
  • 网络Site;Venue;Location;Event Venue
  1. 同时,除发展空间外,对于该民间社团组织来说还有至关重要的三大资源:组织的合法性、资金和活动场地,要获得这些资源,就要充分依靠制度的力量。

    Meanwhile , in addition to the development of space , there are also critical resources to the development : the legitimacy of the organization , funding and activities of the site . To obtain these resources , it must fully rely on the system .

  2. 特别是在进行工程活动场地稳定性评价时,地质环境因素是一个极其重要的因素,它包括地质结构(软弱夹层、软弱结构面等)、活动断层、地应力、地下水、地表水等方面。

    Especially when the evaluation is made for the stability of engineering site , the geological environment factors are very important . The geological environment factors include geological structure ( soft intercalated bed and soft structural plane ), living fault , crustal stress , ground water and surface water .

  3. 由于Linux的内核不是专有的,所以应用软件公司的活动场地处于同等水平。

    And because the Linux kernel is not proprietary , the playing field for application vendors is level .

  4. 结合儿童户外活动场地的宅间绿地规划布置

    Planning-layout on the Homesite Greenbelt combining with the Outdoor Action Ground of Children

  5. 浅谈社区公园中的儿童活动场地设计

    The design of children activity yard of community garden

  6. 长沙地区幼儿园户外体育活动场地现状调查研究

    Research on Kindergarten Outdoor Physical Activities Ground 's Current Situation in Changsha Area

  7. 保护活动场地的公共设施,不得恶意涂划、损坏。

    Protection activities venues of public facilities , not malicious smear zoned , damage .

  8. 儿童活动场地周围,要严格控制有毒的园林植物的使用。

    Children activity venues around , and shall strictly control the poisonous garden plant applications .

  9. 这个大学有宽阔的活动场地。

    The university has extensive playing fields .

  10. 一个富童军色彩的障碍活动场地,数以万计参加者留下难忘的印象。

    A scout style obstacle course , tens of thousand youth participants got memorable images .

  11. 院长停掉他们的资金让他们没了活动场地。

    The ones that lost their practice space when the Dean took away their funding .

  12. 第四,安徽省高校学生武术社团在活动场地、器材和经费等方面很难以得到保证。

    Fourth , apparatus , activities and funds for the association are hard to be guaranteed .

  13. 课外体育活动场地不足,缺乏教师科学指导等是影响大学生体育创造力发挥的主要因素。

    There were not enough sports grounds for ex-curricular sports activities and insufficient instruction from the teachers .

  14. 在瑞迪的教室和活动场地,“适合年龄段”的概念贯穿活动的全方面。

    In the classroom and on the playground , age-appropriate concepts are integrated into all aspects of play .

  15. 有食堂、厕所、浴室等基本用房和室内外活动场地。

    Necessary rooms such as canteen , toilet , bathroom , and indoors and outdoors space for recreation ;

  16. 佛山亚洲艺术公园是第七届亚洲艺术节的重要活动场地。

    Abstract : The Asia Arts Park of Foshan is the important stage of the 7th Asia Arts Festival .

  17. 保持活动场地的整洁,活动结束后,由负责同学进行打扫。

    Venues maintain the cleanliness of the end of the event , conducted by the students responsible for the cleaning .

  18. 城市社区老年人室外活动场地研究&以武汉市5个居住区为例

    Research on outdoor playgrounds for the aged people in urban communities & using 5 residential areas of Wuhan as examples

  19. 吴海山表示,该算法可以由地方政府,主管部门和活动场地运营商应用于监测人群。

    Wu said that the algorithm could be used by local governments , authorities and even venue operators to monitor crowds .

  20. 安徽省城镇中小学体育活动场地现状的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Status Quo of Sites for Primary and Middle School Students ' Physical Activities in Cities and Towns of Anhui Province

  21. 保证幼儿体育的质量,关键之一就是要有科学、合理的幼儿园户外体育活动场地。

    In order to ensure the quality of child sport in kindergarten , the key is having a scientific and reasonable kindergarten outdoor physical activities ground .

  22. 纽约的七个地铁车站被指定为今年活动场地,活动参与者计划在曼哈顿联合广场最终汇合。

    Seven New York subway stops were designated for this year 's stunt , with the group planning to reconvene ultimately at Union Square in Manhattan .

  23. 斯普雷茨还表示,黑猩猩乐园将开启一场行动,再修建四个有草木覆盖的活动场地,每个几英亩大,以便再安置100只黑猩猩。

    Ms. Spraetz also said Chimp Haven would start a campaign to build four more forested enclosures , several acres in size , to house 100 more chimpanzees .

  24. 上个世纪,我们的城市居民拥有了统一规划的住区,有了统一规划的街道、统一规划的绿地以及活动场地,但仍然有许多方面不尽如人意。

    Last century , the urban people own settlement & habitat including street , green land , stage themselves by unify layout though the common conditions were not satisfied .

  25. 美国殡葬协会的杰西卡科思表示,在过去十年里,很多殡仪馆已改建或新建了一些建筑来提供活动场地。

    In the past decade , many funeral homes have remodeled or built new structures to provide an event space , said Jessica Koth of the National Funeral Directors Association .

  26. 越来越多的人们生活在拥挤的城市,没有活动场地,没有自行车道,没有慢跑的道路,没有健身中心。

    More and more people are living in crowded urban areas with no playgrounds , no bicycle paths , no jogging lanes , and no fitness centres , of course .

  27. 自己的户外活动场地让老年人在护理人员的监护下享有各种户外活动。

    The private garden ( the " hortus conclusos ") provides the senior citizens with a variety of outdoor activities and , if necessary , constant supervision by the nursing staff .

  28. 活动场地严重不足,群体内人文环境和群体成员的主体意识是促使群体成员持续进行群体活动的动力源泉。

    The activities sites are in severity shortage . Community cultural environment and community members of subject consciousness are the main power to promote group members into continuing the group activities .

  29. 但是由于相关部门对老年体育健身重视程度不够,以及活动场地、设施不足等原因,导致老年人参加健身体育活动受到一定的限制。

    But there are some problems that a lot of factors have restricted these activities , such as being short of spaces , the relevant departments of local government doesn 't pay attention seriously .

  30. 体育活动场地、器材设备以及辅导站和辅导员的配置尚不到位,应引起有关部门的重视,加大投入,以推动全民健身运动进一步开展。

    Further more , lacking of physical exercising areas , equipments , substation of tutorial and tutor shall be recognized by related government agencies which shall try their best to improve the mass sport .