
xǐ dí qì
  • scrubber;washer;washing appliance
  1. 为此在脱碳再生塔与CO2压缩机一段入口分离器之间增设洗涤器,比较圆满地解决了CO2夹带碳酸钾的问题。

    Therefore , a scrubber is added between the regenerator in the CO_2 removal section and the separator at the inlet of the first stage of the compressor , thereby solving successfully the problem of entrainment of potassium carbonate in CO_2 .

  2. 由于烟气含尘量较高,动力波洗涤器未达到预期效果,WSA装置也存在核心设备结构不合理、材料选择有缺陷等问题。

    Due to high dust content , DynaWave Scrubber did not attain the performance expected and WSA system also had some problems with structure and materials of key equipment .

  3. 洗涤器FGD技术的过去、现在和未来

    The past , Present and Future of Scrubbing in FGD Technology

  4. 主要研究内容及结果如下:PCF型除尘脱硫洗涤器性能的实验研究和分析。

    The main work and conclusions are listed as follows : Experimental analysis of PCF scrubber performance .

  5. 简要介绍ETACS(ElectronicTimingAlarmControlSystem)对刮水器电机的间歇、洗涤器、安全带、倒车镜加热、预热器系统等的定时报警控制过程及原理。

    This paper briefly introduces controlling processes of alarm timing and principles of Electronic Timing Alarm Control System ( ETACS ) to the intermittence of wiper motor , washer , seatbelt , rearview mirror heating and preheater systems .

  6. 尿素高压洗涤器3203-C上封头修复

    Repair of Upper Shell Cover 3203-C in High-pressure Syringe of Urea Production

  7. 与其他洗涤器相比,PCF型除尘脱硫洗涤器具有压降低、烟气处理量大、吸收速率高、脱水性能好等诸多优点。

    Compared with other scrubbers , the PCF device possesses many virtues such as lower pressure drop , larger flue gas treatment capacity , higher absorption rate , good dewatering performance , and so on .

  8. 了解Bischoff除尘系统的关键部件环缝洗涤器的阻力特性是控制炉内压力控制的重要基础。

    The pressure drop of the annular gap scrubber of the blast furnace is important basis of inner furnace pressure control .

  9. YLX系列逆流洗涤器适用于盐浆的最终洗涤。

    YLX Series Countercurrent Scrubber is used for the final washing of salt slurry .

  10. 采用Calvert洗涤器净化半封闭铁合金电炉烟尘,在达到相同的除尘效率的条件下,阻力降仅有高能文氏管的一半,运转费用也相应下降许多。

    For collecting fine participates emitted from ferro-alloy furnace , a comparison of the Calvert scrubber to a Venturi scrubber on removal efficiency , pressure drop and operating costs is conducted .

  11. 文氏栅洗涤器对燃煤烟气的除尘效率达(90~95)%,对SO2浓度小于1200ppm的烟气的脱硫效率可达90%左右,洗涤器的总阻力仅为1078Pa(110mmH2O)。

    The dedusting efficiencies of the kind of scrubber above mentioned are ( 90 ~ 95 ) % , and the SO2 removal ratios for flue gas are about 90 % at 1200 ppm of SO2 concentration , the pressure drops of both scrubbers are only 1078Pa ( 110mmH2O ) .

  12. 动力波洗涤器在制酸系统技术改造的应用

    Application of Power-wave Scrubbing Unit in Producing Acid System Technique Reform

  13. 文丘里洗涤器除尘操作参数的优化设计与工程实践

    Optimizing the operating parameters of Venturi scrubber and its engineering practice

  14. 气体先在洗涤器内湿润。气液逆喷洗涤器除尘性能的实验研究

    Experimental study on dust removal performance of gas-liquid reverse spraying scrubber

  15. 大型尿素装置高压洗涤器的制造工艺

    Manufacturing Engineering of High Pressure Scrubber of Large Scale Urea Plant

  16. 尿素级不锈钢高压洗涤器的制造

    Manufacture of High Pressure Scrubber with Urea Class Stainless Steel

  17. 大颗粒尿素装置中尿素粉尘洗涤器(塔)开车总结

    Summary of Start-up of Dust Scrubbers for the Plants of Granulated Urea

  18. 冲击洗涤器水位平衡和压力平衡作用的探讨

    Discussion Water Level Balance Function and Pressure Balance Function of Press Washer

  19. 喷雾洗涤器非等温吸收的解析计算

    An analytical calculation of non-isothermal absorption for a spray scrubber

  20. 喷嘴洗涤器洗涤效果和压降

    Scrubbing effect of the nozzle scrubber and its pressure drop

  21. 用动力波逆向喷射洗涤器脱除烟气中的二氧化硫

    Removal of SO_2 from Flue Gas Using Dynamic Wave Reversal Jet Scrubber

  22. 文丘里洗涤器轴向压力损失的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Axial Pressure Change of Venturi Scrubber

  23. 一种高效流化床烟气洗涤器的研制及应用

    The Development and Application of High-duty Fluidized Bed Smoke Scrubber

  24. 特殊结构高压洗涤器的制造与检验

    Manufacture and Inspection of the Special Structure High Pressure Scrubber

  25. 文丘里洗涤器氢氧化钠吸收二氧化硫的传质模型

    Mass Transfer Model for SO_2 Absorption by NaOH Solution in Venturi Scrubber

  26. 动力波洗涤器在煤矿逸散性煤尘治理中的试验研究

    The Study of the Coal Dust Control by Dyna-wave Washer

  27. 卧式错流填料层洗涤器的开发

    Development of a Horizontal Cross Flow Packed Bed Scrubber

  28. 这是脑丘里洗涤器的第一章。

    This is the first chapter of Brain Scrubbers .

  29. 介绍旋风除尘与文丘里洗涤器的设计选型。

    The designs of cyclone and Venturi are presented .

  30. 气体先在洗涤器内湿润。

    The gas is first humidified in a scrubber .