
rǎn sè tǐ zǔ xínɡ
  • karyotype;idiogram
  1. 东北梅花鹿的染色体组型C分带和G分带

    The C and G-banding karyotype of East-North Sika Deer Cervus nippon hortulorum

  2. Vc獭兔的公兔染色体组型为44,XY。

    The chromosome karyotype of male rabbit was 44 , XY .

  3. 孟氏裂头绦虫染色体组型和C分带的研究

    Studies on karyotypes and C-banding of spirometra mansoni

  4. C高;洱海高背鲫鱼的染色体组型高背鲫移殖的研究

    Study on the transplanting of high dorsal crucian carp from Dianchi Lake to Huayuan Lake

  5. 豚鼠体细胞染色体组型、G带C带及NOR的研究

    A study of karyotype G-band C-band and nor of somatic chromosme in guinea-pigs

  6. 欧斑鸠的染色体组型及G、C带研究

    The Study of the Idiogram and G , C - banding of the Turtle Dove

  7. 通过染色体组型分析,确认AL01和AL02皆为杂交瘤细胞。

    By genome analysis , AL-01 and AL-02 were proved to be hybrid cells .

  8. 济南浅花鸡LDH同功酶及染色体组型的研究

    Study of LDH isozyme and karyotype in Jinan coloured chick

  9. 栽培大麦矮秆齐的染色体组型和GiemsaC-带带型

    Karyotype and Giemsa C-banding Pattern of Cultivated Barley Ai Gan Qi

  10. 在使用PCR检测还没有条件的地区,鉴定库态按蚊亲缘种型的一个重要方法是作染色体组型分析。

    The analysis of metaphase karyotypes is one of the most important methods to differentiate these members of this complex in areas where the PCR assays are not available .

  11. 从F1的染色体组型、G带、C带和Ag-NORs的观察表明,F1双亲鹿的染色体高度同源,差异只涉及一个罗伯逊易位;

    Observation from karyotype , G-banding pattern , C-banding pattern and Ag-NORs of hybrid F_1 showed that chromosomes of F_1 parents were high homologous except one Robertsonian translocation .

  12. 豌豆的染色体组型分析及Giemsa显带

    Karyotype and Giemsa Banding of Pisum

  13. 它们在形态、生态分布、染色体组型及NORs、肉质肉量、电泳同工酶、PCR、对基因探针的反应等方面具有明显的多态性和差异。

    They have conspicuous diversity and differences on morphology , ecological distribution , genome , NORs , meat quality , electrophoresis of iso-enzyme and PCR aspects .

  14. 金鱼(Carassiusauratus)染色体组型的研究Ⅰ.鲫鱼和红龙睛金鱼染色体组型的比较

    Studies on the Karyotype of Goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) ⅰ . A Comparative Study of the Chromosomes in Crucian and Red Dragon-eye Goldfish

  15. 动物细胞系的染色体组型与遗传变异率分析

    Analyses of Chromosomal Karyotypes and Cytogenetic Variations of Animal Cell Lines

  16. 遗传性感觉神经根神经病及染色体组型分析

    The karyotype analysis in a family of hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy

  17. 马尾松染色体组型和带型的研究

    Study on chromosome set patterns and banding patterns in Masson Pine

  18. 人腹膜后恶性畸胎瘤细胞的染色体组型研究

    Studies on the karyotype of cancer cell in human malignant teratoma

  19. 亚二倍体嵌合体母猪及其子代染色体组型分析

    Chromosome complement of a sow with mosaic sub-diploid and her daughters

  20. 我国海洋鱼类和贝类染色体组型研究进展

    Advances on Karyotype Study of Marine Fish and Shellfish in China

  21. 模糊聚类分析在小叶锦鸡儿染色体组型分析中的应用

    The application of fuzzy clustering in the karyotype analysis of Caragana microphylla

  22. 短膜壳绦虫(H.nana)染色体组型分析

    Analysis of Karyotype of Hymenolepis nana : A Cytogenetic Study of Cestode

  23. 黑龙江省产两种草蜥染色体组型研究

    Karyotype Analysis of Two Species of Takydromus from Heilongjiang Province

  24. 家牦牛与不同野血牦牛染色体组型的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Karyotype of Domestic Yak and Yak with Wild Blood

  25. 广西本地水牛与么拉水牛染色体组型的差异

    Differences of karyotype between Guangxi native buffalo and Murrah Buffalo

  26. 两栖类淋巴细胞的培养及其染色体组型分析

    Karyotype analysis of frogs and toads by the method of lymphocyte culture

  27. 利用染色体组型研究花生属花生区组内种间亲缘关系

    Studies on the relationship in section Arachis OF GENUS ARACHIS by idiogram

  28. 本文报道了戴胜的染色体组型研究结果。

    This paper presents the chromosome complement of the Hoopoe .

  29. 胡子鲶的染色体组型研究

    Blue Beard studies on the karyotypes of the Clarias fuscus of Chinese

  30. 体外培养蒙古羊成纤维细胞染色体组型分析

    Analysis Caryotype of Monggol Sheep Fibroblast Cell Cultured in Vitro