
  • 网络chai kiln
  1. 他们有时只好砍树当柴烧。

    Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood .

  2. 这块木头可以破开当柴烧。

    The wood can be split up for fuel .

  3. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。

    As long as the green hills are there , one need not worry about firewood .

  4. 英国食品零售之王乐购(Tesco)发现,许多靠打折竞争的对手正将它的王座劈成柴烧。

    Tesco , the monarch of British food retailing , has found discount competitors chopping up its throne to use as kindling .

  5. 爬山者拾取枯枝当柴烧。

    The mountain climber pick up dead branches for firewood .

  6. 至少记着:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

    At least remember : where there is life , there is hope .

  7. 拥有健康就拥有希望。/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

    He who has health has hope .

  8. 利巴嫩的树林不彀当柴烧,其中的走兽也不彀作燔祭。

    Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires , nor its animals enough for burnt offerings .

  9. 然后,他开始拆除篱笆,把木板当柴烧。

    Then the man began to break up his fences , and use the boards for fuel .

  10. 母亲劈开一个木箱当柴烧。在火中木柴燃烧时劈啪啪地响。

    Mother broke up a box for firewood The wood in the fire snapped as it burned .

  11. 这家具太旧了,不能用了,还不如把它砍了当柴烧吧。

    This furniture is so old and useless that you might as well chop it up for firewood .

  12. 黎巴嫩不够当柴烧,其中的野兽不足作燔祭。

    And Libanus shall not be enough to burn , nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering .

  13. 看哪,这里有牛可以作燔祭,有打粮的器具和套牛的轭可以当柴烧。

    Here are oxen for the burnt offering , and here are threshing sledges and ox yokes for the wood .

  14. 此次吴明仪先生柴烧的个展发表,是距上次展出之后,十年来累积的心力所成。

    This solo exhibition is the fruit of Ming-Yi 's wood-fired pottery works over the past ten years since last exhibition .

  15. 山上的树木经常被人砍伐,原因是它们可以供做建材,也可以当柴烧。

    Those trees on the mountain are often cut down because they can be used as good material for building and firewood .

  16. 对本计划的异议将予以考虑。留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。

    Objections to the plan will be ta ken into consideration As long as the green hills are there , one need not worry about firewood .

  17. 我也将牛给你作燔祭,把打粮的器具当柴烧,拿麦子作素祭。

    Look , I will give the oxen for the burnt offerings , the threshing sledges for the wood , and the wheat for the grain offering .

  18. 健康比财富更重要,因为我们知道“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”。

    Original : Health is more important than wealth , because we know that " keep a green mountain , and there is plenty of wood " .

  19. 烧了篱笆,房子没有了挡风的屏障,比以前更冷了。可他们又没有柴烧了。

    When he had burnt up all of his fences , the house , now without any protection against the wind , was colder than ever , and still they had no firewood .

  20. 之后他们便十分文明地叫嚷起来直到收好大帐篷、清扫完木头碎片并把剩下的柱子砍倒当柴烧。

    After that they clamored about in a very civilized manner until they had packed up the large tent , wiped off the wood chips and chopped down the remaining poles to be used as firewood .

  21. 这个书架既陈旧又没用,你不妨把它劈了作柴烧。我们拾柴烧水,但是柴太湿了,烧不起来。

    This bookcase is so old and useless that you might as well chop it up for firewood . We collected sticks to boil our kettle , but they were damp and would not catch fire .

  22. 看哪,已经抛在火中当作柴烧,火既烧了两头,中间也被烧了,还有益于工用吗?

    See , it is put into the fire for burning : the fire has made a meal of its two ends and the middle part of it is burned ; is it good for any work ?

  23. 砍倒果树当柴烧,这是杀鸡取卵。童子鸡烧透了,鸡肉就很容易从鸡骨上脱落下来。

    Cutting down fruit trees for firewood is a case of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs . If the chicken is properly cooked , the meat will come away from the bones very easily .

  24. 树木砍倒不用,躺在地上就会腐烂,除了作柴烧烹煮食物外,根本没有什么别的用处。

    The trees that I cut down , were lying to rot on the ground . I could make no more use of them than for firewood ; and that I had no occasion for , but to dress my food .

  25. 老柴好烧,老马好骑。

    Old wood is best to burn , old horse to ride .

  26. 老柴好烧,老书宜读。

    Old wood is best to burn , old book to read .

  27. 恩,那既然批柴木烧柴火这么有意思,那织毛衣就是必须的啊。

    So , when wood fire and wood chopping can be that interesting , why not knitting ?

  28. 住所建造好了,我就想到必须要有一个生火的地方,还得准备些柴来烧。

    Having now fix 'd my habitation , I found it absolutely necessary to provide a place to make a fire in , and fewer to burn ;

  29. 在火上加点柴,使它烧旺一点。

    Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up .

  30. 为解决烧柴困难,人民甚至无怨言地拆房子给我们当柴烧。

    To help us solve the problem of firewood , people even pulled down their houses without hesitation and gave us the wood .