- stand;forest stand;standing forest;crop

The standing forest studying finally has been worked out setting an example design .
Density will affect the growth of standing forest and shall be quantized according to slope and slope position .
Study on Stand Age Class Based on RS & GIS
Quantifying and Predicting Stand Diameter Structure with the Logistic Distribution
Thus basal area growth curve of normal stand could be easily obtained by increasing K and normal yield table was constructed .
The location parameter q was highly correlated with quadratic mean DBH and the shape parameter r indicated the inflection point of the distribution .
Application of Richards growth function in prediction of the growth of Eucalyptus clone stands
2 ) The skewness ( Sk ) of diameter distribution had great distinction .
The stand diameter distribution of juvenile stand appears an inversed " J " form , and that of the half mature forest approximately a normal distribution .
As a result , the accuracy of ANN model is higher than traditional one , which has an important significance for the future formulation of stand density control chart .
The annual uptake , store and return of the nutrient elements were 92.29 , 30.36 and 61.98 kg / hm 2 respectively .
Leaf area index ( LAI ) is an important parameter in plant population structure research , and of significance in the estimation of stand quality .
The tending has aimed to adjust stand density , optimal stand structure , better forest growth environment and speed up the cultivation of forest resources .
All of these mentioned above demonstrates that it is advantageous to improve soil N availability , stand production and protect environment , when the P. sylvestris var. mongolica stands on sandy soil are intensively managed ( from unfenced to fenced ) .
The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .
PH value showed the trend of declination in soil of Acacia confusa plantation compared with the first and second generation of Casuarina protection forest , and it was related to the declination of hydrolytic acidity , exchangeable alkalini , and exchangeable aluminum ;
High density LiDAR point cloud data , as well as the high spatial resolution hyper-spectrum image , can provide not only forest parameters in stand scale , but also in individual tree scale .
The result of the survey in three types of stands showed that the population density of Philosamia cynthia decreased gradually in the generation .
This paper deals with the effects of 4 different planting densities on the growth of Eucalyptus clone stands and a growth prediction model was established based on Richards function .
UV / VIS absorption spectra of DOM from forest floor showed a peak at around 200 nm , but it is not true for DOM from forest soil .
The soil pH value decreased with the altitude , whereas organic matter and available P 、 K increased ; The soil fertility spatial variation decreased as the altitude went up , which may have something to do with mankind disturbance strength lowering and forest type inclining to sameness .
Additional , the high density of the pure stand and the disease also shorten the maturity period .
Under the given initial conditions , the variation of stand section area , diameter size , age , and effect from cutting during 200 years were simulated under natural succession and dynamic cutting respectively .
Based on data obtained from 93 Chinese fir and 162 Masson 's pine dominant analysis trees which collected from the two tree species stands in the south region of Guangxi , the high growth models which adapting Richards function as a basic model were established .
The biomass and productivity of 6 year old Eucalyptus grandis × urophglla high yield demonstration forest with densities of 900 , 1 125 , and 1 500 trees · hm - 2 were investigated in the low hilly area of Southern part of Hunan .
The final cutting time for the stands with the different intermediate cutting intensities : 24 years for the control , 30 years for the weak or moderate intermediate cutting and 30 ~ 35 years for the strong intermediate cutting .
In the forest stand whose crown closure is under 0.5 , the average value of mean square error is 0.502m , distributed between 0 to 0.7m and the frequency is 82.8 % and the frequency whose mean square error is under 1m is 91.4 % .
According to 6 ~ 7 years ' field survey results the effects of initial density on the stand factors of individual tree growth , population development , tree form and wood property , and the changes of growth factors due to the difference of stand development process were analyzed .
Study on Model of Optimum Diameter Distribution in Actual Uneven-aged Forests
The density of Casuarina stand affected the producing of self-allelopathy .