
  • 网络forest soil
  1. 大气CO2浓度和温度的升高对森林土壤地下过程的影响

    Review on effects of elevated CO_2 and temperature on under-ground processes of forest soil

  2. 影响森林土壤N2O排放和CH4吸收的主要因素

    Important Factors Controlling Rates of N_2O Emission and CH_4 Oxidation from Forest Soil

  3. 温带森林土壤中的CO2排放通量

    Flux of Carbon Dioxide ( CO _ 2 ) in Temperate Forest Soils

  4. 土壤水热条件对东北森林土壤表面CO2通量的影响

    Effects of soil temperature and moisture on soil surface co_2 flux of forests in northeastern China

  5. 有机酸对森林土壤pH及铝形态变化的影响

    Effects of low molecular weight organic acids on the pH and the form of aluminum of forest soils

  6. 酸性森林土壤中Ali/(Ca+Mg)摩尔比值的分布特征及影响因素

    Distribution characters and affecting factors of Al_i / ( Ca + Mg ) molar ratio in acid forest soils

  7. 基于3G和WSN的森林土壤湿度采集系统研究

    Forest Soil Humidity Gathering System Based on 3G and Wireless Sensor Network

  8. 森林土壤呼吸是全球碳循环的重要流通途径之一,其动态变化将直接影响全球C平衡。

    Forest soil respiration is an important way of the global carbon cycle , as its dynamic change will directly affect the global C balance .

  9. 为了探讨我国若干地区森林土壤对酸雨的缓冲能力,本文在对我国几个典型森林地带的土壤样品进行矿物分离富集等基础上用x射线粉末衍射法进行矿物学研究;

    Soil samples from several forest areas in China were analyzed by X-ray powder diffractometry after mineral separation and enrichment .

  10. 北京西山地区森林土壤中CO2、N2O和CH4气体的排放通量及动态研究

    A Study on Forest Soil CO_2 , N_2O and CH_4 Emission Flux and Dynamics in Xishan Area , Beijing

  11. 各种测量森林土壤呼吸的方法都存在不足,红外CO2分析仪法是目前最理想的方法;

    Among the methods of measuring forest soil respiration , infrared CO_2 analysis is the optimal one so far .

  12. 采用连续提取法研究低分子量有机酸对南方酸性森林土壤pH及铝形态变化的影响。

    Effects of organic acids on the pH and aluminum forms in acid forest soils of southern China were studied using sequential extraction method .

  13. 北京低山区森林土壤中CH4排放通量的研究

    CH _ 4 Emission Flux of Forest Soils in Lower Mountain Area , Beijing

  14. 三种森林土壤的CO2排放速率和CH4吸收速率在两观测年间的差异均不显著。

    No significant difference was found in soil CO_2 emission rates among these studied forests .

  15. 量化森林土壤呼吸(RS)及其组分对准确地评估森林土壤碳吸存极其重要。

    Aims Quantifying forest soil respiration ( RS ) components is vital to accurately evaluate carbon sequestration of forest ecosystems .

  16. 用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N2O气体一个重要的源。

    The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique .

  17. 原始森林土壤NH4~+/NO3~-生境特征与某些针叶树种的适应性

    Soil NH_4 ~ + / NO_3 ~ - nitrogen characteristics in primary forests and the adaptability of some coniferous species

  18. 采用本方法成功地测定了我国未开垦森林土壤中的PAHs。

    This procedure has been successfully applied to the monitoring of PAHs in soil samples of the uncultured forests collected in China .

  19. 对比研究发现,在各种土壤类型中了森林土壤具有最大的消耗CH4的能力。

    Many comparison studies proved that forest soil had the biggest capacity of oxidizing atmospheric CH4 in various unsaturated soils .

  20. 目前BC的研究主要集中在大气和海洋沉积物等方面,但对森林土壤中BC的研究并不多见。

    At present , most researches in the field of black carbon concentrated on the atmosphere and ocean sediments , but few on forest soils .

  21. 森林土壤交换性Ca2+、Na+和H+含量与土壤pH值相关关系不明显,但交换性Mg2+、K+和Al3+与土壤pH值间呈极显著负相关。

    Soil pH values showed significantly negative correlation with concentrations of exchangeable Mg 2 + , K + and Al 3 + , but not with exchangeable Ca 2 + , Na + and H + .

  22. 高山森林土壤中有机氮的NK-edgeXANES分析

    N K-edge XANES analysis of soil organic N from high mountain forests

  23. 结果表明:森林土壤消耗CH4的速率受气体扩散的限制,对土壤水分状况和温度变化敏感。

    It was believed that CH4 consumption rate by forest soil was limited by diffusion and sensitive to changes in water status and temperature of soil .

  24. 森林土壤有机碳库占全球土壤有机碳库的70%,其贮量的微小变化,都可显著地引起大气CO2浓度的改变。

    Forest soil contains more than 70 % organic carbon pool of the earth . So small changes in forest soil organic carbon ( SOC ) pool can remarkably cause the variance in CO_2 density of atmosphere .

  25. 本文对北京西山地区森林土壤中CO2、N2O和CH4等几种温室气体的排放通量、动态排放规律及影响因素进行了系统的研究。

    In this paper the emission flux and influence factors of some greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide ( CO_2 ), nitrous oxide ( N_2O ) and methane ( CH_004 ) from forest soils in Xishan area , Beijing will be discussed .

  26. 对我国江南丘陵林区森林土壤微量元素(B、Mo、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn)的含量、分布及影响因子进行了研究。

    This paper deals with the content level , the distribution regularity and the affecting factors of microelements ( B , Mo , Cu , Zn , Fe , Mn ) in soils of hilly forest area in the south of Yangzi River .

  27. 华南酸性森林土壤分别在pH值为3.46、4.24和4.84条件下用含不同浓度盐基离子(Ca2+)的酸性浸提液浸提,以查明降水中盐基离子对土壤水中Al和H+的影响。

    Ca-H-Al exchanges and aluminium mobility were studied to investigate the influence of base cations on Al and H ~ + in acid soil solution . The study was based on a batch experiment using extractant solutions different in base cation ( calcium ) concentration and pH.

  28. 第4、5层古土壤具不连续CaCO3和Fe2O3、Al2O3淀积层,这两层古土壤为酸性森林土壤。

    In the illuvial horizons of discontinuous CaCO_3 concretion , Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3ocour under the 4th and 5th paleosol layers , and the two paleosols are the acid soils developed under the forests .

  29. 森林土壤有机碳(SOC)库巨大,其较小幅度的变化就可能有大量的碳向大气排放,并通过温室效应影响全球气候变化。

    Forest soil organic carbon ( SOC ) pool is the huge carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystem , and its smaller change may cause a substantial emission of carbon into the atmosphere , making large impact on global climate change by the greenhouse effects .

  30. 采用土壤淤浆方法对丹麦农田和山毛榉森林土壤反硝化过程中N2O的产生与还原进行了研究,同时考察了硝酸根和铵离子对反硝化作用的影响。

    A soil water slurry experiment was conducted to study the potentials of N 2O production and reduction in denitrification of agricultural and beech forest soils in Denmark . The effects of nitrate and ammonium additions on denitrification were also investigated .