
  1. 包括多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)教授、儿童问题研究所(InstituteofChildStudy)负责人李强(KangLee)所作的研究在内,众多研究表明,说谎标志着正常的成熟。

    What has become clear from studies including the work of Kang Lee , a professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Institute of Child Study , is that lying is a sign of normal maturation .

  2. 李强等在已知三个型值点时,通过直接给出控制顶点和权因子的方法得到用二次NURBS精确表示圆弧的方法,但只给出圆弧的圆心角小于π的情况。

    An approach of representing circular arcs with NURBS of degree two was given by others , but it was based on the hypothesis that the arc angle is less than n.

  3. (很高兴见到你,李强,我是马克。)

    Nice to meet you , Li qiang , I am Mark .

  4. 但对于我而言,这些都属于私人问题。李强说。

    But for me , these questions are personal , said Li .

  5. 但问题是,李强过于害羞,不愿参与角色扮演。

    The problem was Li was too shy to join the play .

  6. 23岁的李强是本次相声大会的组织者。

    Li , 23 , is the organizer of the cross talk convention .

  7. 在刘明的帮助下,李强解出了那道物理题。

    Li Qiang solved that physics problem with the help of Liu Ming .

  8. 我碰到一个叫李强的男孩。

    I met a boy named Li Qiang .

  9. 即便是青少年和成年人在类似的情况下也受到了引诱,李强说。

    Even adolescents and adults are tempted in similar situations , says Dr. Lee .

  10. 这个女孩是李强的妹妹。

    The girl is Li Qiang 's sister .

  11. 拥有赢的激情,你就能克服困难,最终取得成功!(编译:李强)

    With a passion to win , you will overcome obstacles and succeed at the end .

  12. 李强惊讶的不敢相信,看着傅山就像在看怪物。

    Li Qiang surprised not believe , watching the Fu Shan is like watching a monster .

  13. 嗨!我想我以前没在这里见过你,我是李强。

    Hi ! I don 't think I 've seen you here before . I 'm Lee Qiang .

  14. 李强调,高科技产业是城市的第一经济增长点。

    Li emphasized the importance of the high-tech industry , the No.1 economic growth point of the city .

  15. 比起郭德纲的相声,他们更喜欢周立波的脱口秀。李强说道。

    They prefer the talk show of Zhou Libo to the cross talk of Guo Degang , Li says .

  16. 为此,记者采访了清华大学人文社会科学院副院长李强教授。

    For this , the reporter covered Tsinghua college assistant dean of humanitarian society academy of sciences Professor Li Jiang .

  17. 李强现在实在是灰心丧气了,只想有多远走多远,离开这个让他伤心愤怒的地方。

    Li Qiang , it is discouraged now , just how to move much farther , he left this sad angry place .

  18. 尽管李强相信他们的演出会大获成功,但是他并没想到他们的表演会如此受到学生的欢迎。

    Though Li was confident their performance would be a success , he didn 't expect it would be so welcomed by students .

  19. 李强觉得自己很白痴,好歹也是大学毕业,获得学士学位的人,怎么会听不明白傅山的话。

    Li Qiang feel very idiot , someway also university graduates , obtain the degree , how would not understand the Fu Shan .

  20. 晚上,李丹、李强还有我三个人一起吃饭,又吃了个火锅。

    In the evening , Li Dan , Li Qiang , I have three people together to eat , and eat a hot pot .

  21. 20岁的陕西科技大学学生李强(音译)在课上被要求参与角色扮演。

    Li Qiang , 20 , a student from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology , was asked to join a role play in class .

  22. 转念间李强又激动起来,这个傅山是从外星来的,他肯定要带我出地球。

    Switch majors between Li Qiang , and moved up from the Fu Shan to the extraterrestrial , he certainly wants to bring me up the Earth .

  23. 从北方的天津到南方的深圳,其他中国城市也想设立自贸区。李强认为,这一发展趋势可能会激发出改革试验的火花。

    Other Chinese cities from Tianjin in the north to Shenzhen in the south also want to establish FTZs , a development that Mr Li believes could spark experiments with reforms .

  24. 穿着衬衫西服的李强(音译)和孙敦宇(音译)看上去一点儿都不像相声演员,但他们所讲的段子却常常能引得观众哄堂大笑。

    Wearing shirts and suits , Li Qiang and Sun Dunyu look nothing like cross talk performers . But the audiences often have a good laugh over the jokes they tell .

  25. 吓了一跳的李强首先感觉不一样的是视力,极远的山脉清晰可见,看天空中翱翔的雄鹰更是翎羽毕现。

    Shocked by Li Qiang , the first impression is not the same vision , is a far mountain clearly visible , look at the sky soaring eagle Neptune is now complete .

  26. 李强吃惊地看着傅山,只见他身体慢慢地冒出金光,双手捧着一团紫光,人也慢慢地飘离地面,样子非常神圣。

    Li Qiang Fu Shan surprised to see , I saw his body slowly emerged in golden light , his hands carrying a group Ziguangge , also slowly Piaochi ground and looks very sacred .

  27. 李强的搭档、就读于南京师范大学法学院的孙敦宇表示,另一类颇受学生喜欢的笑料是从那些被忽略的校园日常生活中提取而成的。

    According to Sun Dunyu , a law major at Nanjing Normal University who is also Li 's cross talk partner , another type of humor students enjoy is based on common but often ignored scenes in student life .

  28. 李强心中只有一个念头:“不知道他是上帝还是大仙,可以肯定他不是人,我交友无数其中居然还有这样的朋友,真是奇怪。”

    Li Qiang , there is only one thought : " I do not know that he is God or Tai Sin , he is not sure , I make friends with countless Who would have such a friend , really strange . "