
  1. 在抽穗期和成熟期,不同基因型水稻品种(系)间,根系和叶片对Cd及植物必需元素Fe、zn、Cu、Mn、Mg的积累浓度均存在极显著差异;

    There existed significant differences among the rice cultivars in the contents of six mineral elements Cd2 + , Fe3 + . Zn2 + , Cu2 + , Mn2 + , Mg2 + in both roots and leaves at both heading and ripening periods .

  2. 元素Ca、K、Mg、Fe、Zn等是植物的必需元素,与植物的新陈代谢有着密不可分的关系。

    The metal elements , such as Fe , K , Zn etc. , are essential for the growth of the plant and have an inseparable relation with metabolism .

  3. 并通过比较三种不同稀土元素的光合效应差异,旨在阐明稀土元素独特的4f层电子和变价特征以及与植物必需大量元素钙的相似性对光合作用的影响。

    We also compare the different effects imposed by three REEs treatments to clarify the mechanism how unique characteristics of REEs , such as 4f electron characteristic , alternation valence and the similarity to the Ca2 + , affect photosynthesis .

  4. 硫(S)素是植物必需营养元素之一。

    Sulfur ( S ) is one of the essential elements for plant growth .

  5. 铁和磷是植物的必需元素。

    Iron ( Fe ) and phosphorus ( P ) are essential mineral elements for plants .

  6. 钙作为植物必需的元素,在减缓植物矿质元素毒害中起着十分重要的作用。

    Calcium , an essential macronutrient , plays a crucial role in ameliorating the toxicity of mineral elements , which is reviewed extensively and intensively in the present paper .

  7. 磷(P)是植物必需的营养元素,在作物的生长发育、新陈代谢中起着不可替代的作用。

    Phosphorus ( Pi ) is one of essential nutrient elements , which plays an irreplaceable role in the growth and metabolism of the crops .

  8. Cd是植物的非必需元素,环境中Cd含量过高就会影响植物的生长发育。

    Cd was the unnecessary element of plants . The high concentration of Cd in environment was harmful for development and growth of plants .

  9. 钼(Mo)是植物必需的矿质元素之一,在植物体内有着重要的生理作用。

    Molybdenum ( Mo ) is one of the essential mineral elements required by plants . It plays an important role in plants .

  10. 植物体的必需元素之一。

    Potassium One of the essential elements in plants .

  11. 钙是植物必需的大量元素,在信号传导中起作用。

    Calcium is an essential macronutrient for plants and functions in signal transduction .

  12. 磷素是植物生长的必需元素,但由于磷素易固定在土壤中,磷肥的利用率较低。

    Phosphorus is the essential element for plant growth , but easily fixed in the soil .

  13. 铜、硒、锰、镍和钒是植物生长的必需元素。

    Cu , Se , Mn , Ni and V are necessary elements to plants growth .

  14. 镉是植物的非必需元素,而铁是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的元素。

    Cadmium is not an essential nutrient element for plants , but iron is the essential one .

  15. 氯是植物必需的微量元素之一,其在植物体内有多种生理功能。

    Chlorine is one of the essential microelement for plants , and it has many vital physiological functions .

  16. 磷是植物生长的必需元素,也是多数藻型富营养化湖泊藻类生长爆发的关键因素。

    Phosphorus is indispensable to plant growth , and is the key factor of alga bloom in eutrophic lakes .

  17. 锌是植物必需的营养元素,同时也是一种常见的环境有毒重金属元素。

    Zinc is not only an essential element for plant growth , but also is a poisonous heavy metal element .

  18. 磷是植物必需的大量元素之一,其主要来源为土壤。

    Phosphorus ( P ) is one of the necessary elements for the plants , which is mainly from the soil .

  19. 磷不但是动植物必需的营养元素,也是重要的环境污染因子。

    Phosphorus was not only the essential nutritional element for plants and animals , but also significant factor of environment pollution .

  20. 钼是一种动、植物必需的营养元素,但高浓度的钼却能对动、植物引起毒性。

    Mo is a significant nutrient element for a variety of biological functions , but it may be potentially toxic at high concentration .

  21. 镉是动物和植物的非必需元素,也是毒性最大的重金属之一。

    Cadmium is one of the most toxic heavy metals and is not an essential nutrient element for plant , animal and human being .

  22. 磷、钾是植物生长的必需元素,历来受到研究者的关注。

    The phosphorus ( P ) and potassium ( K ) are the essential elements for plants , so they always receive researcher 's attention .

  23. 磷是最早发现的植物必需的营养元素之一,参与组成植物体内许多重要化合物,是植物体生长代谢过程不可缺少的。

    Phosphorus is one of the first found in one of the necessary nutrients of plants , involved in many important compounds of plants , is an indispensable metabolic process of plant growth .

  24. P是植物生长的必需营养元素之一。

    P is one of the necessary nutrition elements for plant growing .

  25. Cu是植物生长必需的微量元素。

    Trace Element Cu is essential to plant growth .

  26. Cd是植物非必需的微量元素,对植物有很强的毒性。

    Cadmium ( Cd ) is a non-essential trace element for plants , and has strong toxicity at low concentrations .

  27. Cd对于人体和动植物都是非必需元素,且有很强的毒性。

    Cd is non-essential element for humans and animals as well as plants , and is highly toxic to them .

  28. 铜(Cu)是植物生长所必需的元素,但土壤Cu浓度过高会给植物生长造成伤害。

    Copper ( Cu ) is an essential element for plants , but the excessive soil Cu could have adverse effects on plant growth .

  29. Zn作为动植物所必需的微量元素,通过植物进入食物链后,直接或间接的通过动物进入人类的膳食中,从而影响人体的营养平衡及身体健康。

    Zn is an essential micronutrient for plant and animal , it enters into the food chain through plant , and it enters the diets of human being directly or through animal indirectly , so the balance of nutrition and the health of human being are affected by zinc .

  30. 磷是植物重要的必需营养元素。

    P is an important essential nutrient for the plants .