
  • 网络Hub;HUB AIRPORT;airline hub
  1. 东航不仅在其主要枢纽机场面临直接竞争国航(airchina)与南航(chinasouthern)分别占了北京和广州机场,还要向两家国际机场提供服务,造成双倍成本。

    Not only does China Eastern face direct competition in its primary hub Air China and China Southern have Beijing and Guangzhou to themselves , respectively it has two international airports to service , doubling its costs .

  2. 枢纽机场航站楼面向旅客的构型优化分析

    Analysis of Optimal Configuration of Hub Airport Passenger Buildings for Travelers

  3. 单枢纽机场选址与航线网络规划综合优化

    Integrated Optimization of One Hub-Airport Siting and Flight Route Network Planning

  4. 大型枢纽机场大面积航班延误预警方法研究

    Method for swept flight delay early warning of large aeronautic hub

  5. 大型国际枢纽机场安全管理信息系统设计

    Design of Large Scale International Airport Security Management Information System

  6. 关于我国西部国际枢纽机场布局的思考

    How to Build International Hub Airports in Western China

  7. 枢纽机场陆侧轨道交通与航站楼的衔接

    The linking of Land-side Rail Traffic and the Terminal Building for Air Port

  8. 枢纽机场衔接公路网优化理论与方法研究

    Study on Theory and Method of Highway Network Optimization for Airport Hub Access

  9. 论枢纽机场的发展及其规划理念的演变

    On Development and New Concept for Hub Airports Planning

  10. 枢纽机场发展物流业的关键:提升增值服务水平政府在发展物流业中的功能与定位思考

    Improving Value-added Service : A Key to Developing Logistics Service for Hub Airports

  11. 航空公司选择枢纽机场的鲁棒优化方法

    Robust Optimization for Airline Company to Select Hub Airports

  12. 大型枢纽机场可达性量化的初步研究

    Some Studies of the Accessibility of Large Aeronautic Hub

  13. 中国未来的中西部门户枢纽机场&关于西安咸阳国际机场战略定位问题的思考

    Strategic Positioning of Xi ' an Xianyang International Airport

  14. 复合枢纽机场工作区规划解析&以白云国际机场南工作区为例

    Work area planning of compound hub airport : taking Baiyun international airport for example

  15. 上海、北京两大全球城市强化了在全国的枢纽机场的地位;

    Shanghai and Beijing further strengthened their position as national airline hubs and primary cities .

  16. 如何解决和改善枢纽机场的交通衔接问题已普遍受到关注。

    How to settle and improve the join traffic of airport have generally been concerned .

  17. 主要航空枢纽机场:里斯本、波尔图

    Major Hub Airports : Lisbon , Porto

  18. 结构性问题仍然没有得到解决,例如枢纽机场过剩但支线机场过少。

    Structural issues remain unaddressed , such as the overabundance of hub airports with too few spokes .

  19. 国内一半以上的枢纽机场和干线机场的设计保障能力已进入超饱和或接近饱和状态。

    The designed capacity of more than half of domestic hub airports and main airports has been over-saturated or nearly saturated .

  20. 研究表明,空铁联运有助于枢纽机场的可持续发展,值得我国借鉴。

    It is concluded that the air-rail intermodality is helpful to the sustainable development of hub airports and it is worth popularizing .

  21. 希斯罗是英国的枢纽机场,有直达旅客、转机旅客和航空货运,长途飞行得以成行。

    ' Heathrow is the UK 's hub airport ; mixing direct passengers , transfers and freight to make long haul flights viable .

  22. 这反映出,全球正转向点对点直飞,而不是让旅客乘坐大飞机在枢纽机场中转。

    This is part of a worldwide move towards point-to-point flights , rather than connecting passengers feeding into large aircraft at hub airports .

  23. 并在此基础上分析了在枢纽机场规划设计过程中应把握的关键要素。

    Based on the above investigation , some key points in the process of the hub airport planning and design are proposed and analyzed .

  24. 模型结果不仅对改善枢纽机场近机位作业秩序提出了要求,也为现有条件下提高机位容量提供了理论依据。

    The results not only promote requirement for the improvement of the gate operation order but also provide accordance to improving the gate capacity .

  25. 计划和预测表明,枢纽机场最需要接受显著重建,以满足预测的交通量。

    Projections and forecasts show that most of the hub airports will need to undergo significant redevelopment in order to accommodate the predicted traffic volumes .

  26. 有效加强机场机坪管理,是提高枢纽机场服务效能、确保枢纽机场安全运营的重要方面。

    Effectively strengthen the management of the ramp control , is an important part to improve the effectiveness of airport services and airport security operations .

  27. 一体化交通中心是国际上大型枢纽机场航站区陆侧空间规划发展的一种趋势。

    Ground transportation Center ( GTC ) is a new trend in planning and developing landside traffic system of large Hub Airports in the world .

  28. 以此为借鉴,对我国大型枢纽机场集疏运网络的规划与建设提出了建议。

    The result will be of practical value and using of reference to the planning and construction of the hub airport 's ground-access network in China .

  29. 广州白云机场作为全国第三大枢纽机场,其临空经济发展潜力巨大,是支撑广州市、广东省经济模式转型的重要培育点。

    As Guangzhou Baiyun airport is the third-largest hub airport of China , the airport economy is key backbone of economic mode changing in Guangzhou and Guangdong .

  30. 最后一章,本文根据武汉机场战略目标和建设枢纽机场的需求,提出了符合武汉机场实际切实可行的战略实施措施。

    In the last section , a feasible measure to realize target will presented according to the requires for Wuhan airport strategic target and for a hub airport .