
  1. La(NO3)3对马哈利樱桃组培苗快繁的影响

    Effect of Different Concentration of La ( NO_3 ) _3 on Stem Rapid Propagation of Cerasus mahaleb

  2. 小脑血管网状内皮瘤中华矮樱桃试管苗快速繁殖技术研究

    Study on in vitro rapid propagation technology of chinese short cherry

  3. 不同基质对大樱桃试管苗生长的影响

    Effect of Media on Cherry Plantlet Growth

  4. 处理继代培养中被细菌污染的樱桃试管苗。结果表明,随抗生素浓度的增加,试管苗的污染率和污染程度均降低,对试管苗生长的抑制逐步增强。

    The result showed that contamination rate and degree decreased with the increased of concentration of antibiotics , but the growth of in vitro shoots was inhibited too .

  5. 培养基中无机氮含量和NH4+/NO3-比例对于甜樱桃试管苗增殖继代具有重要影响,降低NH4+/NO3-比例有利于产生叶片形态正常的试管苗植株。

    The content of inorganic nitrogen and the NH4 + / NO3 - ratio greatly affected multiplication and subculture of sweet cherry in vitro . Low NH4 + / NO3 - ratio was beneficial to producing tube plants with normal shape leaves .

  6. 结果表明:在影响酸樱桃组织培养苗玻璃化的4种因素中,蔗糖浓度、pH值6、-BA浓度的影响都达到了0.01水平显著,而琼脂浓度的影响不明显;

    The results indicated that the sucrose concentration , benzyladenine ( BA ), and pH had the most significant effect on the vitrification of Prunus cerasus .

  7. 樱桃种质资源试管苗保存方法

    Preservation of in Vitro Grown Shoot of Cherry Germplasm

  8. 樱桃矮砧试管苗生根技术研究

    Studies on in vitro rooting of dwarf cherry rootstocks