ( HDW ) with a cold water is occurred in the region south of Cheju Island between 125 ° 30 ′ E and 127 ° E at Sections D and C. The circulation in the region of HDW is cyclonic .

  8. 对东海陆架、200m以浅海域,主要讨论了东海西南部反气旋涡、济州岛西南气旋式涡和长江口东北气旋式冷涡。

    In the continental shelf above 200 m level in the East China Sea ( ECS ), we discuss mainly an anti - cyclonic eddy in southwestern part of the ECS , a cyclonic mesoscale eddy southwest of Cheju Island and a cyclonic eddy northeast of Changjiang .

  9. 济州岛南部海区的双跃层现象

    Double - thermocline phenomenon in southern sea area of chejudo Island

  10. 我真是没想到在济州岛还有这么好的酒。

    I didn 't expect to find such great wine in cheju .

  11. 在两年前,我去了韩国济州岛。

    Two years ago , I went to Chejudo in south korea .

  12. 我的意思是济州岛太远了。

    I mean , just that the island 's so far away .

  13. 他说要去济州岛看我。

    He 's coming to Cheju to see me .

  14. 济州岛西南冷水区海水中的粒状铁

    Particulate iron in the cold water region on the southwest of cheju & do

  15. 济州岛西南泥质区不同粒级沉积物的元素地球化学特征及物源分析

    Study on Geochemistry Characteristics and Sources in the Mud Area Southwest of Cheju Island

  16. 你可来济州岛吗?

    Can you come down to Cheju lsland ?

  17. 济州岛邻近海域高密水的季节变异特性

    Seasonal variation of the high density water in the sea area near Cheju Island

  18. 济州岛南部海域逆温现象的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of inverse temperature in the southern sea area to the Jizhou Island

  19. 大家好,我在济州岛。

    Hello , I 'm in Jeju .

  20. 去济州岛干什么?

    What was Cheju Island about ?

  21. 济州岛上的主要山脉是汉拿山,汉拿山为一座火山堆,在1007年喷发。

    Cheju Island is the main mountain-Mt Han Mt heap for a volcano in the1007 eruption .

  22. 中国、韩国以及日本的外长于上周日在济州岛举行三方会谈。

    Foreign Ministers of China , South Korea and Japan gathered in Jeju Island on Sunday to launch a trilateral meeting .

  23. 调查人员发现,这艘从济州岛驶出的Namyeong号渡船货物和乘客超载。

    Investigators found that ferry , the Namyeong , which was traveling from Jeju , had been overloaded with cargo and passengers .

  24. 两百万年前火山爆发形成的韩国济州岛是自然和历史的金矿。

    Created from volcanic eruptions two million years ago , South Korea 's Jeju Island is a goldmine for nature and history buffs .

  25. 在8轮激战后,第四届世界麻将大赛于11月14日在韩国济州岛落下帷幕。

    After a battle of 8 rounds , the 4th tournament of World Series of Mahjong concluded in Jeju , Korea on Nov. 14 .

  26. 他们是在前往济州岛的途中,这是一个相当于韩国大小的岛屿,但在数百公里以南。

    They were on their way to Jeju Island , just size of South Korea , but hundred kilometers south . It 's a tourist area .

  27. 同时,中国驻济州岛总领馆和海航旅业正在同韩国方面协商,尽快放船。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese Consulate General in Jeju Island and HNA Cruise are negotiating with the South Korean side for an earliest possible departure of Henna .

  28. 这艘船是在从首尔附近的一个港口驶向济州岛途中发生倾覆,并在两小时内沉没。

    The passenger ferry was traveling to the resort island of Jeju from a port near Seoul when it flipped over and sank in just two hours .

  29. 提出该断裂带与五莲&青岛断裂带和济州岛南缘断裂带一起组成了中朝与扬子块体在黄海海区的边界结合带的认识;

    The whole boundary in Yellow Sea is consisted of Wulian-Qingdao Fault , South Marginal Fault of Jeju Island and the West Margin Fault of Korean Peninsula .

  30. 这家韩国航空公司最近的一次坠毁事件发生在2011年7月28日,当时一架波音747货机掉进韩国济州岛附近的大海里。

    The South Korean airline last suffered a crash when a Boeing 747 cargo plane plunged into the sea off Jeju , South Korea , on July 28 , 2011 .