
lí yuán
  • Pear orchard;theatre;the operatic circle
梨园 [lí yuán]
  • (1) [theatre] 唐玄宗时教练伶人的处所。后世因称戏班为梨园,又称戏剧演员为梨园弟子

  • 梨园子弟白发新,椒房阿监青娥老。--白居易《长恨歌》

  • 金陵梨园部也。--清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》

  • (2) 又

  • 梨园以技鸣者。

梨园[lí yuán]
  1. 到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。

    Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard .

  2. 过去梨园行对技艺是保密的,除非是家里人,名角都不会轻易将绝技传人。

    The traditional stage world was not remarkable for its altruism in professional matters , and famous actors would think twice about passing on their technical secrets to those outside the family circle .

  3. 梨园土壤pH值与其有效养分相关性分析机械伤胁迫下刺梨果实的抗氧化反应

    Correlation Between Soil pH and the Contents of Available Nutrients in Selected Soils from Three Pear Orchards in Wendeng Antioxidant Responses to Mechanical Wounding Stress of Rosa roxburghii Fruit

  4. 《梨园春》改版6年来,一直保持着戏曲+电视VS名人名段+擂台赛的平民大众化路线,并因此获得惊人的高收视率和市场份额。

    " Liyuanchun " has been maintaining the route since the edition correction 6 years before , which is " the drama + television VS the artists performing famous pieces of drama + challenge match " .

  5. 在对浙江东部沿海地区梨园中国梨木虱(PsyllachinensisYangetLi)调查分析的基础上,研究了中国梨木虱在梨树上的序贯抽样技术。

    On the basis of the investigation on pear psylla ( Psylla chinensis Yang et Li ) in orchards of the eastern coastal region of Zhejiang province , sequential sampling technique of pear psylla was studied .

  6. 在梨园内埋水泥桩,桩与桩的间距为2.4m。各桩之间拉钢丝,搭钢丝架,对日本藤梨进行搭架式栽培。

    In the Pear Orchard cement piles were buried with distance of 2.4m and built steel frame between them to carry on the cultivation .

  7. 在林内距迎风面1~7H范围内梨园防风效能最大,为68.8%;

    Pear orchard has the most effective function of wind prevention in 1 ~ 7 H from windward side , with the protection ratio of 68.8 % ;

  8. 种群最大增长率在苹果园为4.38n-1,梨园为3.96n-1,苹果、梨、桃混栽园为5.99n-1。

    The maximal rate of population increasing was 4.38n-1 in the apple orchard , was 3.96n-1 in the pear orchard , was 5.99n-1 in the apple , pear and peach orchard .

  9. 秸秆覆盖对梨园土壤养分的影响

    Effects of Stalk Mulching to the Soil Nutrients in Pear Orchard

  10. 南方梨园秸秆覆盖综合效益研究

    Study on Comprehensive Effect of Straw Mulching on Southern Pear Orchard

  11. 梨园间作李子高效栽培模式

    The high benefit cultivation model of pear orchard intercropped with plums

  12. 苹果梨园土壤酶活性初报

    Elementary Study on the Activities of Soil Enzymes in Apple-pear Orchards

  13. 荒漠绿洲香梨园覆草节水效应研究

    Effect of straw mulching on water-saving of pear in desert oasis field

  14. 靠近村子南头有一座很大的梨园。

    Near the southern end of the village was a large pear orchard .

  15. 梨园河梯级电站开发对流域生态环境的影响

    Impacts of Step Hydropower Development on Ecological Environment in the Liyuan River Basin

  16. 梨园生草对土壤物理性的影响

    The Effects of Sod Culture on the Soil Physical Property in Pear Orchard

  17. 幼龄梨园套种杭白菊栽培技术

    Cultivation Technology of Interplanting Chrysanthemum in Young Pear Orchard

  18. 四川省丘陵区生态梨园高效生产技术规程

    The Technique Rule of High Benefit Pear Production in Hilly Land of Sichuan

  19. 梨园杂草化学控制技术及其综合效应研究

    Chemical Control Technology of Weeds in Pear Orchard and Integrated Effect on Pear Trees

  20. 海岸带复合梨园的光能分布与利用规律

    The pattern of light distribution and utilization in compound pear orchard in seacoast area

  21. 延边苹果梨园土壤营养状况的研究

    Study on the state of soil nutrient of apple pear orchards in Yanbian area

  22. 荒漠旱区梨园秸秆覆盖的节水效应及对梨树生长结果的影响

    Effect of Straw Mulching on Water Saving and Pear Growth in Arid Desert Areas

  23. 摘要晚清上海梨园之盛,甲于天下。

    In the late Qing Dynasty the opera house was very popular in shanghai .

  24. 吉林省梨园主要病虫害综合防治历

    A Schedule for Controlling Main Diseases and Pests on Pear Trees in Jilin Province

  25. 秸秆覆盖增加了梨园土壤微生物的数量,增强土壤微生物活性。

    Straw mulching improved the quantity of soil microbe and activity of soil microbe .

  26. 苹果梨园昆虫种类情况调查

    Investigation of insect species of apple-pear orchard

  27. 图书馆梨园在图书馆里工作。

    A librarian works in a library .

  28. 我出身于梨园世家,注定要进入舞台生涯。

    Coming from theatrical family , I was destined for a career on the stage .

  29. 梨园土壤水分时空分布特征研究

    The Research on Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristic of Soil Water Content of Pear Orchard

  30. 四川双流县永安镇梨园村土地质量地球化学评估

    Geochemical Assessment of Land Quality in Liyuan Village , Yong'an Town , Shuangliu , Sichuan