
  • 网络tectonic basin;structural basin;Structure Basin
  1. 晚石炭世末期三叠纪东澳大利亚的鲍恩冈尼达悉尼(BowenGunnedahSydney)盆地系是位于拉克伦(Lachlan)褶皱带和新英格兰(NewEngland)褶皱带之间的一个长条形的构造盆地。

    The latest Carboniferous to Triassic Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin System in the eastern Australia is an elongate structural basin that locates between the Lachlan Caledonian Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east .

  2. 抚顺煤盆地是受浑河深断裂控制的新生代构造盆地。

    The Fushun coal basin is a Cenozoic structural basin controlled by the Hun River fault .

  3. 柳江火山-构造盆地火山岩的特征

    Characteristics of Volcanic Rock in Liujiang Volcano - Tectonic Basin

  4. 柳江火山&构造盆地的特征及演化

    Characteristics and Evolution of Liujiang Volcano - Tectonic Basin

  5. 褶皱作用形成山地和挤压构造盆地;

    Folding formed mountain and extrusion tectonic basin .

  6. 楔状旋转盆地是伴随区域块体旋转作用在走滑断裂上发育的构造盆地。

    The wedged rotating basins develop along the strike-slip faults with regional block rotation .

  7. 成都断陷是龙门山前缘重要的第四纪构造盆地。

    Chengdu depression is an important Quaternary basin in front of the Longmenshan mountain .

  8. 滇西三江地区新生代构造盆地的特征及形成机制

    Characteristics and formation mechanism of Cenozoic structural basins in the three river area of West Yunnan

  9. 株洲航电枢纽厂坝位于株洲构造盆地南部。

    The Zhuzhou Navigation / Hydropower Complex is located in the southern part of Zhuzhou tectonic basin .

  10. 该裂陷构造盆地是本区金矿赋存的重要空间,也是它们的成矿场所。

    The basin is not only a gold ore - hosted space , but also a metallogenic locus .

  11. 构造盆地及粗碎屑岩储藏了丰富的地下水,加之有充沛的地表水、岩浆水补给,为成矿提供了所需的水源。

    The underground water from strata , magmatic water and meteoric water serve as the water source for mineralization .

  12. 最近作者在野外调查中发现:在流域中的太原、临汾等几个构造盆地的周边地带,普遍发育了三级冲湖积台地。

    This paper reveals that there exist three alluvial or lake terraces in the edges of Fen River drainage basins since the middle-late Pleistocene .

  13. 地幔柱同构造盆地油气系统,巨量岩浆的快速成溢流导致地壳的快速沉降,形成同构造热盆地,具有油气前景;

    The oil-gas system developed in syntectonic basins and associated with rapid dipping of crust induced by huge quantity of magma eruption from mantle plumes ;

  14. 超越残留构造盆地的含油气超系统,是由共享相似烃源岩、既相互独立又有成因联系的若干个含油气系统构建的含油气成因地质单元,全球具有普遍性。

    The petroleum supersystem overstepping remnant structural basin is a petroleum genesis geological unit constructed by several petroleum systems which share similar hydrocarbon source rocks , both are mutually independent and have genetic relations . It is of universality on a global scale .

  15. 柴达木盆地北部碰撞构造与盆地改造变形

    Collisional structures and basinal deformation in the North Qaidam Basin

  16. 下扬子盆地的地壳深部构造与盆地演化的研究

    Infrastructures of lower Yangtze Basin and their relation to evolution of the basin

  17. 楚雄&思茅盆地是我国西南地区较大型的中新生代沉积-构造残留盆地。

    Chuxiong-Simao basin is a larger Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary-structural remain basin in the southwest of China .

  18. 东北地区中、新生代构造及盆地演化受控于周边板块相互作用和深部构造作用。

    Meso-Cenozoic basin evolution in NE China is controlled by interactions ofneigbouring plates and deep structural process .

  19. 南襄盆地岩石圈构造与盆地深部过程及油气前景

    Lithosphere Structure and Deep Basin Process and Prospects of Its Oil and Gas Exploration in Nanxiang Basin

  20. 查明措勤盆地性质为构造复合盆地。

    It is ascertained that the Coq ê n basin has the nature of a tectonic composite basin .

  21. 兰坪盆地是三江地区一典型的构造沉积盆地,矿产资源丰富。

    Lanping Basin is a tectonic basin in the Sanjiang Area , which is rich in mineral resources .

  22. 因而,国外针对构造简单盆地所总结的白云岩优质储层形成机制已不再适用。

    Thus , formation mechanism of high-quality dolomite reservoir from overseas simple-structure basin is no longer applicable for the superimposed basin .

  23. 鄂尔多斯盆地是由多种不同类型岩石上下叠置构成的构造沉积盆地,因此它也是一个由不同含水岩类的多个含水层系统上下叠置构成的巨型地下水盆地。

    Geologically , the basin is characterized by superposition of water-bearing formations ; thereby it is hydro-geologically a multiple groundwater systems in vertical .

  24. 基底收缩的斜向挤压实验模型为研究复杂构造格局盆地的成因机制提供了新思路。

    The oblique compression model with substrate contraction can provide a new clue to study the mechanisms of the formation of the complicated structural patterns in basins .

  25. 分析了渭河盆地内部及其周边地区历史地震和现代地震的空间分布,发现立交构造对盆地内地震活动有着较强的控制作用。

    The space distribution of historical and modern earthquakes in and surrounding the Weihe basin shows that three dimensional cross structures have a strong dominion on seismicity in the basin .

  26. 2个级层序的时限分别对应早二叠世和晚二叠世,这与中国南方二叠纪构造旋回盆地变更时限相一致。

    The time limits of two grade ⅱ sequences correspond to Early Permian and Late Permian and they are consistent with tectonic cycle and time limits of basin changing in southern China .

  27. 金1井处于准噶尔盆地南缘从山前构造到盆地腹地之间的过渡带,设计目的层深,钻遇多套复杂地层。

    Jin 1 locates in the transitional zone between the foothill structural zone and the hinterland of the Junggar basin , the target zone is deep and we have to meet complex formation .

  28. 再造地质历史时期盆地的古格局构造对于盆地构造演化史研究和油气运移路径模拟具有重要意义。

    The reconstruction of the paleotectonic pattern in geologic history period is one of the important contents of basin modeling and also the basis for the research into the tectonic evolution history of basin and oil and gas migration path simulation .

  29. 生烃动力学参数结合盆地热史,可恢复烃源岩在任一时代的生烃史,对构造复杂盆地的二次生烃研究具有独特的优势。

    The hydrocarbon generation history of source rocks at any time may be reconstructed by using hydrocarbon generation kinetic parameters , combined the basin thermal history . So hydrocarbon generation kinetics has its unique advantage for the study of secondary hydrocarbon generation in complicated basins .

  30. 通过成因地层对比、构造形态和盆地演化过程分析,在黔中南至桂西鉴别出一条NNE向延续的陆内软碰撞带。

    A intracontinental soft collision foldbelt elongated to NNE orienation is recognized by the aid of genetic stratigraphic comparison , structural form and basin evolution analysis in Middle and South Guizhou and East Yunnan provinces .