
gòu zào xìng
  • constructivity
构造性[gòu zào xìng]
  1. 数学构造性方法的应用

    Application on Constructivity Method of Mathematics

  2. 数学的构造性方法

    Constructivity method of Mathematics

  3. G神经网络函数映射能力的构造性证明

    Neural net constructional method of function approximation of GNN

  4. 这一方法的主要优点是可构造性地得到H∞控制器。

    One key advantage of the proposed approach is that the H_ ∞ controller for the multivariable systems can be constructively obtained .

  5. 前馈网络构造性设计中基于GP实现神经元激活函数类型优化

    Optimizing neuronal activation function types based on GP in constructive FNN design

  6. Lagrange插值公式的几种构造性证明

    Some Constructed Proofs for the Lagrange Interpolating Formula

  7. 本论文将反推技术和耗散性理论结合起来,研究了复杂动态系统的控制问题,主要包括:线性多变量系统的H∞控制的构造性设计;

    Based on dissipative theory , the problems of H_ ∞ control and adaptive control for complex dynamic systems are investigated by using backstepping technique .

  8. 弱Chebyshev空间的一个构造性定理

    A Construction theorem of Generating New Weak Chebyshev Spaces

  9. 本文给出CB代数与Lu3代数同构的详细证明,并得到了Lukasiewivcz三值逻辑代数在二值逻辑代数上的可构造性。

    This paper gives a proof of the isomorphism theorem between C_B-algebra and Lu3-algebra . Furthermore constructibility of the Lukasiewicz three-valued logic algebra has been given by the two-valued logic algebra .

  10. 这些构造性根据不同的档案还提供了不同构造型之间的协同工作的方法,由UnifiedModelingLanguage(UML)中的组件所确定。

    These stereotypes also provide a means of interoperability between the stereotypes contributed by different profiles , defined on the components in the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) .

  11. 构造性设计是ANN设计的发展方向之一。全面的高质量的ANN学习应包括神经元激活函数类型的自动优化。

    Constructive algorithms will be preferable in ANN designing , and perfect ANN trainings should have the auto-optimization of neural activation function types .

  12. 用构造性方法计算多重图Ramsey数的界

    Bounds for multigraph Ramsey numbers calculated by the constructive method

  13. 通过恒等变形,并利用Laplace定理,构造性地给出了求k-循环阵特征值的一般步骤。

    Making use of identical deformation and Laplace 's theorem , we constructively give general steps calculating . eigenvalues of k-cyclic matrices , in this paper .

  14. 介绍了产生非离散非列紧Hausdorff空间的非构造性例子的问题。

    A non constructive example of Hausdorff topological space with non discreteness and non sequential compactness is discussed .

  15. 本文借助球面平均法和Hilbert空间算子理论,给出了平面上Radon变换的反演公式,此公式是具体的、构造性的,便于数值计算,或者进一步探讨重建图象的性质。

    In this paper , we constructively establish inversion formula of Radon transform in R2 by making use of spherical means and hilbert operator space .

  16. Lebesgue分解定理和Radon-Nikodym定理的构造性证明

    The constructive proofs of Lebesgue decomposition theorem and radon-nikodym theorem

  17. 构造性成本模型COCOMO成功地解决了传统软件开发过程及产品的成本估算问题。

    The Constructive Cost Model successfully estimated the cost of traditional software development .

  18. 整数标号的Brouwer不动点的构造性算法

    A Constructive Proof of Brouwer 's Fixed Point Theorem Based on Integer Labelling

  19. 基于massassignment理论,提出了两类层次模糊massassignment系统,并运用构造性证明过程证明了其全局逼近性质。

    In this paper , hierarchical mass-assignment fuzzy systems of two types are presented , based on mass assignment theory . It is constructively proved that hierarchical mass-assignment fuzzy systems of these two types are also universal approximators .

  20. 由于空间调度问题是一个NP-Hard问题,本文提出了以空间的利用率为首要目标,兼顾生产资源平衡利用与费用最小化的构造性启发式空间调度算法。

    Because the problem is NP-hard , a new constructional heuristic algorithm for space utilization , resource leveling and cost decrease is proposed .

  21. 本文给出弱Chebyshev空间的一个构造性定理,及其部分逆定理。

    This paper is to give a construction theorem of generating new weak Chebyshev spaces from standard ones and to establish a partial converes to it .

  22. 本文构造性地证明了ICBP与矢量量化网络的等价性。

    The equivalence between ICBP and VQ ( vector quantization ) networks is proved .

  23. 讨论了在前馈网络构造性设计中如何基于遗传编程(GP)实现神经元激活函数类型自动优化的问题。

    Aiming at typical feedforward neural networks ( FNN ), a constructive FNN designing algorithm with the auto-optimization of neuronal activation function types based on genetic programming ( GP ) is investigated .

  24. 该文将SVM中的核函数法与构造性学习的覆盖算法相融合,给出一种新的核覆盖算法。

    This paper defines the fusion of covering domains and provides a new machine learning method named kernel-covering algorithm , which combines the kernel function algorithm of SVM and spherical domain covering algorithm of constructive machine learning method .

  25. 分析了Kantorovich加权加强积分不等式,并运用演绎推理和构造性的方法,得到了一类Kantorovich离散型加权加强不等式。

    Through deductive inference and constructive method , the authors analyze the weighted and strengthened Kantorovich integral inequality and obtain the Kantorovich discrete inequality .

  26. 另外,对能检测的奇异系统给出了设计渐近观测器的构造性算法,还对一类奇异系统用时域方法设计了奇异渐近观测器,推广了2-D线性离散系统的分离性原理。

    The observer design procedures are also provided . One is on designing general asymptotic observer for detectable 2-D singular system , and another is on designing a class of full order asymptotic observer for 2-D singular systems .

  27. 用构造性的方法研究了素数阶循环圈的基本性质,得到若干Ramsey数的新的下界。

    The basic character of prime number order cycle graph was studied by the method of construction , and me new lower bounds about some Ramsey numbers were obtained .

  28. 利用线性方程组理论给出了Lagrange插值公式的一个构造性证明,得到了Vandermonde矩阵的逆矩阵的一种显式算法。

    A constructive proofs for Lagrange interpolation formula is given by means of linear equations system , and an explicit algorithm for the inverse matrix of the Vandermonde matrix is obtained .

  29. 建立了可分辨信号空间的概念,构造性地建立起该空间内函数的采样定理,由此将以Shannon采样定理为核心的信号处理方式纳入新的体系。

    This paper gives the concept of resolutive signal space and a constructive approach to the sampling theorem , which results in a new scheme of signal processing containing Shannon sampling theorem as a special case .

  30. 并针对一般的Halin图,构造性地提出了解决Halin图的点强全染色问题的有效染色法&逐圈染色法。

    Meanwhile , an effective coloring method on the vertex strong total coloring of Halin Graphs & the method of coloring cycles one by one is presented .