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  1. 这些是李斌和马明的风筝。

    These are Li Bin 's and Ma Ming 's kites .

  2. 李斌:那么,这是谁的呢?

    LI BIN : Whose is it , then ?

  3. 李斌是这幅油画的作家。

    Li Bin is the creator of the paintings .

  4. 李斌没有去上学,他在家照顾他的弟弟。

    Li Bin doesn 't go to school , and he his brother at home .

  5. 李斌就住在潮白河流经的日照市潮河区。

    Li Bin lives in the Chaohe region of Rizhao where the Chaobai River flows through .

  6. 近日,慈利县渔泉村村民李斌一边卸下春播的化肥,一边喜滋滋地告诉记者。

    Recently , Cili County fishing village while the villagers Li Bin unloading of fertilizer in spring , while told reporters .

  7. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  8. 李斌律师工作室致力于为客户提供个性化、专业化、团队化的法律服务,以实现客户利益最大化。

    Li Bin Lawyers Work Team aims at offering unique legal services of teamwork and specification to maximize the benefits of clients .

  9. 在中国东部举行的会议上发表讲话时,中国人口与计划生育委员会主任李斌表示,中国面临巨大的挑战。

    Addressing a conference in eastern China , the head of the Population Planning Commission Li Bin said the country faced major changes .

  10. 而李斌自己,也一直在紧随剧组人员,在拍摄现场全程跟组指导。

    And for Li himself , he had been closely following the crew , being on site with the team full-time while filming .

  11. 不过李斌解释称,特斯拉是上一代电动汽车的产品,而蔚来汽车则代表的是新一代。

    However , Li explained that Tesla is a product of the last generation of electric vehicles , while NextEV represents the new generation .

  12. 巩义市法院审理后认为,被告人李斌结伙采取强制方法非法剥夺他人人身自由,其行为已构成非法拘禁罪。

    Gongyi Municipal Court hearing that the defendant Bin gang enforcement approach to illegal deprivation of liberty , his acts constituted the crime of illegal detention .

  13. 国家卫生健康委员会副主任李斌表示,在冬春季中,中国很可能会出现局部零星或聚集性疫情。

    National Health Commission deputy director Li Bin says China is likely to see sporadic outbreaks of scattered or cluster infections in the winter and spring .

  14. 在与北京时报的交谈中,李斌表示在拍摄芈姝和秦王婚礼场景时,他付出了大量的努力。

    While speaking to Beijing Times , Li said he put a lot of effort in filming the wedding scene between Mi Shu and Emperor Qin .

  15. 因为他们几个人让电玩城一直亏损,李斌怀疑张明几人从中做了手脚套电玩城的钱。

    Because the city has been a few people for game loss , Bin Zhang a few people suspected tampered sets video game from the city money .

  16. 据蔚来汽车的首席执行官李斌表示,该公司将与中国其他的汽车制造商合作生产,而不是建设新工厂。

    According to Li Bin , CEO of NextEV , the company will cooperate with other carmakers in China for production , rather than building new factories .

  17. 李斌律师工作室有多年的法律服务经验,深知普通老百姓在权利受到侵犯时的需要。

    Li Bin Lawyers Work Team has rich experiences of legal services and deeply understands the importance of legal services needed for common people whose rights and interests are infringed upon .

  18. 因为张明之前在电玩城赢的钱没有清完,李斌就以此为借口让张明到电玩城来。

    Zhang city because in the video game before there is no clear end to win the money , Bin Zhang on this as an excuse to allow the city to gaming .

  19. 李斌律师有多年企业工作经历,尤长于债权清收、合同纠纷和公司法律事务处理。

    In addition , Lawyer Li Bin ever worked in a corporation for many years , and is familiar with the recovery of creditors'rights and the settlement of contract disputes and corporation legal affairs .

  20. 李斌是另一部宫廷剧《甄嬛传》礼仪指导张晓龙的弟子。张晓龙在北京中央戏剧学院教授古代礼仪,李斌作为他的学生,对中国古代的礼仪也是了如指掌,张口即来。

    As the disciple of Zhang Xiaolong , the etiquette consultant of another costume phenomenon ( The Legend of Zhenhuan ) , Li is no less professional in being precise with the ABCs of ancient Chinese etiquette as his master has taught him at The Central Academy of Drama in Beijing .