- 网络Dream Pool Essays

[MengXiBiTan,the encyclopedia writted by Shenkuo in the Song Dynasty in China] 书名。北宋沈括撰。这是一本有关历史、文艺、科学等各种知识的笔记,因写于润州(今江苏镇江)梦溪园而得名
A Study of Temperament in Shen Kuo 's Dream Brook Sketchbook
Ideas of Arts and Crafts in Sketchbook of Dream Brook
Especially discussion to natural science , Yan fan lu depths get that cream of Men xi bi tan , and have new establishing .
Dream Brook Sketchbook is which he left the earliest technology encyclopedia , it is regarded as " coordinate that in the history of science " in Ancient China .
In this paper " Dream Stream " means the path system symbolizing conscious memory , courtyard system symbolizing memory part and room system symbolizing living function penetrate each other .
In the book Meng Xi Bi Tan ( Dream Pool Essays ) ( 1088 ) he wrote about mineralogy , erosion , sedimentation and uplift , mathematics , astronomy , and meteorology .
The famous saentist Shen Kuo ( the author of Dream Creek Notes ) of the Northern Song Dynasty discovered the existence of magnetic declination ( the angu-lar devicrtion of a compass needle from true north ) ,