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  1. 黄河中游水土保持委员会(yellowriverconservancycommission)秘书长李国英表示,新规定的出台将使黄河的管理责任更加明确。

    Responsibility for river management would now be much clearer , said Li Guoying , head of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission .

  2. 李国英表示,黄河中游水土保持委员会将积极敦促工业用水客户改善灌溉水渠状况,将节约下来的水供它们使用,以此作为激励。

    Mr Li said the River Commission would seek to have industrial customers improve irrigation channels , with the incentive that the water saved would be made available for their use .

  3. 在这些条例出台之前,我们没有充分执行责任制,李国英表示,同时他补充说,黄河中游水土保持委员会现在能更加得力地分配水权并采取干旱应对措施。

    Before these regulations , we lacked adequate implementation of a responsibility system , Mr Li said , adding that the commission would now be better able to allocate water rights and respond to droughts .