
  1. 林兆华的舞台秀和媒体秀

    LIN Zhao-hua 's " Stage Show " and " Media Show "

  2. 转动万花筒:在隐喻中看到了先锋性&论林兆华改编的莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》

    A Rotating Kaleidoscope : Awareness Feature of Vanguard through Metaphor & On Adaptation Drama of Shakespeare s Hamlet By Lin Zhaohua ;

  3. 孟京辉戏剧大都得力于拼贴、戏仿手段的利用;林兆华的过人之处则是对剧本“第二主题”的深度挖掘。

    Meng jinghui 's drama is benefited from collage and parody while Lin Zhao hua 's excel in exploring the depth of the " second theme " .