
  • 网络water relation
  1. 改进的作物水分关系PV曲线的压力室分析技术

    Improved Pressure Chamber Technique For PV Curve Analysis Crop Water Relations

  2. 研究了外源ALA对干旱胁迫下油菜水分关系、有机渗透物质的积累以及无机离子吸收的影响。

    The effects of ALA on water relations , osmolytes accumulation , and ion uptake under drought stress were investigated in oilseed rape seedlings .

  3. 田间作物水分关系是土壤植物大气连续体(SoilPlantAtmosphereContinuum,简称SPAC)理论的重要研究内容。

    The field crop-water relations are important content of the SPAC ( Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum ) theory .

  4. 干旱区作物&水分关系与田间灌溉水有效性的SWAP模型模拟研究

    Study on Crop-Water Relationship and Availability of Field Irrigation Water Based on SWAP Model Simulation in Arid Area

  5. 黄土高原刺槐林生长与土壤水分关系研究进展

    Review on growth of locust and soil water in Loess Plateau

  6. 有限灌溉条件下作物&水分关系的研究

    Studies on the Relationship between Crop and Water under limited Irrigation

  7. 栓皮栎苗木的水分关系

    Water Relations of Oriental Oak ( Quercus variabilis Bl. ) Seedlings

  8. 杨树几个水分关系指标的主分量分析

    A principal component analysis on some water indices of the poplar

  9. 夏大豆与水分关系试验研究

    An experimental study of the relationships between summer soybean and water

  10. 番茄种子发芽及渗控处理过程中的水分关系

    Water relations of tomato seeds during imbibition and osmotic priming

  11. 干旱条件下四种植物幼苗叶片细胞水分关系的比较

    Comparison in Leaf Cell Water Relations Between Four Species Seedlings Under Drought

  12. 氮磷营养对小麦水分关系的影响

    Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition on water relation of spring wheat

  13. 煤的孔隙特性与煤中水分关系的研究

    Study on relationship of porous characters of coal and moisture in coal

  14. 甘薯水分关系的主分量分析

    The principal component analysis on water relation in sweet potato

  15. 植物的水分关系和光合二氧化碳固定

    The Water Relation of Plants and Photosynthetic Carbon Dioxide Fixation

  16. 土壤&植物系统水分关系的试验研究

    The Experimental Studies on Water Relations of Soil-Plant System

  17. 条锈菌侵染过程中小麦叶片水分关系的变化

    Changes in Water Relations of Wheat Leaves in the Infection Process of Stripe Rust

  18. 不同干旱胁迫方式对小麦水分关系和光合作用的影响

    Effect of Different Types of Drought Stress on Water Relations and Photosynthesis in Wheat

  19. 夏玉米产量与水分关系及其高效用水灌溉制度

    Yield Water Relation and Irrigation Schedule of High Efficient Water Use for Summer Maize

  20. 水分关系研究中探讨了林木与农作物的水分矛盾;

    The water relationship research is to probe the competition between tree and crop .

  21. 干旱沙区陆面蒸散量与土壤水分关系的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of the relationship between evapotranspiration and soil moisture in Arid Sandy Region

  22. 高产冬小麦节水栽培的土壤水分关系分析

    Analysis on Soil Water Relations for Water Saving in Winter Wheat with High Yield

  23. 橡胶树叶片的水分关系特性

    Water relation characteristics in leaves of Hevea brasiliensis

  24. 毛乌素流动沙地植物的水分关系与适宜种植规模

    The Relationship between the Water Relation of Dune Plant and the Suitable Coverage in the

  25. 全球[CO2]变化与植物水分关系

    Relations Between Global Change and Plant Water

  26. 几种旱生植物盆栽苗木的水分关系和抗旱性排序

    A Study on Water Relations and Drought Resistance Ordination of Several Xerophytes under Potted Condition

  27. 土壤极端干旱期树种的水分关系研究

    Study on the Water Relationship in Tree Species in Extra Drought Press of Soil Water

  28. 内源脱落酸和赤霉素对番茄发育果实和种子水分关系的影响

    Effects of Endogenous GA and ABA on Water Relations in Tomato Fruit and Seeds During Development

  29. 研究了土壤干旱条件下盆栽沙棘苗木生长、光合和水分关系的变化。

    Pot-cultured seabuckthorn seedling 's growth , photosynthesis and water relations under soil water stress were researched .

  30. 北京地区葡萄三种主要栽培方式的叶幕微气候和植物水分关系的研究

    Studies of three principal training systems of grapevine on Canopy Microclimate and water relations in Beijing area