
  • 网络Fenhe Reservoir
  1. 汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment for Collapse of F_3 Fault in Spillway Tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir

  2. 汾河水库水源河着生硅藻群落的DCCA研究

    Studies on DCCA of the attached diatom community in headwater rivers of Fenhe Reservoir

  3. 主要介绍山西省汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方冒顶的处理情况,并分析了塌方冒顶的原因,总结了经验教训,为同类工程塌方的预防和处理提供了有益的经验。

    Treatment for rockfall of F3 fault in spillway tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir is introduced and Cause of collapse is analyzed . Experience is gained for the similar project .

  4. 对于水库运用方式,有如下结果:汾河水库死水位汛期应高于淤积高程6m,非汛期应高于4m。

    We also got the results about operation mode of the reservoir as follows : the dead storage in flood season should be 6m higher than the sedimentation elevation and 4m higher in the non-flood season .

  5. 加大水保力度延长汾河水库寿命

    Strengthening Water - and - soil Conservation to Lengthen Fenhe Reservoir Life

  6. 汾河水库左副坝渗流分析

    Seepage Analysis of The Left Auxiliary Dam of Fenhe Reservoir

  7. 汾河水库泄洪排沙隧洞设计方案优选

    Selection on Design Scheme Of Flood-discharging and Sediment-flushing Tunnel of Fenhe Reservoir

  8. 汾河水库水污染现状及对策

    Status Quo of Water Pollution of Fenhe Reservoir and Countermeasures

  9. 汾河水库及河道泥沙冲淤数学模型

    A numerical model for sedimentation in Fenhe reservoir and the adjoining reaches

  10. 汾河水库泄洪隧洞工程优化设计

    Optimum Design of Flood - discharging Tunnel in Fenhe Reservoir

  11. 汾河水库大坝变形分析

    Analysis on the Deformation of the Dam of Fenhe Reservoir

  12. 汾河水库流域人工增雨可行性研究

    Fenhe River Park Feasibility Study of Artificial Precipitation in Fen River Basin

  13. 汾河水库防汛抢险演习的总结

    Summary on Flood - fighting Manoeuvre in Fenhe Reservoir

  14. 汾河水库土坝沉降回归模型

    Regression Model for Earth Dam Settlement of Fenhe Reservoir

  15. 汾河水库及其上游干流水质趋势研究

    Trend of Water Quality in Fenhe Reservoir and Upstream of the Fenhe River

  16. 汾河水库蒸发渗漏水量损失分析计算

    Calculation of Evaporation and Seepage Loss in Fenhe Reservoir

  17. 汾河水库上游流域径流年内分配时程变化规律研究

    Study on the annual runoff distribution in upstream watershed of the Fenhe Reservoir

  18. 汾河水库水情遥测系统上位机管理软件的设计

    The Program Design of Management Software for Water Telemetry System of Fenhe Reservoir

  19. 汾河水库以下输水管线段河道物质组成与冲刷研究

    Study on Components and Scours of Channel Materials in Waterline Section Following Fenhe Reservoir

  20. 池沼公鱼在关河水库、汾河水库的移植效果

    Effect of Transplanting of the Male Pond Fish in the Guanghe and Fenhe Reservoirs

  21. 汾河水库取水工程的水锤防护

    Protective Measures for Water Hammer in Conduits of Water Intake Project , Fenhe Reservoir

  22. 山西省汾河水库流域水土保持治理泥沙与径流变化初探

    Sediment and runoff changes due to soil and water conservation in watershed of Fenhe Reservoir

  23. 汾河水库流域水土保持治理减沙与径流变化分析

    Analysis on run-off variation and sediment reduction for water and soil conservation of Fenhe River Basin

  24. 汾河水库及其上游水质状况及治理保护对策研究

    Research on Water Quality Situation in Fenhe Reservoir and Its Upper River and Control Protection Measure

  25. 生态环境与汾河水库输沙量的灰色关联分析和预测

    Grey correlational analysis and prediction of eco-environment and silt discharge amount to the Fenhe river reservoir

  26. 引黄入并后汾河水库蓄水调度探讨

    Probe into Store Water Dispatching of Fenhe Reservoir after the Water of Yellow River Diverted into Taiyuan

  27. 历史时期汾河水库上游耕地发展与土壤侵蚀之关系

    The Relationship of Farmland Development and Soil Erosion in the Upper-reach of Fenhe Reservoir in Historic Period

  28. 汾河水库以上流域径流变化与洪水频率分析

    Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Runoff and Flood Frequency in the Watershed Controlled by the Fenhe Reservoir

  29. 汾河水库上游水土保持大示范区的生态建设

    Several Proposals on Ecological Construction of Large Soil-and - water Conservation Demonstration Area upstream of Fenhe Reservoir

  30. 汾河水库是引黄水入并的调蓄水库。

    Fenhe Reservoir is a water adjusting and storing reservoir after the water of Yellow River is diverted into Taiyuan .