
  • 网络Gas impurities;ppm max
  1. SF6气体杂质与潜伏性故障诊断技术研究

    Study on SF_6 Gas Impurities and Potential Faults Diagnosis

  2. 阳极气体杂质对PEM燃料电池性能的影响

    Effects of fuel contaminations in anode on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell

  3. 论述了城市空气污染物(即阴极气体杂质)对质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)性能的影响。

    This paper reviews the influence of air contaminants , i.e. , impurities in air stream of cathode , on the performance of proton exchange membrane of fuel cells ( PEMFC ) .

  4. 并达到了美国试验和材料协会(ASTM)在快堆覆盖气体杂质的标准中提出的分析氩气中杂质CH4和CO2的标准。

    The detection limit arrives at a standard of ASTM ( American society for testing and materials ) too , which is a standard for analyzing carbon monoxide in cover gas argon for fast neutron reactor .

  5. 丁二烯中痕量气体杂质的分析

    Determination of trace amount of gaseous impurities in butadiene

  6. 裂解气中痕量杂质的测定丁二烯中痕量气体杂质的分析


  7. 论述了放电离子化检测器在高纯气体杂质成分分析中的应用。

    The paper describes the application of gas chromatography with discharge ionization detector which analyzes the content of impurities in high purity gases .

  8. 阐述了固、液、气体杂质和温度对液压油使用性能的影响,以及其控制方法。

    The pollution of solid impurity , liquid impurity , air and temperature on hydraulic oil is explicated . The control methods are presented .

  9. 实验出一种色质联用法测定荧光灯中气体杂质及充气压强的新方法。

    A new method for the determination of gaseous impurities and filled argon pressure in fluorescent lamp by GC / MS has been established .

  10. 本文提出一简便的气相色谱法,用于分析丁二烯中含2-100ppm的气体杂质。

    A simple gas chromatographic method has been developed for the analysis of gaseous impurities in the range of 2-100 ppm in butadiene . A high sensitive catharometer with tungsten filament was used as a detector ;

  11. 简要介绍了气侵、气锥形成机理和合理的注气工艺及预防注入水和CO2气体中杂质带来的油层伤害措施;

    Tersely illustrates the forming mechanism of gas cutting and gas coning with their reasonable gas flooding technology , measures of preventing impurities in water and CO 2 causing the damage of reservoir ;

  12. 偏滤器抽气系统是托卡马克装置重要组成部件,其作用是排除氦灰、未反应的燃料气体及杂质粒子,提高偏滤器性能。

    The pumping system of divertor is important to tokomak . The purpose of the system is to pump helium ash , unburned fuels and the impurities to enhance the performance of divertor .

  13. CO2气体中的杂质对CO2焊焊接质量的影响

    Effect of impurities in co_2 gas on weld quality for co_ 2 arc welding

  14. 高纯气体中痕量杂质的气相色谱分析

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Trace Impurities in High Purity Gases

  15. 燃料气体中的杂质必须加以清除;

    Impurities in the fuel gas must be cleared .

  16. 从气体中祛除杂质的装置。

    A device that removes impurities from a gas .

  17. 利用贝壳吸附材料的特殊微观结构,可作为各种气体和液体杂质,或各种细菌的高效吸附剂,是一种应用前景十分广阔的新型功能材料。

    It is an absorption material with high absorption performance , which can be used as an efficient adsorbent for gas and liquid containing impurities , or germs .

  18. 但是SF6电气设备中的气体不可避免的含有杂质,在电弧作用下,这些杂质容易与SF6气体的分解物反应生成毒性物质,从而腐蚀电气设备,降低设备绝缘能力。

    Under the arc action , the impurity can easily react with the decomposed product of SF_6 , and then produce poison which can corrupt electric equipment , degrade its insulation performance .

  19. 生产过程中必须连续地监测气体的质量和杂质。

    Gas production should be continuously monitored for quality and impurities .

  20. 采用双光源双探测器光路对其它气体、粉尘等杂质实现补偿;

    Double lamp-houses and double detectors was adopted to compensate the influence of impure gases and dusts .

  21. 夹杂气体多半为“杂质”,不利于多面晶体的长大。

    Foreign gases act mostly as " impurities ", and are detrimental for the growth of faceted crystals .

  22. 包括半导体制造业在内的许多工业应用要求高纯度气体具有最少的杂质。

    High purity gases are required to have minimal contaminants by many industrial applications , including semiconductor manufacturing .

  23. 提出了超高纯气体输配管路系统的设计目标和该系统安装应达到的技术标准,最终应达到或满足输送气体的中的杂质含量低于ppb级的水平。

    The article put forwards design target and install criterion of the super high purity gases distribution piping system , in order finally to get below ppb level of impurity contents in gases .