
ɡé wù
  • study phenomena of nature;observe (or investigate) things
格物 [gé wù]
  • (1) [study the phenomena of nature]∶穷究事物的道理

  • 格物致知

  • (2) [correct]∶纠正人的行为

  1. 凌廷堪从礼学的视角重新诠释儒家的“慎独”、“格物”等重要思想。

    On the Shendu Spirit of the Subject-introverted Mind in the Confucian Philosophy ;

  2. 介绍了《格物探原》的科学和宗教内容以及该书的影响。

    The scientific and religious content of Source of Science and its influence are mentioned .

  3. 第二章围绕人格物的内涵、法律属性及动态发展展开研究。

    In chapter 2 , it takes a research on the connotations , characters on law , developing of the personhood property .

  4. 在宋明理学有关格物问题的诠释传统中,王心斋的“淮南格物”说可谓别具一格。

    Wang Xinzhai 's view of investigating things in the south of Huai formed a distinctive area of the Conficianist tradition of interpreting issues of investigating things .

  5. 通过对《大学》义理的纲要即“三纲领”和“八条目”的内涵分析,“格物”是成就工夫的起点。

    The outline argumentations of Da Xue are " Three creeds and Eight entries , and To Explore and Rectify Thing " is the start point of such way .

  6. 陆王都自觉的认为这是对程朱的理论纠偏,极力贬低程朱格物论的知识意义,努力复归儒家德性主义传统。

    Lu and Wang thought it was rectifying deviation and they tried their best to belittle the significance of Zhu 's theory and return to ethical tradition of Confucian .

  7. 其哲学思想贯通综合王阳明的“致良知之学”与王心斋“格物之学”,提出“诚意修身说”;

    Wang Dong 's philosophical thoughts catalyze Wang Yanming 's study for conscience and Wang Xinzai 's study for nature and sets forth honest cultivation of the nature and the heart ;

  8. 对《大学》中格物观念的不同理解与诠释,可以反映朱子学与阳明学这理学传统两大典范的基本差异。

    Different understandings and interpretations of the concept of investigating things reflected basic difference of learning of Zhuxi and learning of Wang Yangming as two paradigms in Neo - Confucian tradition .

  9. 其中,内在的修养主要是培养圣贤人格(明德),以格物、持敬的不断积累和意志磨练为主。

    Among them , the built-in self-cultivation is developing a " personality saints ( Ming-De )", continues to accumulate the investigation of things and held the respecting skill , and temper will mainly .

  10. 网上档案,将更新为新举报、目录格物下,从一小撮轻易解雇惑,甚至继续强硬科学家。

    The online archives , which will be updated as new cases are reported , catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from the easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists .

  11. 两者有部分内容相同,但是从全文内容来源看,《物类相感志》一卷本不是《格物粗谈》的唯一源泉。

    It is identical that two have partial contents , but refering to the content source of full text , 1 volume is not the only " source " of " Ge wu cu tan " .

  12. 王阳明早年深受程朱理学的影响,非常重视《大学》的格物问题。

    In the early years , Wang Yang-ming was deeply affected by the Neo-Confucianism of Zhu Xi and Er Cheng . He attached great importance to this issue , which was named the investigation of things in the Great Learning .

  13. 然后又分别总结分析了中国古典哲学中体用、格物、道器、忠恕、阴阳等几对重要范畴,将其代表的中国优秀传统文化作为中国特色社会主义文化体系的体。

    Then it summarizes and analyzes the standard , and the word loyal and the will , Yin and Yang and several important categories of Chinese classical philosophy , which stand for " body " of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristic system .

  14. 吕柟理学思想包括理气非二的道体思想、性自气禀的人性主张、工夫论和为学学风等,工夫论有致曲工夫、格物工夫和慎独工夫等。

    Lv Nan neo-confucianism thought include the way of the second body qi thought . Self claims gas of the human nature . Theory and the study style of learning , theory have send song time , standard time and self-supervision of work .