
ní zhǎo
  • mire;swamp;morass;slough;dog;mudbath;quagmire
泥沼 [ní zhǎo]
  • (1) [morass]∶松软潮湿的或多沼泽的土地

  • (2) [dog]∶湿而松软的地面(放置重物于其上则可能下陷)

泥沼[ní zhǎo]
  1. 我们慢慢的陷入了爱的泥沼。

    We slowly sank into the mire of love .

  2. 泥炭质土是植物遗体在缺氧条件下经缓慢分解形成的泥沼覆盖层。

    The peat soil is the mire layer which formed by the plant remains under the oxygen deficit condition .

  3. 大雨把露营地变成了一片泥沼。

    Heavy rain turned the campsite into a mudbath .

  4. 拖拉机陷入了泥沼

    The tractor is bogged down in the mud .

  5. 安德鲁彭斯(AndrewBurns)是一家开发机构的经济学家,他指出那些曾经深陷债务泥沼的富裕国家,他们的经济正要开始增长。

    Andrew Burns is an economist with the development agency . He says wealthy countries , once struggling with debt , are starting to grow .

  6. 早在2007年8月就已深陷泥沼的定量基金(Quantfunds)依然在运营,并在尝试各种新策略。

    Quant funds , which had their disaster as early as August 2007 , are still in business , and trying out new strategies .

  7. 更为严重的并非经济损失,而是噩梦般的乘车经历以及身陷塞车泥沼时的挫败感已经损害到人们的生活质量,这些是无法通过GDP值表现出来的。

    And beyond the economic costs , nightmarish train journeys and the frustration of sitting in traffic jams damage the quality of people 's lives in ways that are not picked up in GDP figures .

  8. 最终,HP数天之后决定从泥沼之中脱身,宣布将不再支持或者销售TouchPad。

    Finally , HP pulled the plug a few days later , with an announcement that the Touchpad would no longer be supported or sold .

  9. 热带风暴Jeanne使这个加勒比小国身陷泥沼,2500人在洪水和山崩中丧生、数以千计的居民流离失所。

    Tropical Storm Jeanne deluged the tiny Caribbean country . Resulting flooding and landslides killed up to 2,500 people and displacing thousands more .

  10. 美国欧币银行系统现在已是深陷泥沼。

    The American – Euro banking system is in serious trouble .

  11. 连日降雨之后地面简直像泥沼一样。

    The ground is like a swamp after all that rain .

  12. 深陷债务泥沼无法自拔。

    We 're too deep in debt to ever get out .

  13. 或被虚幻的灯火误导,陷入泥沼。

    Or stray in the marshes , by false lights beguiled .

  14. 另外,温室气体主要还储存在泥炭地或泥沼里。

    Peatlands or mires are another major store of greenhouse gases .

  15. 社会的泥沼和流沙也是这个道理;

    So it is with the bogs and quicksands of society ;

  16. 坏心情会使你向下沉沦。坏心情会使你陷入泥沼;

    A bad mood will sink you in the mud .

  17. 他们不得不在很深在泥沼中艰难跋涉,所以进展很慢。

    Progress was slow as they had to trudge through deep mud .

  18. 由于践踏得多了,我们把盐泽的边沿弄成一个泥沼了。

    By much trampling , we had made it a mere quagmire .

  19. 他的车子已陷入泥沼不动了。

    His car has bogged down and won 't move .

  20. 新闻分析:美国是否深陷反恐战争的泥沼?

    News analysis : trapped in the war on terror ?

  21. 军队都陷入泥沼中,行进时烂泥扑哧作声

    The army got bogged down in the thick squelch mud

  22. 尽管深陷战争泥沼歧视依然存在

    Despite the struggles of war , old prejudices remain .

  23. 这个国家陷入债务的泥沼之中。

    The country is caught in a morass of debt .

  24. 生长于北半球湿地和泥沼地区的木贼。

    Scouring-rush horsetail widely distributed in wet or boggy areas of northern hemisphere .

  25. 雨不断地下,车辆陷入泥沼,桥梁被水冲走。

    It rained and rained , vehicles bogged clown and bridges washed out .

  26. 仅有日本似乎深陷疲弱的泥沼。

    Only Japan seems to be mired in weakness .

  27. 软土泥沼地区公路路堤临界高度的确定

    Calculation of the critical height of embankment on soft soil and marshy ground

  28. 你明天得到泥沼地里去找她的鞋哩。

    You 'll have to seek for her shoes in the bog tomorrow .

  29. 瘦长的银色海生鱼,产于热带的泥沼和红树环礁湖。

    Slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons .

  30. 为什么他们一飞冲天,而其他人却深陷泥沼?

    Why do they soar when others sink ?