
  • 网络lodi;Lordi;Roadie
  1. 不过,洛迪表示,在释放中国工人的问题上,从来就没有任何“前提条件”。

    Mr Lodi said these had never been " preconditions " for their release , however .

  2. 这些是我方的关切;它们并不是条件,洛迪表示。他否认中国工人正被当作谈判筹码。

    These are our concerns ; it is not like they are conditions , said Mr Lodi , denying the workers were bargaining chips .

  3. 《鼠鼠历险记》讲述洛迪鼠鼠生活在一家豪华的公寓里的故事经历。

    Flushed Away tells the story of Roddy , a rat living a luxurious life in a beautiful apartment .

  4. 请稍停片刻,想想我们多关切自身的利益,远超洛迪人考虑他们的利益。

    Pause now for a moment , and consider how much more solicitous we are about our private interests than the Rhodians have been about their welfare .