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  1. 论晚清云南画僧果成的绘画艺术成就

    On Yunnan monk painter in the late Qing Dynasty Guocheng 's achievements in painting art

  2. 果成是清代继担当之后的另一位著名的云南画僧。

    Guocheng was a famous Yunnan monk painter in the Qing Dynasty after the painter Dandang .

  3. 果实褐变时,果成交替途径呼吸比例增高。

    It showed that the ratio of alternative pathway in total respiration increased during fruit browned .

  4. 把百香果打造成花都的“名片”之一,形成品牌效应。

    Finally , Huadu will be famous for passion fruit , therefore forming a brand effect .

  5. 通过对山东省主要果产区成龄国光苹果园土壤的多点调查和分析,应用多元回归分析,建立土壤营养成分含量和比例与果树产量品质关系的多元回归数学模型。

    Soils in " Rall " apple orchards in the main apple producing area of Shandong Province were investigated . Analysis of multi-regression was used to set up a mathematical model of multiple regression in yield and quality with nutrient content and proportion of soil .

  6. 榴莲酱泰国榴莲果制作而成。用量为每升冰淇淋加入榴莲酱60~100克。

    T & G Durian paste is made of Durian Fruit from Thailand.For1L ice-mix60g to100g Durian paste .

  7. 甘椒(叫作多香果粉)甘椒丁香属植物果研磨而成。生长在牙买加和西印度群岛。

    Pimento ( commonly called allspice ) is the ground fruit of Eugenia pimenta , grown in Jamaica and the West Indies .

  8. 我姨婆、迪克先生和辟果提已成了白发苍苍的老人,但依然很健朗,他们只要一有时间就来陪我们的孩子们一起玩耍。

    My aunt , Mr Dick and Peggotty are all white-haired and old now , but still very fit , and they love playing with our children whenever they can .

  9. 就这样,当我回到布兰德斯通时,辟果提已经成了巴克斯太太了。想到她能住上自己的房子,并有丈夫照顾她,我就很高兴。

    So when I returned to Blunderstone , Peggotty had become Mrs Barkis , and I was glad to think of her in her own house , with a husband to take care of her .

  10. 试验结果表明:具有柱头外露长度在10mm以上的长花柱柱头外露棉,其雌蕊、花柱和果柄都长,成极显著正相关。

    The experimental results showed that the stigma had positive correlation to the pistil , the style and the stem of the flower when the stigma length was over 10 mm .

  11. 本文研究对象为雪莲果叶,国外用雪莲果叶加工成茶具有降血糖、降血脂、清肝解毒等功效,但茶口感苦涩。

    The paper taking the yacon leaves as the research object , yacon leaves was processed into tea in foreign country , and the tea have the effects of hypoglycemic , reducing blood lipid and detoxification . But the tea taste bitter .

  12. 成铃的空间分布为第1~2果节内围桃占67.45%~77.95%,中、下部果节成铃率占57.38%~91.15%。

    Boll distribution in space was 67 . 45 % ~ 77 . 95 % inner boll of the frist and second fruit branch and 57 . 38 % ~ 91.15 % for middle and low fruit branch .