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  1. 弗吉尼亚海滩的詹妮芙兰波为梦所感,醒来后足足哭了30分钟&然后打电话给她疏远已久的妹妹。

    Jennifer Lambert of Virginia Beach felt such agitation over her dream that she cried for30 minutes straight when she woke up & and then called her sister , from whom she 'd long been estranged .

  2. 这也是我对87版《红楼梦》不感兴趣的原因之一。

    It ` s one reason I ` m not interested in the 1987 version .

  3. “沙滩上的爱因斯坦”的音乐如史诗般宏伟壮丽——同时循环重复,引人入胜——让人有置身梦中之感。

    THE music of " Einstein on the Beach " is so grand and epic - yet so mesmerising and repetitive - that it feels as if it were the soundscape of a dream .