- 网络swamp meadow;Swamp grassland

The quantity of microorganisms in grass steppe was the highest , followed by Kobresia meadow , Polygonum viviparum and swamp meadow .
The types and using prospects for mire grassland in Changbaishan
Of low bogs and meadows of northeastern and central United States and southern Canada .
Many of the bird species that breed in the temperate forests , marshes and backyards of North America spend the winter months in the tropics of the Caribbean , and Central and South America .
These toxic substances most occurred in the plants distributing sub-alpine meadows , which total 157 species and then secondly in the plants distributing in sub - alpine scrub meadow , alpine scrub grassland and cold alpine paludification meadows .
The effect of enclosing and grazing prohibition on the improvment of deteriorated alpine meadow and the alpine swamp meadow was conducted .
The area percentages of temperate steppe type , temperate meadow steppe type , lowland meadow type , marsh type and temperate forage improved grassland are separately 85.11 % , 1.23 % , 12.19 % , 1.19 % and 0.28 % .
Resting happened at meadow which on side the marsh , it proved that the marsh and meadow were important habitat for wintering of Black Stork .