
cè sù
  • velocity measurement
测速[cè sù]
  1. 讨论了GPS测速方法,重点讨论了多普勒测速法,首次以线性方程的形式推导了多普勒单点、单差和双差测速方程。

    Discussed the GPS velocity measurement method emphasized in the Doppler observation . For the first time deduced the Doppler single point , single differential and double differential velocity equations with linear equation .

  2. 本文所论述的基于DSP的视频测速系统,是通过对球体运动过程中的图像信息的获取来计算球体运动的速率。

    The article tells the video velocity measurement system based on DSP , with which people calculates the ball 's velocity by way of getting the ball 's image information during the course of movement .

  3. DSP在交通测速雷达中的应用

    Application of DSP in speed measurement radar for communication

  4. 测速雷达采用连续波雷达体制,利用DSP进行信号处理。

    The speed-measuring using CW radar system and using DSP for signal processing .

  5. 雷达测速中的Robust技术

    Robust Technique in Speed Measuring with Radar

  6. 分布式小卫星系统沿航迹干涉SAR测速去模糊方法

    Deblurring of Speed-Measure of the Along-Track INSAR in the Cluster Micro-Satellite System

  7. CO2相干激光多普勒测速的研究

    CO 2 coherent laser Doppler velocimetry

  8. 基于DSP的等精度测速方法

    DSP-based Method of Equal Observations Speed

  9. 利用优化的系统设计方法,根据测速雷达对信号源的要求,设计的X波段介质振荡器达到了预定的设计指标。

    Using the system optimization method , designed the X band DRO , which reached the desired specification .

  10. CCD在测速中的应用

    Application of CCD in speed Testing

  11. USB系统测速数据电波折射简化修正方法

    A Simplified Method of Radio Wave Refraction Correction for Velocity Measurement Data Processing of USB System

  12. CPLD在电机测速系统中的应用

    The Application of CPLD in Motors Speed Measuring System

  13. 双速电机高精度测速与参数测试SCADA系统开发

    The SCADA System of Measuring Velocity and Parameters Test for Two-Speed Motor

  14. 第五章介绍用GPS解决测试仪的测速和定位技术问题。

    In chapter 5 , using the GPS to solve the problem of measuring speed and distance of the instrument is introduced .

  15. DDS模拟器在测速雷达静态检测中的应用

    Application of DDS Emulator in Velocity Radar Static Examination

  16. 从而证实了基于FPGA的运动表面测速系统在运动表面测速中的可应用性。

    The result of experiment shows the system based on FPGA is applicable to the velocity measurement of solid surface movement .

  17. 基于视频图像Harris角点检测的车辆测速

    Measurement of Vehicle Speed Based on Harris Corner Detector

  18. PIV(粒子图像测速)技术在拖曳水池中的应用面临诸多困难。

    There are many difficulties for PIV technique application in towing tank .

  19. 群聚卫星系统参数对INSAR测高测速精度的影响

    Influence of the distributed satellite system parameter to INSAR precision

  20. 首先介绍GPS的伪距测量定位原理和测速原理,DGPS提高定位精度的原理。

    The theory of the conduct of GPS and of improving location accuracy for DGPS technique is presented .

  21. 分析了激光多普勒测速(LDA)系统校准的必要性,提出了用单一粒子已知的确定速度作为速度标准的新思路。

    This paper analyzes the necessity for the calibration of LDA system .

  22. 针对目前测量高速抛体速度方法中存在的问题,设计了一种基于FPGA的高速抛体测速装置。

    Aiming at the problems of speed measure in recent methods , a device of speed measure based on FPGA was designed in this paper .

  23. 文中还给出一种三孔径干涉SAR动目标检测、定位、测速及成像方法,描述了该方法的检测原理及检测框图。

    The dissertation also gives another interferometric processing method using three apertures to detect , locate and image moving target and describes its processing scheme .

  24. 扩充的Prony方法在测速雷达数据处理中的应用

    Application of Extending Prony Method in Data Processing of Doppler Radar

  25. 粒子图像测速(PIV)技术的发展

    The Development of Particle Image Velocimetry

  26. 并通过对仿真结果的分析,提出在系统着陆期间利用GPS定位和测速数据实行逆风控制的方案。

    Through the analyses of results of simulation , the solution about head wind control is presented that GPS orientation technology and the measured data of velocity should be adopted .

  27. 本文介绍了一种应用单片机技术测量电机转速的新方法,具有测速范围宽(25~25000rev/min)和测量精度高(相对误差<10(-5))等特点。

    The paper introduces a new method of measuring rotational speed on electromotor with singlechip microcomputer , characterized as wide-range & high precision of rotational speed measuring .

  28. 基于频域DPCA的星载SAR动目标检测、测速与定位

    An Algorithm of Moving Targets Detection , Radial Velocity Estimation and Relocation on Spaceborne SAR Based on Frequency Domain DPCA

  29. B3G环境下蜂窝无线定位技术及其应用于测速的研究

    Location Estimation Techniques in B3G Cellular Network and Its Application in Velocity Estimation

  30. JS型测速管的研究

    Research on JS Type Pitometer