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  1. 崇高的美:论李瑛的西部诗歌

    Lofty Beauty : On the Western Poetry by Li Ying

  2. 李瑛重新焕发了青春诗性的灵性律动。

    Li Ying is leading a life radiating with youth and poetic sagacity .

  3. 究其原因,这是由于李瑛的诗性感悟与人格修养的一致性所决定的。

    This is indebted to the consistency between his poetic perception and personality .

  4. 李瑛是当代新诗史上有着独特艺术才情和个性的诗人。

    Li Ying is a poet owning unique artistic talent and personality in contemporary poetic history .

  5. 李瑛的写景诗,既与当下不少青年诗人客观化的场景的小叙事、冷抒情不同,也与前辈不少老诗人过度主观化景观的动辄就大叙事、热抒情有异。

    Li 's poems on natural scenery differ from both those of many young poets and of many an elder poet .

  6. 李瑛还写有不少国际题材的诗歌,友谊、和平,是此类题材共享的主题。

    Moreover , Li Ying has also touched upon international subject matters in his poems , the shared themes of which are friendship and peace .