
ōu huà
  • Europeanize;westernize
欧化 [ōu huà]
  • (1) [Europeanize;westernize]∶使其在特点、习惯或思想方面按欧洲的模式进行变革

  • (2) [Continentalize]∶用欧洲文化的方式或思想去影响

  • 美国的娱乐习惯逐渐欧化

欧化[ōu huà]
  1. 现代汉语DV结构的兴起及发展与印欧语言的影响&现代汉语欧化语法现象研究之一

    The Evolution of the DV-Construction in Modern Chinese and the Impact of Indo-European Language & One of Series Studies on the Phenomenon of Europeanized Grammar in Modern Chinese

  2. 现代散文卓有成就,源于欧化带来的文体的新变。

    Modern Chinese essays flourished because of Europeanized changes in the style .

  3. 第五章欧化与现代汉语的发展。

    Chapter Five Europeanization and the Development of Modern Chinese .

  4. 现代汉语欧化研究综述

    A Literature Review of Europeanization in Modern Standard Chinese

  5. 当代书面汉语欧化语法现象分析

    An Analysis of Europeanized Grammar in Contemporary Written Chinese

  6. 汉语欧化进程中,近代散文文体得到了极大的解放,同时散文对语言欧化进程也有一定的影响。

    In this process , the style of Chinese prose was liberalized greatly .

  7. 汉语欧化与近代散文文体解放

    Liberalization of Prose in the Process of Chinese Europeanization

  8. 我发现,金谷酒店非常欧化,但多少带着日本气息。

    I found the Kanaya relentlessly European , but with a Japanese twist .

  9. 这个国家在开放之后被欧化了。

    The country was westernized after it opened up .

  10. 特定的历史文化条件在“欧化”过程中的作用十分突出。

    In the process of europeanization , the historical factor is the most remarkable .

  11. 翻译与现代汉语中的欧化语法

    Translation and Europeanized Grammar in Modern Written Chinese

  12. 现代化又被称之为欧化、西化或工业化。

    Modernization is also called occidentalize or industrialise .

  13. 这些过分欧化的现象包括滥用被动语态,滥用名词,介词的过分欧化等等。过分欧化的语言是对我们的民族语言极大的损害,是对译入语读者的不负责任。

    Over-Europeanization is both damage to our national language and irresponsibility to our readers .

  14. 全球化下近代日本欧化的理论思考

    Under the globalization modern Japan Europeanizes theory ponder

  15. 沙皇俄国的欧化教育改革主要表现为实现了世俗教育和教育权利平等。

    Tsar Russia ' sEuropeanizationeducational reform was presented as secular education and educational equality .

  16. 汉语的欧化现象是鸦片战争以来英汉语言接触的产物。

    Europeanization is the output of language contact between the English and Chinese language .

  17. 现代白话常常融入欧化的、能包容复杂意涵的句式;

    Modern contemporary vernacular language often employs Europeanized syntax and sentences filled with rich meanings ;

  18. 论欧化与中国现代散文文体的确立

    Europeanization and Style of Chinese Modern Essays

  19. 牵动思维与表述功能的现代诗歌欧化语言

    On the Westernized Language in Chinese Modern Poetry Affecting the Functions of Thinking and Expression

  20. 对于汉语欧化的讨论和研究,可以追溯到上世纪二三十年代。

    The studies of Europeanization can be dated back to as early as the 1920s .

  21. 汉语的欧化最早发端于五四时期,并一直持续到当代。

    Grammatical Europeanization started during the May Fourth period and is still continuing in contemporary Chinese .

  22. 汉语欧化在某种程度上有利于中国人了解外国文化。

    Europeanization in Chinese language will benefit the Chinese people in their understanding of foreign cultures .

  23. 英汉翻译与汉语欧化现象

    E-C Translation and Europeanized Chinese Constructions

  24. 从表面上看,现代汉语欧化和翻译策略属于不同研究领域。

    On the surface , Europeanization of Modern Chinese and translation strategies belong to two different fields .

  25. 艾氏的欧化政策,完全是艾氏自己的主张。

    Adenauer 's policy of German integration with Western Europe was entirely his own , original proposal .

  26. 从否定的角度看,现代化是一个价值中立的概念,而西化或欧化则是一个价值取向很强的概念;现代化中的许多内容都是中性的东西,不涉及价值取向;

    On the other hand , the concept of modernization shows indifferent neutrality while westernization has distinct value-orientation .

  27. 从被字结构看汉语欧化语法研究

    A Brief Look at Grammatical Study in Chinese Europeanization from the Perspective of the " Bei " Structure

  28. 有趣的是,只有美国更加美国化的时候,美国才能更加欧化。

    The apparent paradox was that only as America became more American could it afford to be more European .

  29. 第一,本文同时探讨了现代标准汉语的欧化和翻译策略这两个问题。

    Firstly , the two topics ( Europeanization of MSC and translation strategies ) are combined and discussed together .

  30. 对比语言学:欧化语料的影响与对策晚清词语-注释:汉语欧化与知识建构

    Contrastive Linguistics : Influence and Countermeasure of Irregular Language Material ; " Word-Annotation " in the Late Qing Dynasty