
  1. 杭州湾湿地生物多样性及其保护

    Biodiversity and Conservation of Wetland of Hangzhou Bay

  2. 快速城市化地区湿地脆弱性评价&以杭州湾湿地为例

    Evaluation of Frangibility of Wetland in Rapidly Urbanized Areas : a Case Study of Hangzhou Bay Wetland

  3. 杭州湾湿地资源丰富,河流、湖泊、水库、养殖水面、滩涂等湿地类型多样,分布广泛。

    Hangzhou Bay wetland is rich in resources with various kinds of rivers , lakes , reservoirs and water surfaces for Breeding , beaches widely distributed .

  4. 杭州湾湿地是我国重要的河口型滨海湿地、对环杭州湾地区的资源、环境、经济的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。

    The Hangzhou-bay wetland is an important estuarine-coastal wetland , which plays a significant role in the sustainable development of resources , environment and economy in Hangzhou-bay area .

  5. 杭州湾滨海湿地现状与保护对策

    Current Situation and Conservation Countermeasures of Hangzhou-Bay Wetland

  6. 杭州湾滨海湿地植被群落演替及优势物种生理生态学特征

    Study on Plant Community Succession and Ecophysiology of Dominant Species in Hangzhou Bay Coastal Wetlands

  7. 上海地区长江口、杭州湾滩涂湿地利用和保护动态平衡的设想(上)

    Utilization of the Changjiang River Mouth and Hangzhou Bay 's Wetland and Dynamic Balance ( to be Continued )

  8. 浙江省环杭州湾产业带湿地时空动态

    Spatiotemporal changes of wetlands in Hangzhou Bay Industrial Belt