
  • 网络horizontal intra-industry trade;horizontal IIT
  1. 贸易开放度的增大会促进两国总体和水平型产业内贸易的发展。

    Increased trade openness will promote the entire and horizontal intra-industry trade between the two countries .

  2. 人均收入对水平型产业内贸易呈现负向影响,人均收入差异扩大对其有促进作用但影响关系不显著。

    Per capita income has a negative influence on horizontal intra-industry trade while expansion of gap between them will improve it .

  3. 结果表明,外商直接投资对我国垂直型产业内贸易有积极的促进作用,而对我国水平型产业内贸易的影响不显著。

    The result indicates that foreign direct investment improves the level of China 's intra-industry trade and vertical intra-industry trade , but the influence of inward foreign direct investment on horizontal intra-industry trade is not notable .

  4. 最后政策建议方面:为了促进我国制成品部门产业内贸易的发展,政府应该逐步调整现行的吸引外资政策,实行国民待遇,促进垂直型产业内贸易向水平型产业内贸易发展;

    To stimulating the intra-industry trade in manufactured division , On the FDI policy , the government should adjust the current policy and adopt national treatment and guide the vertical intra-industry to the way of horizontal one .

  5. 中日制造业产业内贸易类型细分呈现出以低质量产业内贸易为主、高质量产业内贸易次之、水平型产业内贸易比重最低的格局。

    The pattern of intra-industry trade between China and Japan presents the situation of giving the first place to intra-industry trade of low quality , the second place to that of high quality , and the last place to horizontal intra-industry trade .

  6. 分析和计量中日和中新的产业内贸易额,中国与发展中国家之间应提高现有的水平型产业内贸易水平,贸易的广度与深度都应拓展。

    Noting the volume of trade between China and Japan and between China and Singapore , it holds that China and other developing countries should improve the trade level in the existing horizontal intra-industry industry and extend the scope and depth of trade .