
qì duǎn
  • be short of breath;pant;be discouraged;breathe hard;short-winded
气短 [qì duǎn]
  • [be discouraged] 志气沮丧,失去勇气和信心

  • 失败并没有使她气短

  • [breathe hard;short-winded] 易于上气不接下气的

气短[qì duǎn]
  1. 气短44例;

    44 cases with breathe hard ;

  2. 内脏痛的性质模糊,定位不明确,机体的反应强烈,可引起出汗、心悸气短。

    In visceral pain , its quality is obscure , its accurate position in body is unclear , the response of body is greatly intense , such as sudation , tachycardia , breathe hard et al .

  3. 拼命跑一阵后便会觉得气短。

    You pant ( for breath ) after running hard for a time .

  4. 失败并没有使他气短。

    He was not discouraged by failure .

  5. 快爬到山顶时,大家都感到气短。

    By the time we got near the top of the hill , we were all out of breath .

  6. 常见症状有:呼吸加速、出汗、畏惧、气短、恶心、心跳不规律。

    Some of the common symptoms of this phobic condition include rapid breathing , sweating , feeling of dread and irregular heartbeat .

  7. 结果PLC在临床上主要表现为咳嗽、气短;

    Result The clinical manifestations of PLC include : ( 1 ) dyspnea and cough ;

  8. 结果表明:本病临床表现以胸闷气短、咳嗽咳痰、头痛发绀、心动过速、P2亢进、肺部罗音为主。

    The clinical features were dyspnea , chest discomfort , cough , hemoptysis , headache , cyanosis , tachycardia , and rales .

  9. 结果患者多以咳嗽、发热、气短等症状起病,肺部症状可出现于肌肉和皮肤表现之前,导致漏诊或误诊,胸部CT能够较及时发现肺间质病变;

    Results The onset symptoms were mostly cough , fever and shortness of breath . The interstitial lung disease could be found in time by chest CT .

  10. 现在她感觉气短和干咳,胸片显示两肺可疑小结节,CT扫描进一步证实为可疑肺转移性乳腺癌。

    A chest x-ray reveals suspicious nodules in both lungs and a CT scan of the chest confirms that these nodules are suspicious for metastatic breast cancer .

  11. 结论对COPD患者实施护理干预可提高患者对COPD疾病的病因、治疗、诱发因素等的了解;是改善患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等的有效措施。

    Conclusion Nursing interventions to COPD patients could improve symptoms of COPD such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function .

  12. CRF透析患者根据有无胸闷、气短、心悸、心绞痛等临床症状分为有症状组及无症状组。

    The clinical symptom , such as chest tightness , shortness of breath , palpitations , angina or not in dialysis patients .

  13. 目的探讨护理干预组缓解期慢性阻塞性肺气肿(COPD)患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等指标的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of nursing intervention on the symptoms such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function in COPD patients .

  14. 治疗组在对于倦怠乏力、腰膝酸软、气短懒言、手足畏寒、面色无华、大便频多的症状改善方面发现治疗组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    In the improvement of symptomatic : fatigue , weak waist , shortness of breath , chills , lazy word , lustreless face , stool frequency were more improved significantly better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 结果重症SARS患者临床症状中,发热、干咳、乏力、咯痰、头痛、气短、肌肉酸痛等症状较为普遍。

    Results In the patients with severe SARS , the commonly appeared clinical symptoms were found to be fever , dry cough , weakness , coughing with sputum , headache , short breath , and aching pain in muscle .

  16. 结果发现,IPF主要表现为剧烈干咳、进行性气短、紫绀、杵状指趾和肺部捻发音。

    The results showed that the main manifestations of IPF were severe dry cough , progressive short breath , cyanosis , clubbed fingers and crepitant rales in lungs .

  17. 在中医症状疗效方面,两组均能改善胸闷、胸痛、心悸、气短等气虚型心绞痛主次症表现,各项中医症状疗效两组间比较均无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    At the aspect of treatment effect of traditional medicine , both groups could ameliorate the symptoms of angina pectoris of type qi deficiency such as chest pain , chest distress , short breath and so on . But between the experiment and control groups there was no significant difference .

  18. 结果综合组在对心悸气短、恶心呕吐、腹胀、腹痛等症候,生活质量和提高免疫功能方面(NK,OKT4)的作用明显优于中药组(P<0.05)。

    Results The relieving effect on palpitation , short breath , nausea , vomiting abdominal distension and abdominalgia , and the improving effect on living quality and immunologic function in combination group were superior to those in herb group .

  19. 妥洛特罗用于44例慢性肺心病患者,男性30例,女性14例,年龄62±s9a。有明显气短或喘息症状,基础肺功能为中度或重度阻塞性通气功能障碍。

    Forty-four patients ( M 30 . F 14 ; age 62 ± s 9 a ) with pulmonary heart disease suffering from short breath or gasp symptom with moderate or severe obstructive ventilatory disturbance of pulmonary function were treated with tulobuterol .

  20. 他身体不好,胸闷气短。

    Richard was not strong and he had a weak chest .

  21. 过敏症状会产生疹子,气短,和头疼。

    Allergy symptoms are headache , rash , shortness of breath .

  22. 气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。

    Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique .

  23. 心衰的症状包括气短、乏力、下肢水肿、腹水、颈静脉怒张。

    Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath and tiredness .

  24. 你有没有感到恐慌、气短?

    Do you feel panicky ? Are you short of breath ?

  25. 胸闷气短者10例(27.8%);

    Chest stuffy panting , 10 cases ( 27.8 % );

  26. 我总是咳嗽并感到气短。

    I can 't stop coughing and I feel short of breath .

  27. 结论二尖瓣肿瘤的临床表现多为劳累后心慌气短。

    Conclusion The commonest clinical manifestation was exertional dyspnea .

  28. 气促气短为50.0%;

    The short of breath pants is 50.0 % ;

  29. 18例患者牵引后出现胸闷、气短。

    After traction , chest distress and short breath occurred in 18 patients .

  30. 气短、咳嗽及肺部爆裂音及湿性啰音是主要的症状和体征。

    Dyspnea , cough , inspiratory crackles were the most common symptoms and signs .