
  • 网络Fluosilicic acid;Fluorosilicic acid
  1. 本文叙述了包头铁矿石经还原焙烧后磁选尾矿中稀土矿物,用氟硅酸及其盐类作活化剂,在适当的矿浆pH值及矿浆浓度下,可以顺利地进行浮选回收,获得的结果较为满意。

    Rare-earth minerals in railings obtained after the reduction roast and magnetic separation of Bao tou iron ores can be floated successfully using fluorosilicic acid and fluorosilicates as activating agent at the appropriate pH value and pulp concentration . And satisfactory results can be obtained .

  2. 由氟硅酸制氟化钠和白炭黑的工艺研究

    Study on the Process to Produce Sodium Fluoride and Silica aerogel from Fluorosilicic Acid

  3. 氟硅酸钾制无水氟化氢的aspenplus模拟分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Production Process from Potassium Fluosilicate by Aspen Plus Engineering Software

  4. 磷肥副产的氟硅酸制高纯SiO2研究

    The Research on Producing High Purity SiO_2 with By-product Fluosilicic Acid from Phosphate Fertilizer Production

  5. 本文用DTA法研究了氟硅酸钠分解锆英砂的条件。

    In this paper , the condition of zircon decomposition in the presence of sodium fluosilicate is studied by DTA .

  6. 在适宜的pH和药剂用量时,氟硅酸钠、十二烷基苯磺酸钠和月桂酸钠对滑石在水介质中的分散有一定的作用,它们可以将滑石的分散率提高3%~5%。

    Sodium fluorosilicate , sodium dodecyldenzenesulfonate ( DBS ) and sodium lauric acid exhibit some effects on dispersion of talc particals in liquid , and the dispersion ratios increase 3 % ~ 5 % approximately .

  7. 在银坩埚中以KOH于600℃熔融试样,以氟硅酸钾滴定法测定试样中硅。

    The sample is melted with potassium hydroxide at 600 ℃ in sliver crucible , then silicon in the sample is determined by titrimetry with potassium hexafluorosilicate .

  8. 氟硅酸钾容量法对测定环境条件及操作条件要求高,用其测定低含量的SiO2容易引起较大的分析误差。

    The request of the environmental condition and the determination condition of the potassium fluosilicate method were high , so it was easy to cause the analysis error when the silicon dioxide content was low .

  9. 纯矿物浮选试验结果表明,在pH4~5的弱酸性条件下,氟硅酸铵对赤铁矿浮选的影响较小,而对霓石强烈抑制,从而能够实现两种矿物的浮选分离。

    The results of single minerals flotation test showed that at pH 4 ~ 5 representing a weakly acidic condition , ammoniun fluorosilicate had little effect on hematite flotation but could strongly depress aegirite , realizing a separation of the two minerals by flotation .

  10. 重量法和氟硅酸钾容量法均可作为有效硅的测定方法;在提取过程中,推荐振荡机振荡频率为180r/min,振荡时间80min,振荡机内温度在25~30℃。

    Both gravimetric and volumetric methods are recommended in the measurement of SiO 2 . In the extraction process of available SiO 2 , the recommended shake frequency is 180 r / min , extracting time 80 min and extracting temperature within the shaker 25 ~ 30 ℃ .

  11. 氟硅酸钾快速滴定分析法测定硅的改进研究

    Improvements on Quick Titrimetry in Determination of Silicon with Potassium Fluosilicate

  12. 制备大颗粒氟硅酸钠结晶的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Large Size of Sodium Fluorosilicate Crystal

  13. 35kt/a氟硅酸钠装置设计总结

    Sum-up of Design of 35 kt / a Sodium Fluorosilicate Unit

  14. 急性氟硅酸钠中毒引起窦缓时的电生理变化

    Electrophysiologic study of bradycardia caused by acute poisoning with sodium fluosilicate

  15. 由氟硅酸制高纯二氧化硅和氟化铵

    Preparation of High Purity Silica and Ammonium Fluoride from Fluosilicic Acid

  16. 氟化钡及中间产物氟硅酸钡生产新工艺

    New production technology of barium fluoride and intermediate product barium fluosilicate

  17. 氟硅酸钠干燥采用振动流化床干燥器

    Application of the Vibrating Fluidized bed Dryer for Drying Sodium Fluorosilicate

  18. 氟硅酸提碘的氧化剂选择

    Study of Oxidant Selection for Extracting Iodine from Fluorosilicic Acid

  19. 氟硅酸钾(钠)结晶生长的动力学研究

    Kinetics of Growth of Potassium ( Sodium ) Fluosilicate Crystal

  20. 改性氟硅酸&水玻璃固砂胶粘剂的研制

    Modified Fluorosilicic Acid-Water Glass as Sand Consolidation Agent of Oil-Well

  21. 由氟硅酸制氟化铝的新工艺研究

    Study on the New Process of Making Aluminium Fluoride From Fluosilicic Acid

  22. 在磷酸生产中提高副产氟硅酸钠收率的措施

    Measures to Increase By product Sodium Silicate Yield in Phosphorous Acid Production

  23. 碱熔-氟硅酸钾滴定法测定铁合金中硅

    Determination of silicon in ferroalloys by alkali fusion-potassium hexafluorosilicate titrimetry

  24. 酸分解试样氟硅酸钾容量法测定硅锰合金中的硅

    Determination of Silicon in Mn-Si Alloy by Potassium Fluosilicate with acid-dissolving Samples

  25. 搅拌对氟硅酸钠氨化的作用

    Effect of Stirring on the Ammoniating of the Sodium Fluosilicate

  26. 原料氟硅酸和氯化钠的适宜浓度和预处理方法;

    The pretreatment method and proper concentrations of fluosilicic acid and sodium chloride ;

  27. 冷浸&氟硅酸钾法测定矿石中的二氧化硅

    Determination of silica in ores with COLD-LEACHING by potassium fluoro silicate titrimetric method

  28. 氟硅酸钙A相的组成和晶体结构

    The Composition and the Crystal Structure of Calcium Silico - fluoride Phase A

  29. 由氟硅酸、碳酸氢铵制备高分子比冰晶石

    Preparation of cryolite with high molecule ratio from fluosilicic acid and ammonium hydrocarbonate

  30. 氟硅酸制氟化钠新工艺的研究

    Research on a new technology for preparation of sodium fluoride from silicofluoric acid