
  • 网络European lobster;Homarus gammarus
  1. 可食用的欧洲龙虾,与美洲龙虾相似但较小。

    Edible European lobster resembling the American lobster but slenderer .

  2. 而它的“表亲”欧洲龙虾爪子则要小一些,虾壳的天然色带有深蓝色的小斑点,下腹部为黄色。

    Its cousin , the European lobster , has smaller claws and its natural coloring is dark blue with spots and a yellow underbelly .

  3. 科学家称,该龙虾为欧洲龙虾,但这种龙虾一般都呈暗青色,是一次很少见的基因变异才赋予了它与众不同的色彩。

    Scientists believe the European lobster , traditionally a much darker shade of blue , hatched out with the unusual color due to a rare genetic variant .

  4. 在中世纪的欧洲,龙虾既是一种美食也可作为药材。

    Lobsters were considered a delicacy during the Middle Ages in Europe , and even served as medicine .

  5. 出口到欧洲的龙虾,约有三分之二来自于湖北省潜江市这个小城市。

    Nearly two of three crayfish eaten in Europe hail from the small town of Qianjiang in Hubei Province .