
  • 网络shahe river
  1. 通过在三峡大学校园沙河沿岸及沙河出口布点,在2004~2005年对校园生活污水进行了1a的监测,得出各个水质指标的时空动态变化规律。

    Through the monitoring along the Shahe River and at the drainage mouths of the river , we got the campus sewage quality one time per month from 2004 to 2005 , the peper discusses the space-time dynamic change rule of the indexes .

  2. 成都沙河水环境质量调查分析

    Investigation and evaluation about water quality of Shahe River in Chengdu

  3. 基于GIS的沙河市土地利用时空变化分析

    Spatial and Temporal Change of Land Use in Shahe city based on GIS

  4. 得到了H凹陷的地史、热史、生烃史、排烃运移史资料。生烃史和排烃运移史的研究主要对沙河子组地层进行。

    Much of the information about geohistory , thermal history , hydrocarbon generation , migration and accumulation history in respect of the H depression is derived .

  5. 据此,将沙河街组三段划分为3个中期基准面旋回(C3,C2,C1)。

    Therefore , 3rd member of Shahejie Formation can be divided into 3 middle basic level cycles ( C3 , C2 , C1 ) .

  6. 盖层为下第三系沙河街组沙三~4亚段盐岩,厚400~500m,分布范围数百平方公里;

    Overlying formation is salt rock in Es_3  ̄ 4 sub-segment , the thickness of which is 400  ̄ 500m and is distributed to several hundreds of square kilometers ;

  7. 而沙河街一、二段和沙三段储层主要集中在F1断层下盘的中台阶地区及F2断层下盘,其它地区发育一些规模不等的浊积扇。

    In contrast , the fan delta sandstones in Shahejie Formation developed mainly in the area between Fl and F2 faults , and turbidity sandstones locally in the rest of the survey area .

  8. 济阳坳陷中生代以NW向断裂活动为主;新生代早期盆地发育受NW向和NE向断裂共同控制,沙河街组四段沉积后,以NE向断裂活动为主。

    Dominated by NW-trending faulting during the Mesozoic and jointly controlled by NW-and NE-trending faults in the Early Cenozoic , Jiyang depression was then governed by NE-trending faulting after the deposition of 4th Member in the Shahejie Formation .

  9. JZ油气田为沙河街组砂岩油气藏,油田内部完钻探井8口,均获工业油气流,形成了一定的油气地质储量。

    JZ Shahejie oil and gas field is a sandstone reservoir , drilled 8 wells , industrial oil and gas flow were to form a certain amount of oil and gas geologic reserves .

  10. 通过对渤南洼陷沙河街组部分烃源岩、原油、含油砂岩抽提物中的饱和烃化合物进行GC和GC-MS分析,研究饱和烃色谱和生物标志物特征,讨论了沙三段原油的来源问题。

    Through the analysis of GC and GC-MS for saturated hydrocarbon compound of extraction from partial hydrocarbon source rock , crude oil and oil sandstone of Shahejie Formation , this paper studies the color spectrum of saturated hydrocarbon and biomarker features , and discusses oil origin of Sha 3 Member .

  11. 底部层序(SSⅠ)相当于沙河街组三段下亚段,低位体系域不发育,只发育湖侵体系域和高水位体系域,受早期构造沉降和气候控制。

    The bottom of sequence ( SSI ) corresponds to the lower submember of Member ⅲ of Shahejie Formation , characterized by lowstand system tracts undeveloped , only lacustrine transgression system tracts and highstand system tracts developed , all of theses are controlled by the early tectonic subsidence and climate .

  12. 江苏沙河抽水蓄能电站厂房采用竖井半地下式布置,竖井直径为29m,深38m,采用混凝土衬砌。

    Jiangsu Shahe Pumped-storage Power Plant has its powerhouse 's lower part laid in a shaft that is lined with reinforced concrete and 29 m in diameter and 38 m in depth .

  13. 同时,虽然沙河街组一段(Es1)的盐岩较薄,但其分布范围大,对其下部沙河街组二段(Es2)的油气富集起到了非常关键的作用。

    Although the Es 1 halite is thin , its distribution area is large and it would still play the key role in the hydrocarbon accumulation in the 2nd member of Shahejie Fm ( Es 2 ) .

  14. 莱州湾凹陷沙河街组四段含有较厚的岩盐和膏盐层,并在KL112地区发生聚集隆起,形成典型的盐底辟(盐枕)构造。

    In the Laizhouwan depression , the Sha4 Member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation attains thick salt and gypsum which have uplifted and formed salt diapir and pillow in the KL112 area .

  15. 以沙河桥为例,介绍了用钢丝网、钢纤维增强钢筋砼(简称三钢砼)与环氧砂浆粘贴钢板的复合加固措施,解决了大件运输中240t重件通过的技术问题。

    Taking Shahe Bridge as an example , the composite strengthening for stone arch bridges by pouring reinforced concrete that steel wire net and steel fiber included ( 3-steel concrete for short ) and sticking steel plate is presented , and the trailer with 240t loads was successfully transited .

  16. 沙河水库环境污染调查及其环境保护

    Study on the Environmental Pollution and Protection of Sand River Reservoir

  17. 全沙河工模型试验的研究

    An investigation on the total sediment transport model of sandy river

  18. 为同类型山区多泥沙河流滩地开发和保护提供借鉴。

    It provides reference for the same kind of mountain area .

  19. 山东沾化凹陷沙河街组湖泊层序地层研究

    Lake sequence stratigraphy of the Shahejie Formation in the Zhanhua Depression

  20. 多沙河流水库多目标优化调度研究

    Study on Multi-Objective Optimal Operation of the Reservoir on Sediment-Laden River

  21. 沙河抽水蓄能电站工程投资管理与控制

    Management and control of project investment in Shahe Pumped-storage Power Plant

  22. 压力释放阶段(沙河街构造运动&现今)。

    And ③ pressure release ( Shahejie structural movement to present ) .

  23. 多沙河流水库调水调沙研究与应用

    Study on Scheduling of Water and Sediment in Reservoir on Sediment-laden River

  24. 渤南洼陷沙河街组次生孔隙形成机理分析

    Mechanism of Secondary Pore in Shahejie Formation of Banan Depression

  25. 含沙河流水轮机安装高程的选定试验研究

    Test and study on setting height of water turbine in silt-laden river

  26. 港东沙河街泥页岩坍塌机理的研究

    Sloughing mechanism of Shahejie shales in Eastern Dagang oil fields

  27. 沙河预应力矩形渡槽运营期有限元仿真分析

    Finite element simulated analysis in operational process for Shahe prestressing rectangular aqueduct

  28. 成都沙河滨水空间景观综合评价研究

    Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Waterfront Landscape of Chengdu 's Sha River

  29. 多泥沙河流水库汛期优化调度分析研究

    Study of Optimizing Operation of Reservoir on Sediment-laden River in Flood Season

  30. 沙河抽水蓄能电站下水库运行调度

    Operation and dispatching of the lower reservoir of Shahe Pumped-storage Power Plant