
  • 网络poloidal;polarity
  1. EAST极向场电源控制系统的数据采集系统

    Data Acquisition System of Poloidal Field Power Supply Control System of EAST

  2. 极向磁场(poloidalmagneticfield)的大小是磁约束装置的主要参数之一。

    Poloidal magnetic field ( PMF ) is one of the key roles of magnet-confining device .

  3. NET的托管服务,构建基于Web计算的极向场远程控制系统,为合作伙伴提供协同实验的应用平台。

    NET , is constructed as an application platform for participators in a collaborative experiment .

  4. 反射内存网在EAST极向场电源控制系统中的实现

    Realization of Reflective Memory Network in Poloidal Field Power Supply Control System of EAST

  5. 外加径向电场诱发的类H模及其极向粘滞电流

    H-mode like confinement induced by external radial electric field

  6. 模糊PID算法在极向场电源控制系统中的仿真

    The Simulation of Fuzzy-PID Arithmetic in PF Power Supply System

  7. EAST是一个全超导磁体系统的托卡马克实验装置,超导纵场和极向场磁体工作在4K温区下。

    The EAST is a tokamak with superconducting toroidal and poloidal magnets operating at 4 K.

  8. 双层膜极向Kerr效应的增强与其本征值之间的关系

    Relation between the intrinsic and enhanced Kerr rotation of bilayer films

  9. Linux下多线程并行处理在HT-7极向场控制系统的应用

    Application of Linux parallel computing based on multithreading in HT-7 poloidal field control system

  10. 极向Kerr效应对电子自旋交换劈裂的依赖性

    Dependence of polar Kerr effect on electron spin exchange splitting

  11. 托卡马克中极向静电天线的离子Bernstein波的耦合计算

    Ion Bernstein wave coupling for poloidal electrostatic antenna in Tokamak

  12. 由Er×B引起的等离子体整体的极向旋转在剪切层外沿着离子逆磁漂移方向,而在剪切层内则是沿着电子逆磁漂移方向的。

    The whole poloidal plasma rotation induced by E r × B is in ion / electron diamagnetic direction outside / inside the shear layer respectively .

  13. HAT应用于核聚变装置极向场电源控制系统中,取得了良好的效果。

    It is applied to a poloidal field power supply control system of nuclear fusion device , and achieves good effects .

  14. 介绍了将应用于EAST超导托卡马克装置的极向场电源失超保护控制系统的设计方案和技术要求。

    This paper introduces the design scheme and technical requirement of quench protection control system for the poloidal power supply , which will be used in the EAST Tokamak .

  15. EAST极向场电源是国家“九五”大科学工程EAST非圆截面大型超导托卡马克装置的子系统。

    The power-supply control system of poloidal field system is a sub-system in EAST ( Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak ), which is a National Mage-project of Science Research of China .

  16. HCN激光偏振干涉测量等离子体极向磁场

    Measuring Plasma Poloidal Magnetic Field by Using HCN Interferometer / Polarimeter

  17. HL-2A极向场线圈系统的优化设计

    Optimum design of the PF coil system on the HL-2A tokamak

  18. HL-1装置新极向场线圈及其对伏秒数特性的改善

    New poloidal field coil and improvement in volt-second characteristics of the HL-1 device

  19. 最后给了一种HT-7U极向场PF(Poloidalfield)线圈导体的设计结果。

    Finally , a set of the conductor parameters for HT-7U PF coil is given .

  20. 介绍了一种利用HCN激光器测量等离子体极向磁场的诊断方法。

    A diagnostic method for measuring plasma poloidal magnetic field has been reported .

  21. HT-7极向场多变量反馈控制的实时优化

    Real-time Optimization of the Multi-variable Feedback Control in the HT-7 Poloidal Field System

  22. HT-7U极向场电源实时分布式控制系统设计

    The Design of HT-7U PF Power Supply Distributed Real-time Control System

  23. 极向场线圈由于其运行条件的影响,系统参数具有时变、非线性、不确定等因素,常规PID算法难以满足较高精度的控制要求。

    The parameters of poloidal field power supply system are variable , nonlinear and uncertain for its work condition , and conventional PID controller is not good at high precision control .

  24. ITER极向场馈线系统冷屏初步设计

    Cold Mountain Bungee Jump Preliminary design of thermal shield for ITER poloidal field feeders system

  25. HT-7U极向场电源控制系统跨平台网络通信

    Network communication between differ flats for poloidal field power supply control system of HT-7U

  26. HT-7U极向场磁体线圈真空压力浸渍袋模工艺的研究

    Study on bag mold technique of vacuum pressure impregnation for HT-7U poloidal magnet coils

  27. HT-7U超导托卡马克极向场反馈控制系统

    Poloidal field control for the HT-7U Superconducting Tokamak

  28. 结果:培养的滑膜细胞具有成纤维细胞的形态和特征,呈长梭形极向生长,FCM检测VCAM-1表达率94%以上。

    Results : The cultured synovial cells were in a fibrocyte-like form with long fusiform shape and grew in the same direction .

  29. 向日极光弧则主要出现在子夜前后,子夜前比子夜后多,极向和天顶比赤道侧多。除向日极光弧外,其它形态的极光在中山站的出现情况与Kp指数相关。

    And except for the transpolar arcs , the appearance frequences of other three kinds of aurora are related with Kp index .

  30. HT-7U超导托卡马克装置极向场线圈的等效弹性常数及其残余刚度

    Equivalent Elastic Constants and the Residual Stiffness of Poloidal Field Coils For the HT-7U Superconducting Tokamak Device