
  1. 利用Laplace变换引入初值条件后推导出拉氏域上的有限元计算公式,经求解后再通过Laplace数值逆变换求得时间域上各给定时刻的解答。

    With the initial condition added by Laplace transform , the finite element equations in the Laplace domain are founded . Finally , the responses at given moments in the time domain are obtained by numerical inversion of Laplace transforms .

  2. 给出闵氏空间上矩阵乘积交换性的一些结论。

    Some result of commutativity in Minkowski space are given .

  3. 西部金融结构不但面临戈氏意义上的金融模式转变,更要面临金融体制的转轨。

    The financial structure of the west not only faces the change of financial mode in the meaning of Goldsmiths , but also the transition of bank system .

  4. 一位德国顾客上月在士力架巧克力棒中发现了一片红色塑料之后,美国巧克力巨头玛氏公司上周二下令在全球范围内大规模召回其荷兰工厂出产的巧克力产品。

    US chocolate giant Mars Tuesday ordered a massive international recall of Mars and Snickers bars made at its Dutch factory after a customer in Germany found a piece of red plastic in his Snickers bar last month .

  5. 这份报告在7月中旬召开的国际阿尔茨海默氏症会议上提交,它集中研究了围绕着ApoE基因的DNA。

    The report , given in mid-July at the International Conference on Alzheimer 's Disease , concentrated on DNA surrounding the ApoE gene .

  6. 接种于沙氏培养基上培养分离原代菌落,再转种到米饭培养基上,25℃~28℃下培养,2d后观察。

    Then the primary colonies were isolated , trans - inoculated to rice grain media and cultured at 25 ℃~ 28 ℃ . The cultures were observed and photographed under a microscope 2 clays after the trans-inoculation .

  7. 在经典的Mie氏理论基础上,给出了两相介质中微小颗粒对入射光进行散射的有关物理量,如强度函数、消光系数、散射系数等的MATLAB数值计算方法。

    Based on the classical Mie ′ s Theory and MATLAB , a numerical calculation method of different physical quantities about light scattering by small particles in two phase flow such as intensity functions , extinction coefficient and scattering coefficient is introduced .

  8. 给定n∈Z,在卡氏积Z2上构造了一种环结构Z2n,讨论了广义高斯整数环的基本性质,并且利用Pell方程得到了此环的所有可逆元。

    In this paper , we construct a ring structure on Z ~ 2 for any n ∈ Z , and discuss its basis properties . Moreover we obtain all the invertible elements of the ring using Pell equation .

  9. 贝氏体分上贝氏体和下贝氏体。

    Bainite can be classified into upper bainite and lower bainite .

  10. 单克隆抗体在鸡传染性法氏囊病上的应用

    The application of McAb in infectious bursal disease of chickens

  11. 激光在国家基准洛氏硬度机上的应用

    Application of Laser to the National Standard Rockwell Hardness Meter

  12. 库欣氏症加上压力等于高血压危象。

    Cushing 's plus stress equals hypertensive crisis .

  13. 许许多多研究人员在沙门氏菌检测上已经采用了荧光抗体技术。

    A number of investigators have used the fluorescent-antibody ( FA ) technique for Salmonella detection .

  14. 1928年,亚历山大•弗莱明在发霉的皮氏培养皿上偶然发现了青霉素,由此开启了医学新时代。

    The fortuitous discovery of penicillin on a moldy Petri dish in1928 by Alexandar Fleming launched a new era in medicine .

  15. 这是人类情感的绝对价值——喜悦的大事,有时在芮氏地震仪上显示出彻底的创伤;

    This is the absolute value of human emotion - joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ;

  16. 八个月后,在哈弗氏骨板上出现材料颗粒,形成典型的松质骨结构。

    The granules of material were found on the Haversian lamella 8 months after operation . The typical structure of spongy bone formed .

  17. 但尽管在文明社会有如此之广的覆盖面并如此深入地抓住了消费者的腰包,玛氏仍是世界上最神秘、最远离人群而且最不为人所了解的跨国企业之一。

    But despite that reach across civilization and into customer pockets , Mars is among the most secretive , insular , and little understood multinational companies around .

  18. 结果表明,核黄素不足的鸡,雪旺氏细胞和轴突中琥珀酸脱氢酶活性下降,酸性磷酸酶活性明显升高,定位于雪旺氏细胞膜上的腺苷三磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均下降。

    The results showed that the SDH activity decreased in Schwann cells and axons , but the ACP increased obviously , both the ATPase and AKP in Schwann cell membrane decreased .

  19. 这是人类情感的绝对价值&喜悦的大事,有时在芮氏地震仪上显示出彻底的创伤;而可怕的悲痛有时让我们突然大笑起来。

    This is the absolute value of human emotion & joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ; dreadful grief makes us some-times burst out laughing .

  20. 对高强度镀锌钢板激光焊接接头的显微组织进行观测分类,发现焊接接头中包含了低碳马氏体,下贝氏体,上贝氏体,珠光体及铁素体等组织。

    The microstructure of laser welding joint of high strength galvanized steel was observed , it consists of martensite , lower bainite , upper bainite , similar pearlite , pearlite and ferrite .

  21. 亚温等温复相组织中的贝氏体类似低温上贝氏体(BⅡ)。

    In the composite microstructure , the bainite appears to be a low temperature upper bainite ( B_ ⅱ) .

  22. “推荐在患有阿尔采末氏病的患者上补充DHA的说法是站不住脚的。”研究者作出结论说。

    " There is no basis for recommending DHA supplementation for patients with Alzheimer disease ," the authors concluded .

  23. 应用HRP逆行追踪法在光镜水平研究了猫丘脑中央外侧核向前乙状回、前上薛氏回和中上薛氏回前端投射的神经元的形态与分布。

    The shape and distribution of the thalamocortical projecting neurons of the central lateral nucleus in cat were investigated by the HRP method .

  24. 在Li氏模型的基础上,提出适用于整个浓度范围的新模型和一个经验关系式,并用非线性最优化方法求出了水和TBP之间氢键作用的参数。

    A new model and an empirical equation have been established on the basis of Li 's model and the parameters of hydrogen bond between water and TBP are determined by nonlinear optimization method .

  25. TP、Da在胸腺指数指标上具有显著的交互作用(P<0.05),在脾脏指数和法氏囊指数指标上TP、Da之间的交互作用不显著(P<0.05)。

    The interaction of TP and Da had extreme significant influence on thymus gland ( PO . 05 ), and had no significant effect on spleen and bursa . F indexes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  26. 实验组安置头颅外固定支架,克氏针贯穿双侧上颌骨前部作为承力装置,采用800g力弹性牵引20天。

    Kirschner wire was penetrated bilateral maxillary bones as force-borne device and a elastic traction of 800g was exerted on them for 20 days .

  27. 无碳化物贝氏体在曲轴上的应用与展望

    Application and prospects of free - carbide bainite on shaft

  28. 在沙氏琼脂培养基上,37℃培养生长良好。

    It grew well at 37 ℃ in Sabouraud medium .

  29. 应用噬菌体肽库技术定位沙门氏菌鞭毛蛋白上属特异性共同抗原表位

    Mapping of the Generically-specific Common Epitope on Salmonella Flagellins Using Phage-displayed Peptide Libraries

  30. 若看见唐氏综合症患者遇上困难,你是否愿意主动帮忙?

    Do you willing to help people with Down syndrome when they are in troubles ?