
  • 网络fontainebleau;Fontainbleau;Château de Fontainebleau;Chateau de Fontainebleau;Fontaine bleau
  1. 稍后皇帝在枫丹白露退位了。

    A little later at Fontainebleau the emperor abdicated .

  2. 1958年INSEAD在法国的枫丹白露建立。

    INSEAD in Fontainebleau , France , was established in 1958 .

  3. 这家法国商学院在巴黎郊区的枫丹白露(fontainebleau)和新加坡设有校区。

    The French business school has campuses in Fontainebleau , outside Paris , and in Singapore .

  4. 2001年,詹姆斯埃茨伯格(jamesedsberg)进入法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(insead)攻读mba课程,希望从商法领域转行到更加商业化的领域。

    James edsberg started his MBA programme at INSEAD , in Fontainebleau , France in 2001 , in the hope of moving away from his career in commercial law into a more business-oriented role .

  5. 不过,法国枫丹白露的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)商学院管理学教授曼弗雷德•凯茨•德•弗里斯表示:高管的压力正在逐渐增加,这已经不再是秘密。

    But it is no secret that pressure on C-level executives is mounting , says Manfred kets de Vries , a management professor at INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau , France .

  6. 在欧洲的85所最佳商学院当中,巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)依然排名第二,仅次于伦敦商学院,而总部位于法国枫丹白露的国际商学院——欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的排名攀升两位,至第三名。

    In the field of the best 85 business schools in Europe , HEC Paris remains in second place behind LBS , while Insead , the international school based in Fontainebleau , France , climbs two places to third .

  7. 对于枫丹白露公司来说,让顾客消费得起是非常重要的。

    It is important for FB Company to keep the prices affordable .

  8. 枫丹白露法国北部一个小城,位于巴黎东南部。

    A town of northern France southeast of Paris .

  9. 尽管我是在新加坡上学,财务结算都在枫丹白露。

    For although I would be attending Insead in Singapore , all the accounting is handled from Fontainebleau .

  10. 你还可以到一些有意思的地方郊游,如象香迪里、凡尔赛和枫丹白露。

    And you can go on excursions to some very interesting places & Chantilly , Versailles and Fontainebleau .

  11. 1984年枫丹白露峰会后,欧洲公民权的建构被纳入共同市场建设的框架之中。

    After the Fontainebleau Summit in the 1984 , the ideas of European citizenship were institutionalized in the framework of Internal Market .

  12. 这同样的情欲使得弗兰西斯一世把这幅作品展示于他在枫丹白露离宫的浴室套房里。

    The same eroticism led Francis I to show the work in his suite of bathrooms at Fontainebleau where he had a palace .

  13. 此次拍卖是在拿破仑的一个皇家城堡的对面举行的,城堡位于法国东南部的枫丹白露。拍卖的现场挤满了人。

    Applause rang out in a packed auction hall across the street from one of Napoleon 's imperial castles in Fontainebleau , a town southeast of Paris , when the sword was sold .

  14. 高1149英尺的云霄观测塔和枫丹白露的度假酒店等建筑也为拉斯维加斯增添了不少名气,虽然这些建筑还未竣工,但已建成部分高达735英尺。

    Other structures that add to its prominence are the Stratosphere Observation Tower at 1149 feet and the Fontainebleau Resort Hotel , which although incomplete , has been topped out at 735 feet .

  15. 成千上万的文物遭劫掠,其中很多如今陈列在大英博物馆、枫丹白露宫以及欧美其他一些博物馆内,还有很多为私人收藏。

    Hundreds of thousands of cultural relics were robbed , many of them still sitting in museums such as the British Museum and the Fontainebleau Palace , and in private hands across Europe and America .

  16. 不过,影片中一切都看不真切——同学的态度如此,就连图像也如此(两个孩子在枫丹白露森林里寻宝的那一长段穿插,自然也是如此)。

    But nothing in it comes into clear focus-not the boys ' attitudes , not even the images ( and certainly not a lengthy sequence in which the two boys are on a treasure hunt in Fontainebleau Forest ) .

  17. 这种矛盾、相悖的精神状态及身体治愈无望的状况使她在生命的最后放弃了一切,而到枫丹白露的格德杰夫学院寻找精神治疗,她希望能获得精神上的重生。

    This kind of conflicts of the spirit and the incurable desperation of her physical body made her given up everything in her last days , and went to the Fontainebleau looking for the psychotherapy , hoping can obtain the Rebirth of her mind .

  18. 论文其中一部分评述了意大利艺术新观念对卢瓦尔河地区和巴黎地区的城堡建筑风格的影响;另一部分探讨了意大利美术新观念对法国那时兴起的普罗旺斯画派、卢瓦尔画派和枫丹白露画派的影响。

    Part of the dissertation comments on the influence of Italian artistic new idea on the construction and decoration of chateaux in Loire and Paris . The rest part discusses the influence of Italian Renaissance art on the artistic Schools of Provence , Loire and Fontainebleau .

  19. 第五学期已经开始,这也是最后一个学期。再次见到2007年底赴新加坡校区学习两个学期的朋友们,看到他们回到枫丹白露来享受最后一个学期,也是一件美妙的事情。

    The fifth and final term of the year has started , and it is wonderful to see the friends who left for two terms on the Singapore campus at the end of 2007 , now that they are back to enjoy the last term in Fontainebleau .