
  1. 祝李娜能带动中国的股市上升,John。

    May Li Na bring power to support the Chinese stock market . John .

  2. 为了在商业领域进一步发展,李娜目前在她居住的北京一所大学攻读MBA。

    Li is bolstering her own business bona fides by studying for an M.B.A. at a university in Beijing , where she now lives .

  3. 在2011年和2012年,李娜都败给了目前已经退役的克莱斯特斯(KimClijsters)。

    In both 2011 and 2012 , Li fell to the now-retired Kim Clijsters .

  4. 耐克(Nike)在上海的亚洲总部以她的名字命名,还在中国市场推出了李娜系列。

    Nike , whose Asian headquarters in Shanghai are named after her , has introduced a Li Na collection in China .

  5. 李娜曾有一个不可能实现的梦想,但她想办法把它变成了现实。我们制作(WePictures)公司负责人,中国知名导演陈可辛在一份声明中如是说。

    Li Na had an impossible dream and found a way to turn it into a reality , renowned Chinese filmmaker Peter Ho-Sun Chan head of We Pictures , said in a statement .

  6. 耐克还与三名在全球取得成功的中国体育明星签约,他们是跨栏运动员刘翔、网球冠军李娜和美职篮(NBA)球星姚明。

    Nike also signed three of China 's globally successful sports stars : hurdler Liu Xiang , tennis champion Li Na and NBA star Yao Ming .

  7. 在将于周三举行的第二轮比赛中,此次美网女单比赛的九号种子选手李娜将迎战澳大利亚左手握拍的选手德拉奎亚(CaseyDellacqua)。

    In the second round on Wednesday , ninth seed Li will face Australian left-hander Casey Dellacqua .

  8. CNN主播娜塔莉·艾伦:中国的李娜是周六法国网球公开赛女单决赛的赢家,成为首位夺下大满贯赛单打冠军的亚洲选手。

    NATALIE ALLEN , CNN ANCHOR : China 's Li Na is the winner of Saturday 's French player to clinch a grand-slam singles title .

  9. 如果李娜周二有时间,她将观看同胞吴迪在第一轮比赛中对阵克罗地亚的多迪格(IvanDodig)。

    If Li has time on Tuesday , she 'll watch compatriot Wu Di play his first round match against Croatia 's Ivan Dodig .

  10. 埃森巴德是国际管理集团(IMG)网球分部的副总裁,自2009年李娜签约该公司后成为她的经纪人。

    Eisenbud , vice-president of International Management Group 's tennis division , began grooming Li for stardom since IMG signed her in 2009 .

  11. 上周末,陈可辛的电影公司“我们制作”(WePictures)宣布,他将导演又一部中国内地主题的新电影:网球明星李娜,她是迄今唯一的一位来自亚洲的大满贯单打冠军。

    Last weekend , Mr. Chan 's We Pictures company announced that he would be directing a new film about another mainland Chinese subject : the tennis star Li Na , the only Grand Slam singles champion ever to come from Asia .

  12. 在悉尼举行的WTA公开赛上输给了比利时的克立杰斯特之后,这次是李娜今年以来获得的第二个半决赛权。

    This is Li 's second semi-final this year after she lost in the last four to Belgian KimClijsters at the WTA Sydney tournament .

  13. 30岁的李娜来自中国中部省份湖北,在2011年成为第一位赢得大满贯(GrandSlam)单打冠军的亚洲网球选手,在参加奥运会的中国网球明星中,她是最富有的一位。

    The 30-year-old from the central province of Hubei became the first Asian-born tennis player to win a singles Grand Slam championship in 2011 and will be China 's wealthiest tennis star to hit the Olympic courts .

  14. 六号种子选手李娜在一小时18分钟内以6-1、6-3的比分战胜哈萨克斯坦选手卡拉坦切娃(SesilKaratantcheva),已经踏上夺取澳网公开赛(AustralianOpen)冠军的征程。

    Sixth seed Li Na has begun her quest to finally clinch the Australian Open , an event where she has flourished but never taken the top spot , with a 6-1 , 6-3 win over Kazakhstan 's Sesil Karatantcheva in one hour and 18 minutes .

  15. 如今,33岁的李娜在她的职业生涯中共获得了9次女子职业网球巡回赛(WTATour)的冠军,在2011年法网公开赛、2014年澳网公开赛中夺冠是她职业生涯的巅峰。

    Now aged 33 , Li won nine WTA Tour titles during her career , the high points of which were her triumphs at the French Open in 2011 and the 2014 Australian Open .

  16. 李娜在美网比赛中的最好成绩是在2009年取得的,当时她在四分之一决赛中败给了持外卡参赛的克里斯特尔斯(KimClijsters),后者在这届美网比赛中最终获得冠军。

    His new charge 's best performance at Flushing Meadows was in 2009 when she fell in the quarterfinals to wildcard and eventual champion Kim Clijsters .

  17. 她出乎所有人的意料,李娜的经纪人马克斯·艾森巴德(MaxEisenbud)上周五说,因为对于中国运动员是什么样的、应该怎么样,后者看起来应该如何,大家抱着一套成见。

    She surprised people , her agent Max Eisenbud said Friday , because everybody has this stigma of what a Chinese athlete is or should be or should look like .

  18. 网球运动管理中心将寄希望于李娜的新教练罗德里格斯(CarlosRodriguez)来增强她的心理素质。这位教练曾指导海宁(JustineHenin)获得了七次大满贯冠军。

    Chinese Tennis Association will be hoping Li 's mental strength can be buoyed by her new coach Carlos Rodriguez , who guided Justine Henin to seven Grand Slams .

  19. 打入青少年女子组第三轮的郑钦文的教练是曾经担任李娜和贾斯汀·海宁(JustineHenin)教练的阿根廷人卡洛斯·罗德里格兹(CarlosRodriguez)。

    Zheng Qinwen , who reached the third round of the girls " draw , is coached by the Argentine Carlos Rodriguez , who formerly coached Li and Justine Henin .

  20. 比赛结束后,李娜回到中国南方城市江门。在江门,李娜每天都要在室外练习场训练好几个小时。训练结束后,她飞赴珀斯参加霍普曼杯(HopmanCup)比赛。

    Li then went to Jiangmen in the south of China , where she put in hours on outdoor practice courts , before jetting off to Perth for the Hopman Cup .

  21. CNN主播/特派员凯特·吉尔斯:回到家乡,她是头条新闻人物。李娜说,如果她可以自己头条标题,标题会是“梦想成真”。

    KATE GILES , CNN ANCHOR / CORRESPONDENT : Back at home she 's front-page material , and Li Na says if she could write the headline herself , it would read , " Dreams come true . "

  22. 耐克(Nike)、Visa和哈根达斯(Haagen-Daaz)跟李娜签下不少代言协议。据《福布斯》(Forbs)杂志编制的数据,这使她成了收入最高的女性运动员之一。

    Companies such as Nike , Visa , and Haagen-Daaz , have been showering Ms. Li with endorsement deals , making her one of the highest-paid female athletes , according to data compiled by Forbes magazine .

  23. 李娜表示,今年早些时候输掉Aegon国际赛之后,她确实对继续自己的职业生涯存在一些疑问。

    Li confirmed she had some doubts earlier this year about continuing her career after losing at the Aegon International tournament in the lead-up to Wimbledon .

  24. 李娜将在第二轮比赛中对阵白俄罗斯的加沃尔索娃(OlgaGovortsova)。现年24岁的加沃尔索娃世界排名第58位,三盘比赛就打败了法国的帕门蒂尔(PaulineParmentier)。

    Li faces Belarusian Olga Govortsova in the second round after the 24 year-old , ranked No.58 in the world , took three sets to overcome France 's Pauline Parmentier .

  25. 这是李娜网球生涯中第一次在WTA一级赛事印第安韦尔斯网球赛中闯入半决赛。在半决赛中她将迎战斯洛伐克的丹尼拉和以色列的沙哈之间的获胜者。

    Li moves to the Indian Wells semi-finals for the first time in her career where she willface the winner of a match between Slovakia 's Daniela Hantuchova and Shahar Peer of Israel .

  26. 冯珊珊对女子职业高尔夫球协会(LPGA)说,就她自己而言,她希望能像网球冠军李娜那样,以自己的成功鼓舞中国年轻的高尔夫运动员。

    For her part , Feng told the LPGA she hopes that her success can help to inspire young golfers in Chinathe way tennis champion Li Na has .

  27. 周一,女子网球选手中排名世界第八的李娜战胜了英国选手沃森(HeatherWatson),三年来首次在美国网球公开赛中成功晋级第二轮。两局的比分为6比2和6比3,比赛一度因大雨中断。

    China 's Li Na , the world 's 8th-ranked women 's tennis player , posted her first win in New York City in three years on Monday with a 6-2 , 6-3 rain-delayed victory over Great Britain 's Heather Watson .

  28. 这些年离开赛场的中国世界级体育选手中,刘翔是距今最近的一位。2011年前NBA中锋姚明退役。去年9月,中国首位网球大满贯得主李娜也宣布挂拍。

    Liu 's retirement makes him the latest world class Chinese athlete to sign off from competition in recent years , after the country 's first grand slam tennis champion Li Na retired in September and former NBA basketball centre Yao Ming walked away from the sport in 2011 .

  29. 她上次输给威廉姆斯是在今年的迈阿密站决赛中,身为头两号种子的二人上演了巅峰对决。李娜当时的教练卡洛斯·罗德里格斯(CarlosRodriguez)赛后对她进行了又一番鼓励。

    When Li lost to her for the last time in this year 's Miami final in a summit meeting between No. 1 and No. 2 , Carlos Rodriguez , Li 's coach at that time , gave her another pep talk .

  30. 由于世界排名第三的李娜因膝伤退出本届美网,彭帅进入了公众的视野,并在比赛中势如破竹。在周二的四分之一决赛中,她以6-2,6-1的成绩将瑞士小将贝琳达·本西奇(BelindaBencic)横扫出局。

    But with the third-ranked Li missing the tournament with a knee injury , Peng has leapt into the spotlight and soared through the draw , ousting the Swiss teenager Belinda Bencic in the quarterfinals Tuesday , 6-2 , 6-1 .