
  1. 李林不是每天都听英语广播。

    Li Lin doesn 't listen to English on the radio every day .

  2. 李林病了所以他没去学校。

    Li Ling was ill so he did not go to school .

  3. 现在李林的状况正在逐渐改善,没有生命危险。

    Li 's situation is improving and is not considered life threatening .

  4. 我是李林,在一家超市工作。

    I 'm Li Lin.I work in a supermarket .

  5. 在检查过程中,医生们发现李林有细菌感染的症状。

    On examination , it was found that he had a bacterial infection .

  6. 李林比我拥有更多的书。

    Li Lin has many more books than I.

  7. 当被问及他们的球队是否打败过其他队,李林回道:“那当然!”

    Asked if their team had beaten others , Li said ," Of course !"

  8. 再加上外线有李林、孙杰这样优秀的三分投手。

    Coupled with the outside good three point shooter like Li Lin , Sun Jie .

  9. 原来是我一直都不愿忘记优客李林时代的林志炫。

    I realised that I was the one who refuse to accept the Terry Lin outside Ukulele .

  10. 在治疗过程中,李林每次都在背上同一个地方拔罐。

    During treatment , the man had the cups placed in exactly the same place every time .

  11. 沙尼特举办了首届科学航空会议,并出资支持路易·莫拉德和奥托·李林塔尔研究飞机。

    He organized the first scientific aeronautical conferences and financially supported pioneers like Louis Mouillard and Otto Lilienthal .

  12. 李林说道:“店员建议我坚持拔火罐一个月来治疗我的肩周炎。”

    He said : ' The clerk advised me to stick to cupping for a month to cure my frozen shoulder ' .

  13. 据李林表示,在疗程的最后10天里,他背上拔火罐的地方开始出现了水泡。

    Li said that during the last ten days , blisters began to form on his back from the locations the cups had been placed .

  14. 17岁的队长李林在几周前组建了这支球队,灵感正来源于周星驰的电影和南非世界杯。

    The team 's 17-year-old captain Li Lin started the team a few weeks ago , taking inspiration from Chow 's movie and the World Cup .

  15. 外科医生谢亮表示,当李林被送到急诊室时,他高烧达到了37.7度,背上完全肿了。

    Surgeon Xie Liang said that when Li was sent to the emergency room with a fever of 37.7 degrees and his back was completely swollen .

  16. 他们表示,幸好李林及时来到医院,否则任由病情继续拖延下去的话,有可能会恶化成为脓毒症。

    Doctors said that it was lucky that Li came to the hospital when he did as if he had continued then he would have developed sepsis .

  17. 李林最喜欢的球员是前英格兰队长大卫·贝克汉姆,他说:“我们一起在宿舍看世界杯比赛,还为球员的事争论不休。”

    Li , whose favorite player is Team England 's former captain David Beckham , said , " We watch the World Cup on TV in our dorms and debate about the players . "

  18. 我是在老大于2006年和优客李林时代的另一位词曲人兼老友詹兆源的合作专辑而决定再听他一次。我发现老大没走多远,他回来了。

    I started to listen to Terry again only after he made a album in2006 with his old pal , Zhang Zhao Yan from Ukulele days , and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he hasn 't changed , he came back .