
  • 网络fenhe river basin
  1. 文章选取了18个与生态系统密切相关的气候因子,使用多元统计的聚类分析方法,对汾河流域34个气象站进行了Q型聚类分析。

    Based on18 climatic factors of34 climatological stations relative to ecology , the classification of ecological climatic distict of Fenhe River basin is studied by Q-cluster analysis method .

  2. 汾河流域降水变化趋势的气候分析

    Climatic analysis of precipitation change trend over the Fenhe river basin

  3. 山丘区河川基流BFI程序分割方法的运用与分析&以汾河流域河岔水文站为例

    Application of Computerized Base-Flow Separation Method with BFI Program in Mountainous Areas

  4. 结果表明:SIMHYD降水径流模型对汾河流域天然月径流过程具有良好的模拟效果;

    And results show that SIMHYD rainfall runoff model has good performance for natural monthly discharge simulation .

  5. 山西汾河流域城市建设的生态审美取向

    The Ecological Aesthetic Orientation of Shanxi Fenhe River 's City Construction

  6. 汾河流域水环境地理信息系统设计

    The Design of the Fenhe River Water-environment Information System

  7. 汾河流域土壤重金属垂直分布规律及地域差异

    Vertical Distribution and Regional Differentiation of Soil Heavy Metals in Fen River Valley

  8. 浅析汾河流域水质污染的防治与修复

    Analysis on the Prevention and Restoration of the Water Pollution of Fenhe Basin

  9. 泥沙冲淤模型在汾河流域上游的应用

    Application of Sediment Scour and Silting Model in The Upland Catchment of Fen River

  10. 汾河流域水资源管理新体制建立研究

    Study on Establishment of New Management System of Water Resources in Fenhe River Basin

  11. 中更新世中晚期以来汾河流域地貌阶段性发育及成因分析

    The analysis on the development of alluvial and lake landform in Fen River drainage basins

  12. 汾河流域土地利用对生态资产的影响&以娄烦县为例

    The Influence of the Utilization of the Land in Fenhe River Valley on the Ecological Assets

  13. 沁河流域的地貌汾河流域地貌发育对构造运动和气候变化的响应

    Response of Landform Development to the Tectonic Movement and the Climate Changes in Fenhe Drainage Basin

  14. 明清时期汾河流域经济发展与环境变迁研究

    The Relation between the Economic and the Environmental in Fenhe River Basin in the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  15. 山西襄汾县:丁村民宅汾河流域临汾段水环境质量现状及对策初探

    Probe into the Present Situation of Water Environmental Quality in Linfen Section of Fenhe Basin and the Countermeasures

  16. 目前,汾河流域的生态环境建设面临巨大压力和挑战,这在城市建设中表现得尤为集中和典型。

    At present , the Fenhe River Basin construction of the ecological environment faced with tremendous pressure and challenges .

  17. 汾河流域水土保持措施水文水资源效应初析

    Preliminary Analysis of Hydrological and Water Resources Effects under the Impact of Water and Soil Conservation Engineering in Fenhe River Basin

  18. 汾河流域水资源合理配置和水生态环境建设的探讨

    Probe into the Rational Distribution of the Water Resources and the Construction of the Water Ecological Environment in the Fenhe River Valley

  19. 汾河流域是全省人口最为密集、生产力布局最为集中的区域,在全省经济社会中占有十分重要的地位。

    The Fenhe River basin has the densest population and distribution of productivity , so it occupies a very important economic and social position in the province .

  20. 笔者运用这一模型对山西汾河流域水资源进行了具体的个案探讨,并进行了水资源分配计算,其结论对汾河沿途各地用水户用水具有一定的参考应用价值。

    The thesis , taking Fen river watershed as an example , works out its water resources division that has reference value for Fen river consumers by applying the model .

  21. 森林作为汾河流域景观的重要组成部分,对流域景观的多样性,物质和能量的交换起着重要的作用。

    Forests , as an important component of the landscape in Fenhe watershed , play a significant role in the landscape diversity of basin and the exchange of material and energy .

  22. 汾河流域面积约占全省面积的四分之一,是山西人口密集区,也是山西的重要的经济区域。

    Fenhe River basin covers about a quarter of the Shanxi area , At the same time , it is also densely populated areas and the key economic region in Shanxi province .

  23. 根据调查,山西现存较完好的古村镇有55处,主要分布在沁河流域、汾河流域、黄河流域两岸。

    According to the investigation , Shanxi Province now has about 55 ancient villages and small towns which still keep their characteristic styles , they mainly distribute in the Qinhe river basin , the Fenhe River basin , and both banks of Huanghe River valley .

  24. 汾河水库流域人工增雨可行性研究

    Fenhe River Park Feasibility Study of Artificial Precipitation in Fen River Basin

  25. 汾河上游流域人类活动影响下的森林覆被变化

    Upstream Fenhe River the Basin Humanity Moves Under the Influence the Forest Cover Change

  26. 山西省汾河水库流域水土保持治理泥沙与径流变化初探

    Sediment and runoff changes due to soil and water conservation in watershed of Fenhe Reservoir

  27. 汾河水库流域水土保持治理减沙与径流变化分析

    Analysis on run-off variation and sediment reduction for water and soil conservation of Fenhe River Basin

  28. 汾河水库上游流域径流年内分配时程变化规律研究

    Study on the annual runoff distribution in upstream watershed of the Fenhe Reservoir

  29. 汾河水库以上流域径流变化与洪水频率分析

    Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Runoff and Flood Frequency in the Watershed Controlled by the Fenhe Reservoir

  30. 近50年汾河上中游流域径流对气候变化的响应分析

    Response of Runoff in Mid and Upper Reaches of Fenhe River to Climatic Changes during the Last 50 Years