
dòng tíng hú
  • the Dongting Lake;Lake Dongting
洞庭湖 [dòng tíng hú]
  • [The Dongting Lake] 中国第二大淡水湖,在湖南北部,长江南岸,湖水面积2820平方公里,南面湘江、资水、沅江、澧水注入,北在城陵矶汇入长江,洞庭湖周围为鱼米之乡,现为国家商品粮生产基地之一

  1. 下荆江裁弯对荆江洞庭湖影响分析

    Impact of river bend cut off of lower Jingjiang river on the river and Dongting lake

  2. 洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹拓扑结构与物种组成对应关系

    Corresponding relations between DNA fingerprinting topological structure and species composition of plankton community in Dongting Lake

  3. 江汉~洞庭湖平原区构造沉降GPS监测的数据处理方法

    The data processing in monitoring of structural subsidence in JIANGHAN-DONGTING Lake Plain

  4. 洞庭湖平原区土壤全磷含量地统计学和GIS分析

    Geostatistical and GIS Analyses on Soil Total P in the Typical Area of Dongting Lake Plain

  5. 利用洞庭湖水文观测站、环境监测站和实地考察资料,分析了洞庭湖湿地对氮(N)、磷(P)污染的净化功能。

    Useing of Dongting Lake hydrological observation stations , environmental monitoring data and on-the-spot investigation , Analysising of the Dongting Lake wetland on the N , P pollution-purification .

  6. 基于MODIS数据的洞庭湖水面面积估算方法

    MODIS-based water surface area estimation method of the Dongting Lake

  7. 菰对南洞庭湖湿地土壤中Cu、Sb、Cd、Pb的吸收与富集

    Absorption and Accumulation of Cu , Sb , Cd , Pb in wetland soils by Zizania latifolia From the South Dongting Lake

  8. 基于MODIS的洞庭湖面积变化对洪水位的影响

    Analysis of the influence of Dongting Lake 's area variation measured by MODIS on flood level

  9. 中部和北部偏低从而形成一个U字形的盆地,向北开口,洞庭湖成为一个中心地带。

    The center and northern parts are somewhat low and a U-shaped basin , open in the north and with Lake Dongting as its center .

  10. 介绍了研制的岳阳洞庭湖大桥(三塔双索面PC斜拉桥)全桥静动力试验模型,重点介绍了该模型的结构设计及关键工艺。

    In this paper , the authors introduce a large aluminum made test model of Yueyang Dongting bridge ( three tower PC cable stayed bridge with double cable faces ) .

  11. 采用磁流变(MR)阻尼器对我国第一座三塔斜拉桥&湖南岳阳洞庭湖大桥斜拉索的减振问题进行了试验研究。

    A full scale test of a stay cable incorporated with Magneto rheological ( MR ) dampers is performed on the Dongting Lake Bridge which is the first three pylon cable stayed bridge in China .

  12. 本文提出了用于地物分类的ZS区域生长法,并据以对东洞庭湖卫星照片(简称卫片)进行了地物分类实验研究。

    ZS region growing method is proposed for surface feature classification .

  13. 洞庭湖平原不同稻田生境越冬蜘蛛群落多样性研究trifida发生地土壤昆虫的群落结构及动态。

    Study on the diversity of overwintering spider community in the different Paddyfield habitats of Dongting Lake Plain trifida habitats .

  14. 文章利用描述性统计方法、Gini系数、Lorenz曲线以及concentration指数等方法,对1998年湖南省洞庭湖洪灾区卫生服务调查资料中不同收入和不同受灾情况的人群的卫生服务公平性进行了分析评价。

    The equity of health service for the population at different income levels and different disaster situations in the big flood areas in Hunan province in 1998 was analyzed and evaluated with methods of cross sectional analysis , Gini index , Lorenz curve and concentration index .

  15. 以洞庭湖平原区典型景观单元为试点,利用GPS定位共取得651个耕层(0~20cm)土壤样品。

    A typical landscape unit of Dongting Lake plain was selected as an experimental site . Approximate grid approaches were employed for the sampling scenario in 2004 with 651 Global Position System ( GPS ) established spots sampled in topsoil ( 0-20 cm ) .

  16. 在本文最后部分,利用MODIS-NDVI植被指数对洞庭湖的芦苇长势进行了监测,并对洞庭湖的芦苇生长范围进行了提取。

    At the last part , achieve the MODIS-NDVI to monitor the growth of bulrush of DongTing Lake , and infer the growing range of bulrush .

  17. 由最终预报误差准则(FPE准则)确定最大熵谱的阶数M,得到了东洞庭湖小风区风浪谱的估计公式以及波浪要素与谱的关系式。

    M-order of MEM is determined according to FPE ( Final Predict Error ) rule and a formula of power spectrum estimation of small area in Dongting Lake is proposed . The relationship between wave height and spectrum is also obtained .

  18. 洞庭湖流域洪水模拟与综合治理

    Flood simulation in Dongting Lake drainage area and its synthetic maintenance

  19. 洞庭湖退田还湖区畜牧业资源与环境评估

    Evaluation on resources and environment of animal husbandry in Dongting Lake

  20. 洞庭湖河湖疏浚对洪水位影响分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Lake Dongting Dredging on Flood Elevation

  21. 泥沙淤积与洞庭湖调蓄量变化

    Sediment deposition and variation of flood storage capacity in Dongting Lake

  22. 洞庭湖大桥桥头建筑设计与构思

    Architectural Conception and Design of the Bridgehead of Dongting Lake Bridge

  23. 总体来看,四大家鱼在洞庭湖出现时间为7-11月。

    Four major Chinese carps occur during July-November in Dongting Lake .

  24. 沅江南洞庭湖软体动物资源初步调查

    Investigation on mollusca resources of Southern Dongting Lake in Yuanjiang city

  25. 洞庭湖湿地与农田土壤动物多样性研究

    Soil animal diversity of wetland and farmland in Dongting Lake region

  26. 洞庭湖湿地资源退化的生态经济损益评估

    Wetland Resources Degeneration Eco-economical Benefit and Loss Evaluation in Dongting Lake

  27. 基于支持向量机的洞庭湖水量交换模型

    Water Exchange Model in Dongting Lake Based on Support Vector Machine

  28. 西洞庭湖鸟类物种多样性分析

    Analysis of Bird Diversity in West Dongting Lake , Hunan Province

  29. 南洞庭湖的湿地资源及特点分析

    Analysis of Wetland Resources and Its Characteristics in South Dongting Lake

  30. 近代洞庭湖三角洲发育特征

    The Development Character of Dongting Lake ' Deltas in Neoteric Time