
shā zǎo
  • sand flea;sand hopper
沙蚤 [shā zǎo]
  • [sand flea] 发现于沙地的蚤

沙蚤[shā zǎo]
  1. 有谁会不喜欢整天和沙蚤在一起呢?

    Who wouldn 't want to spend the day with sand fleas ?

  2. 能象跳沙蚤一样跳行的小型片脚甲壳动物;常见于海滩。

    Small amphipod crustaceans that hop like fleas ; common on ocean beaches .

  3. 它能驱走沙蚤吗?

    It 'll keep off sand fleas ?

  4. 小型扁体半陆生甲壳类;鲸虱;沙蚤;麦杆虫属端足类甲壳动物。GB/T14361.2-1993船用纤维索滑车铁壳滑车

    Small flat-bodied semi-terrestrial crustaceans : whale lice ; sand-hoppers ; skeleton shrimp . Ships ' blocks for fibre ropes & Iron shell blocks