
  1. 济南都市圈城镇体系的现状评估及发展研究

    The Status Evaluation and Development Studies of Jinan Metropolitan 's Urban System

  2. 济南都市圈区域空间结构处于极核式聚集发展阶段,交通干线为其主要的联结形式,空间形态特征为分散放射开敞式。

    On the concentrating development process , Jinan urban circle space structure shows the feature of emanation , main communications artery as its principal connection .

  3. 本文选取了包含济宁在内的泛济南都市圈旅游品牌体系作为实证研究的对象,检验模型的适用性,并探索出新的济南都市圈的旅游品牌合作体系。

    This paper selected the brands of the cities in " the Jinan capital metropolitan area " including Jining city to test the applicability of the model and explore a new system of metropolitan tourist brands .

  4. 因此本文以城市流为切入点,运用城市地理学、经济地理学、计量地理学和区域经济学等学科理论和方法,借助数理统计与分析软件,对济南都市圈的经济空间联系进行了定性与定量分析。

    Theories and methods of urban geography , economic geography , quantitative geography and regional economics are used . With mathematical statistics and analysis software , economic spatial linkage of Jinan metropolitan area is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively .

  5. 济南都市圈作为山东区域发展战略一群一圈一带的一部分,是东北亚和环渤海经济圈的重要部分,南北承接上海、北京两大都市圈,连接山东半岛城市群。

    Jinan Metropolitan area is as a part of strategies of Shandong metropolitan regional development . It is an important part of Northeast Asia and Bohai-Rim Economic Circle , north-south to undertake two major metropolitan of Shanghai and Beijing , connects Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration .

  6. 济南都市圈是形成于鲁中西部的新型城市圈,伴随着城市化进程的加速发展,各种生态环境问题日益突出,阻碍了济南都市圈的可持续发展。

    The metropolitan area of jinan is a kind of new city circle in Lu Midwest . With the development of the urbanization process , a variety of ecological and environmental problems have become increasingly prominent , hindering the sustainable development of the metropolitan area of jinan .

  7. 济南都市旅游圈构建与发展研究

    The Study of Setting Ji Nan City Tourism Circle

  8. 有针对性地提出了济南都市经济圈发展战略构想和对策建议。

    At last , puts forward several suggestions on thedevelopment strategies in Jinan metropolitan economy area .

  9. 济南都市经济圈的提出是提高济南市经济整体实力,促进济南市乃至山东省经济发展的必由之路。

    In order to develop economy of Jinan and all the Shandong province , we put forward developing metropolitan economy region of Jinan first .