
qì xuè jīn yè
  • qi-blood-body fluid
气血津液[qì xuè jīn yè]
  1. 脾主运化,气血津液生化之源。

    Spleen transport , gas blood body fluid biochemical source .

  2. 毒邪久留,若蒸酿气血津液,生成痰瘀,结于关节、皮肤、肾脏等可成痰核、肿块。

    Noxious blood stasis and phlegm accumulate near joint , skin , or kidneys .

  3. 中医气血津液学说与现代免疫学思想

    Discussing Relationship Between Theory of Qi Blood and Body Fluid in TCM and Modern Immunology

  4. 高脂血症血脂和凝血因子与脏腑及气血津液证型的关系探讨

    Relation of Blood Lipids , Blood Coagulation Factors and Zang-fu , Qi-blood Type of Syndrome

  5. 《内经》的气血津液生成理论及其发生学原理

    Formation Theory of Qi , Blood and Body Fluid in " Inner Canon " and Its Genetic Principle

  6. 中风病常见的痰、瘀、火、风等病理产物均由气机逆乱,气血津液运行失常所致。

    Such pathogenic products as phlegm , blood-stasis , fire and stagnation all result from qi-movement disturbance and qi-blood imbalance .

  7. 具有特定生理功能的中医脏腑、经络和气血津液,在形态上也应有其相应的质。

    Viscera , meridian , qi-blood and body fluids in traditional Chinese medical theory may all have objective material forms .

  8. 石油枯竭后可接替的液体燃料是什么?中医气血津液学说与现代免疫学思想

    After Petroleum is Gone , What Then ? Discussing Relationship Between Theory of Qi Blood and Body Fluid in TCM and Modern Immunology

  9. 肺系虚证的形成与气血津液以及痰瘀均有着密切的联系。

    The lungs system Lung is the formation and deficiency of qi , blood , body fluid and phlegm and blood stasis are closely linked .

  10. 临床辨证宜以脏腑辨证为主,经络辨证与气血津液辨证灵活结合。

    Clinical syndrome differentiation should be dominated by Zang-Fu differentiation , Meridian differentiation of syndrome and syndrome of m-blood syndrome differentiation of body fluid and flexible combination .

  11. 气血津液是脏腑功能活动的物质基础,它们的形成和循行依赖于脏腑功能的正常。

    Qi , blood , and body fluid , are the material basis for the functional activities of the zang-fu organs , their formation and circulation depend upon the normal functions of the zang fu organs .

  12. 论述了腹诊的起源与发展,并从脏象、经络、气血津液三个方面分析了胸腹的生理、病理意义。

    The authors suggest the origin and development and fundamentals of abdominal diagnosis of TCM , analyse physiology and pathology of chest and abdomen depended on zang-xiang , meridian , Qi-blood and fluid theory of TCM .

  13. 疾病发展是在营卫气血津液亏虚的基础上加之外邪的逐步侵袭的过程,表现为正气不断亏虚邪气不断发展。

    The development of the disease combined with the gradual invasion of the evils in the business health deficiency of blood and body fluids on the basis of process performance for righteousness constantly deficiency evil is real continuous development .

  14. 人体钙的吸收和利用与体内的气血、津液一样,与脏腑功能活动有密切关系。

    From clinical practice , we get to know that , like vital energy , blood and body fluid , calcium is product of functional movement of internal organs .

  15. 通过气、血、津液概念,卫气与津液、营气与血的关系,论证了传统的气血辨证即为气血津液辨证。

    Blood and body fluid concept . Wei Qi and body fluid . Ying Qi and blood relationship , demonstrated the traditional blood syndrome is a syndrome of blood and body fluids .