
  • 网络Thai Chinese
  1. 二战后泰国华人参政历程及原因分析

    On the Process of the Thai Chinese Participation in Political and Government Affairs After World War II and their Reasons

  2. 泰国华人对中国传统文化的认同感比起其他国家来,已经是越来越淡漠,失去了以前很浓的中国文化特色。

    Thai Chinese identity of traditional Chinese culture than any other country to have become apathetic , and lost the strong sense of Chinese culture .

  3. 然而,却很少有泰国华人在家里会说华语。

    However , few Thai-Chinese students speak Mandarin at home .

  4. 同姓团体其大宗祠的建设标志着泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动的兴起。

    These halls marked the rise of culture renaissance of overseas Chinese in Thailand .

  5. 第二,继续发挥泰国华人的力量。

    Second , we should continue use the strength of the ethnic Chinese in Thailand .

  6. 19世纪中叶以后,泰国华人社团开始出现,但社团数量较少,处于不活跃状态。

    Since the mid-19th century , the Associations began to appear , but they were small .

  7. 泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动&同姓团体的大宗祠建设

    The Cultural Renaissance of Overseas Chinese Society in Thailand ── Ancestral Halls Construction of Societies of the Same Surname

  8. 泰国华人所使用的汉语也必然会受到泰国特定的社会文化环境的影响而产生一定的变化。

    Thailand Chinese is used by the Chinese Thailand will also be under specific social and cultural environment has a certain change .

  9. 本文从历史发展的时序角度探讨了泰国华人社会的发展演进以及华人在现代化进程中的作用。

    This article discusses the Thailand Chinese community 's development as well as the function of Chinese people in modernization advancement from the historical development succession angle .

  10. 由于历史、人数、经济和华文教育等原因,潮人本身所使用的潮州话(简称潮语),成为泰国华人、华侨的主要通用语言。

    Because of history , population , economy and Chinese education , Teochew Dialect that spoken by Teochews has become the main language among the overseas Chinese in Thailand .

  11. 本文研究能够让我们了解什么是中国传统文化,中国传统文化的一些具体分类,泰国华人的文化特性,华人对习俗和传统礼仪的保留。

    This study allows us to understand what is a traditional Chinese culture , some of the specific classification of Chinese culture in Thailand , and the Chinese customs and traditions of etiquette on the reservation .

  12. 中泰两国友好关系源远流长,数量众多的泰国华人以及日益兴起的学习汉语热都为泰国华人报刊的蓬勃发展创造了良好的社会环境。

    The long standing and well-established relationship between China and Thailand , the large number of Chinese in Thailand as well as an emerging market for learning Chinese create a favorable social environment for the vigorous development of Chinese newspaper in Thailand .

  13. 华彬集团由泰国籍华人亿万富翁严彬(ChanchaiRuayrungruang)所有。2014年,该集团斥资1.35亿英镑,从经营餐饮业的理查德•卡林(RichardCaring)手中买下了温特沃斯俱乐部。

    Reignwood , which is owned by Thai-Chinese multi-billionaire Chanchai Ruayrungruang - also known as Yan Bin - bought Wentworth from restaurateur Richard Caring in 2014 for

  14. 泰国曼谷华人的华语观论泰华语书面语的变异

    View of the Chinese Language Held by the Chinese in Bangkok of Thailand

  15. 由于华人也信仰佛教,泰国的华人在信仰上没有太大的障碍,比较容易融入泰国的主流社会。

    As Chinese believe in Buddhism , Chinese in Thailand have no great obstacle in terms of beliefs , and comparatively easily melt into the mainstream society of Thailand .

  16. 来自西方国家(包括法国,美国,加拿大和澳大利亚)的学生在家里仍然说中文,而在泰国的华人学生已经历了世代的语言转变。

    While students from Western countries ( including France , United States , Canada and Australia ) remained speaking Chinese at home , Thai-Chinese students had already all undergone the generational language shift .

  17. 探讨泰国王室的华人政策,有助于深刻理解华人高度融入泰国的历史和现实。

    Third , studies on the policies of Thai royal court to Chinese will help to fully understand the Chinese assimilation in Thailand in both historical and realistic perspectives .

  18. 20世纪之前,为了学习中国先进的生产技术,泰国王室对华人的政策一向非常友好。

    The policies about overseas Chinese made by the imperial court of Thailand were very friendly in order to study the advanced technological from China before the twentieth century .

  19. 泰国王室认为华人是来抢夺泰人的地盘和钱包的,于是制定严厉的政策来限制华人。

    They thought the overseas Chinese were coming for forcibly occupy turf and money from Thai . So the imperial court of Thailand made many harsh policies to restrict the overseas Chinese .

  20. 同样,虽然一个国家内部的各个民族群体都是按照相同的经济信号行动,可有些群体却比另一些群体做得更好,例如泰国和马来西亚的华人。

    Similarly , although various nation groups , for example , Malaysia and Thailand , act according to the same economic commands , some groups act better than the others .

  21. 华人贸易领域的发展为泰国对外开放后华人经济的发展奠定了基础,华人经济的发展对20世纪泰国经济的发展具有举足轻重的意义。

    Third , the development of Chinese trade helped lay a foundation for Chinese economy development after Siam opening to the outside world . Chinese economy development had vital significance to Thailand economy development in the 20th century .

  22. 以贸易与移民的互动为基本思路研究清代中国人移民泰国的历史和泰国华人社会的形成,为华侨华人的国别史研究填补空白。

    First , Studies on the history of Chinese migration to Thailand , the formation of Chinese community and the interaction between trade and migration will greatly contribute to the micro study of overseas Chinese .

  23. 泰国华校发展受中国、泰国、泰国华人以及世界发展的影响,经历初兴、艰难繁荣、极度衰落、复兴四个阶段。

    The Chinese schools in Thailand have been influenced by the development in China , Thailand , Thai-Chinese and the world since its first establishment .