
  • Foam products;froth pulp
  1. 这是一种泡沫产品。

    This is a foam product .

  2. 但PP的熔体强度低、发泡性能差,很难制得泡孔结构较好的泡沫产品。

    However , the foaming property of PP is ( very ) poor because of its low melt strength .

  3. 通过这些改性方法,PP的发泡性能提高,制得了泡孔结构较好的、满足不同使用要求的PP泡沫产品。

    With these modifying methods , the foaming property of PP was improved , PP foam articles with fine cellular structure were produced to meet the requirements of various applications .

  4. 该阻燃组合聚醚的发泡性能及泡沫产品的性能与进口的同类产品相当。

    The foaming performance of the premix , and the flame retardancy of the foam products are similar as those of congeneric import .

  5. 研究用高梯度磁选的方法,对山西阳泉铝钒土浮选脱铁、钛后的泡沫产品进一步进行分选的可能性。

    The froth product of bauxite flotation eliminating ferro titanic impurity is a waste material , because of high ferro titanic content in it .

  6. 阳泉铝矾土浮选脱铁、钛泡沫产品为一废弃尾矿,铁、钛杂质含量较高。

    In the flotation of Yangquan bauxite ore to remove iron and titanium , the froth product is the tailings to be discarded . Which has high iron and titanium impurity contents .

  7. 另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

    Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .

  8. 目前,我国聚氨酯泡沫剂产品的生产和消费发展仍然十分迅速,展望未来,我国聚氨酯泡沫剂产业可谓机遇与挑战并存。

    At present , the production and consumption of polyurethane foam products still developed rapidly , looking forward to the future , there are both opportunities and challenges in polyurethane foam industry in our country .

  9. 采用泡沫衬垫的产品缓冲包装优化设计的研究

    Study on optimal design of shockproof packaging of product

  10. 利用传统熔体发泡法制备泡沫铝,产品的孔径大小很难精确控制。

    As for traditional foamed aluminum prepared by foaming technique , it is difficult to control the pore size of the products .

  11. 介绍粉煤灰挤塑泡沫复合砌块产品原型构造及热工性能表现,分析其传热过程特点及作为保温材料存在的缺陷。

    The formation and thermal performance about the prototype of pulverized-coal-ash & extruded-foamed-plastic composite masonry unit are introduced , which characteristics in heat transfer processing and the drawbacks as a thermal insulation material are analysed .

  12. 泡沫时期中国权证产品收益率的可预测性研究

    Research of China document product income rate 's predicative research in bubble time

  13. 基金经理应该避开代表了信用泡沫的那些复杂产品(比如担保债务凭证)去选择易于理解的产品。

    Fund managers should also steer clear of the complex products ( such as collateralised-debt obligations ) that marked the credit bubble and pick products that are easy to comprehend .

  14. 气压式内充入纯氮气,不仅可保持阻尼的稳定性,还可减少油液汽化及泡沫化,延长产品有效寿命。

    Gas-filled shock absorber injected with pure N2 , which not only keeps stability of damping force , but also reduce aerification and foaming , meanwhile , extend the effective life .

  15. 介绍了连续生产带状泡沫镍的工艺设计实例,讨论了改进泡沫镍产品性能的方法。

    The paper describes the production design of foamed Ni , with discussion for product 's quality improvement .

  16. 探讨了在高熔点泡沫铁制备过程中,采用超声波搅拌对泡沫铁产品结构性能的影响。

    The effects of ultrasonic stirring methods on the structure and performance of high melting point foam iron products during preparation were explored .

  17. 而通过延长焦化时间可以优化泡沫炭结构、提高石墨化度,进而提高泡沫炭产品性能。

    Prolonging the time of coking can optimize the structure , enhance the graphite degree , and improve the properties of carbon foams .

  18. 以泡沫覆盖通过或好象是通过肥皂泡来扩散另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

    To spread with or as if with lather . Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .